DFI National Health Committees Representation DFI Representation on National Health Committees

Issued on October 7 2022

DFI National Health Committees Representation

DFI Health National Committee Representation

Updated on 07 October 2022

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Department of Health, DoH

  1. Department of Health National Disability Inclusion Strategy, NDIS Disability Consultative Committee DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI. Member organisation nomination pending.
  2. Department of Health Community and Voluntary Pillar Bilateral DFI Representatives: Emer Begley DFI, Cathy McGrath, DFI.
  3. National Ability Support System Committee, NASS – Activity Design and Optimisation Group for Disability Services DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI Member organisation nomination pending.
  4. Dialogue Forum with Voluntary Organisations DFI Representative: Fran Brennan, Polio Survivors Ireland, Allen Dunne, DFI

Department of Health Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, DCEDIY

  1. Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Community and Voluntary Pillar Bilateral. DFI Representatives: Emer Begley DFI, Cathy McGrath, DFI.

Specialist Community-Based Disability Services, SCBDS

  1. National Consultative Committee DFI representative: Cathy McGrath, Emer Begley DFI.
  2. Time to Move on From Congregated Settings Working Group DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI. Member organisation nomination pending.
  3. Under 65’s in Nursing Homes Expert Advisory Group: DFI Representative: Tony Cunnigham, Irish Wheelchair Association, IWA.
  4. New Directions National Implementation Working Group. DFI Representative: Angela Regan, Western Care Association. DFI Alternate: Anne Keenan, St.Catherines Association.
  5. Person Centred Planning, PCP Framework Implementation Group (Sub Group to the New Directions National Implementation Advisory Group). DFI Representative: Anne Keenan, St.Catherines Association.
  6. Working Group to establish MDT needs of adults in receipt of disability day services. DFI Representative: Sonya Gallagher, Headway Ireland.
  7. Home Sharing Working Group (sub group to HSE/Tusla Oversight Group)
  8. HSE Autism Spectrum Disorder Awareness and Communications Working Group DFI Representative: Tara Matthews, Irish Society for Autism.

Specialist Community-Based Disability Services, SCBDS cnt

  1. National Disability ICT Board DFI Representative: pending nomination.
  2. Community Services – Disability Services Guiding Principles Steering Group. DFI Representative: Melba Mary Vilson, Enable Ireland
  3. Children’s Disability Network Team Information Management System, CDNTIMS National Project Oversight Group. DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI. Member organisation nomination pending.
  4. Children’s Disability Network Team Information Management System, CDNTIMS National Project Team. DFI Representative: Aideen Shinners, St. Gabriel’s Foundation

Quality and Standards

  1. HIQA Provider Forum. DFI Representatives: Cathy McGrath, DFI, Eileen Costello, Ability West DFI Alternate: Member organisation nomination pending.
  2. HIQA Children’s Reference Group. DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI. Member organisation nomination pending.
  3. National Safeguarding Advisory Committee. DFI Representative: Niall Myers, Cheshire Ireland
  4. HSE National Safeguarding Reference Group. DFI Representative: Daragh Kennedy, Irish Wheelchair Association, IWA
  5. Disabilities and Older Persons Children First Committee DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI. Member organisation nomination pending.
  6. Working Group to support development of a Train the Trainer programme for services that do not have facilitation skills capacity so that they can become self-sufficient in delivery of the Mandated Persons Training Programme (Sub Group). DFI Representative: Maura Walsh, St.Gabriels Foundation
  7. HSE Assisted Decision-Making Divisional Teams Disability Reference Group. DFI Representatives: Tara Matthews, Irish Society for Autism, Gary Brennan, Prader-Willi Syndrome Association of Ireland.
  8. National Patient and Service User Forum. DFI Representative: Deirdre Callis, Debra Ireland. DFI Alternate Representative: Gina Gahen, Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland, SBHI.
  9. Development of accessible medical information - Working Group. DFI Representative: Lina Kouzi, The National Council for the Blind of Ireland, NCBI.
  10. Disability Services (residential) Guiding Principles Group *Short Term Melba Mary Vilson, Enable Ireland.
  11. Medication Management Framework Short-Term Working Group. DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI. Member organisation nomination pending.

  National Clinical Programme for People with a Disability, NCPPD

  1. National Clinical Programme for People with a Disability, NCPPD Disability Advisory Group. DFI Representative: Cathy McGrath, DFI.
  2. Digital and Assistive Technology Working Group. DFI Representative: Simon Hall, Central Remedial Clinic, CRC.
  3. Disability Clinical Programme Nursing Committee. DFI Representative: Carmel Byrne, Enable Ireland.
  4. Specialised Supports and Services to Children Disability Network Teams.
  5. Steering committee for the EQUIP project (Examining Quality, Use and Impact of Psychotropic (use) in older adults with intellectual disabilities) DFI Representative: Joona Gordanson, RehabCare.

This is a live document, regularly updated. Contact Cathy McGrath on 086 3847 440 / cathymcgrath@disability-federation.ie for further information.