DFI National Health Committees Representation DFI Representation on National Health Committees
Issued on October 7 2022
DFI Health National Committee Representation
Updated on 07 October 2022
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Department of Health, DoH
- Department of Health National Disability Inclusion Strategy, NDIS Disability Consultative Committee DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI. Member organisation nomination pending.
- Department of Health Community and Voluntary Pillar Bilateral DFI Representatives: Emer Begley DFI, Cathy McGrath, DFI.
- National Ability Support System Committee, NASS – Activity Design and Optimisation Group for Disability Services DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI Member organisation nomination pending.
- Dialogue Forum with Voluntary Organisations DFI Representative: Fran Brennan, Polio Survivors Ireland, Allen Dunne, DFI
Department of Health Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, DCEDIY
- Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Community and Voluntary Pillar Bilateral. DFI Representatives: Emer Begley DFI, Cathy McGrath, DFI.
Specialist Community-Based Disability Services, SCBDS
- National Consultative Committee DFI representative: Cathy McGrath, Emer Begley DFI.
- Time to Move on From Congregated Settings Working Group DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI. Member organisation nomination pending.
- Under 65’s in Nursing Homes Expert Advisory Group: DFI Representative: Tony Cunnigham, Irish Wheelchair Association, IWA.
- New Directions National Implementation Working Group. DFI Representative: Angela Regan, Western Care Association. DFI Alternate: Anne Keenan, St.Catherines Association.
- Person Centred Planning, PCP Framework Implementation Group (Sub Group to the New Directions National Implementation Advisory Group). DFI Representative: Anne Keenan, St.Catherines Association.
- Working Group to establish MDT needs of adults in receipt of disability day services. DFI Representative: Sonya Gallagher, Headway Ireland.
- Home Sharing Working Group (sub group to HSE/Tusla Oversight Group)
- HSE Autism Spectrum Disorder Awareness and Communications Working Group DFI Representative: Tara Matthews, Irish Society for Autism.
Specialist Community-Based Disability Services, SCBDS cnt
- National Disability ICT Board DFI Representative: pending nomination.
- Community Services – Disability Services Guiding Principles Steering Group. DFI Representative: Melba Mary Vilson, Enable Ireland
- Children’s Disability Network Team Information Management System, CDNTIMS National Project Oversight Group. DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI. Member organisation nomination pending.
- Children’s Disability Network Team Information Management System, CDNTIMS National Project Team. DFI Representative: Aideen Shinners, St. Gabriel’s Foundation
Quality and Standards
- HIQA Provider Forum. DFI Representatives: Cathy McGrath, DFI, Eileen Costello, Ability West DFI Alternate: Member organisation nomination pending.
- HIQA Children’s Reference Group. DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI. Member organisation nomination pending.
- National Safeguarding Advisory Committee. DFI Representative: Niall Myers, Cheshire Ireland
- HSE National Safeguarding Reference Group. DFI Representative: Daragh Kennedy, Irish Wheelchair Association, IWA
- Disabilities and Older Persons Children First Committee DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI. Member organisation nomination pending.
- Working Group to support development of a Train the Trainer programme for services that do not have facilitation skills capacity so that they can become self-sufficient in delivery of the Mandated Persons Training Programme (Sub Group). DFI Representative: Maura Walsh, St.Gabriels Foundation
- HSE Assisted Decision-Making Divisional Teams Disability Reference Group. DFI Representatives: Tara Matthews, Irish Society for Autism, Gary Brennan, Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of Ireland.
- National Patient and Service User Forum. DFI Representative: Deirdre Callis, Debra Ireland. DFI Alternate Representative: Gina Gahen, Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland, SBHI.
- Development of accessible medical information - Working Group. DFI Representative: Lina Kouzi, The National Council for the Blind of Ireland, NCBI.
- Disability Services (residential) Guiding Principles Group *Short Term Melba Mary Vilson, Enable Ireland.
- Medication Management Framework Short-Term Working Group. DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI. Member organisation nomination pending.
National Clinical Programme for People with a Disability, NCPPD
- National Clinical Programme for People with a Disability, NCPPD Disability Advisory Group. DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI.
- Digital and Assistive Technology Working Group. DFI Representative: Simon Hall, Central Remedial Clinic, CRC.
- Disability Clinical Programme Nursing Committee. DFI Representative: Carmel Byrne, Enable Ireland.
- Specialised Supports and Services to Children Disability Network Teams.
- Steering committee for the EQUIP project (Examining Quality, Use and Impact of Psychotropic (use) in older adults with intellectual disabilities) DFI Representative: Joona Gordanson, RehabCare.
This is a live document, regularly updated. Contact Cathy McGrath on 086 3847 440 / cathymcgrath@disability-federation.ie for further information.