Launch of Research Report 20 September 2018
September 20 2018, 11:49am

DFI welcomes the launch of the report by Dr Maria Pierce, Sophia Kilcullen and Dr Mel Duffy in DCU, The Situation of Younger People with Disabilities living in Nursing Homes in Ireland – Phase 1, today, the 20th September 2018. The research explores the situation for 48 younger people with disabilities referred to nursing homes, in the east of the country. We wish to sincerely thank Minister Finian McGrath for his attendance at the launch and for his interest and commitment to resolving this issue.
- John Dolan, CEO, DFI said, ‘The voices of many of the estimated 1500 people who are aged under 65 years living in nursing homes have not been heard. Many of these people need and should be transferred to more appropriate housing situations accompanied by the relevant health and social care supports.’
The research is based on an analysis of 48 CSAR forms, i.e. the Common Summary Assessment Report, the form that accompanies an application for the NHSS, the ‘Fair Deal’. The findings of the research show that there are a range of factors contributing to younger people with disabilities being placed in nursing homes.
The central aim of government policy is to support people with disabilities live ordinary lives in ordinary places. Ireland has now ratified the UN CRPD, and the equal rights of people with disabilities to live independently and be in the community is enshrined in Article 19 of the Convention.
- Dr Maria Pierce, author of the report, commented that, ‘the government must support efforts to reduce the number of younger people with disabilities living in nursing homes. This could be done in a number of ways, including transformation of the care assessment and planning process, developing other models of care and providing at-home services. There also needs to be a review of the funding arrangements so that funding follows the person and not the place.’
Copies of the short and long version can be found by clicking here: