FreedomTech is a partnership between Enable Ireland and the Disability Federation of Ireland. We share a vision that Assistive and Accessible Technologies have great potential to unlock many possibilities for people with disabilities and older people.
FreedomTech strives to influence the development of a co-ordinated national model of assistive technology delivery that is fit for purpose in Ireland. We work to impact policy makers’ understanding and commitment to addressing the needs of individuals to find technological solutions to daily living challenges.
FreedomTech hosts a cross disciplinary community called CHAT (Community Hub for Assistive Technology (insert hyperlink to page on CHAT)) for all stakeholders to come together to co-create new opportunities for collaboration and learning. The aim of CHAT is to increase capacity and expertise both amongst people with disabilities and older people as well as raise capacity and awareness amongst professionals, academics and developers.
“The freedom that assistive technology gives is that it allows you to be in society, be part of the community…assistive technology allows me to grow as a person, expand personal and social horizons” (Don Bailey 2017).