Issued on February 14 2025
Region: Mid West[i]
- 21.18% of the population of this region, or 91,612 people, have at least one disability, while 34,974 experience disability to a great extent.
- 44,565 males and 47,047 females of this region have at least one disability.
Age Breakdown
- 12,867 people of this region aged 0-19 years have a disability.
- 48,027 people of this region aged 20-64 years have a disability.
- 30,718 people of this region over 65 have a disability.
Type of Disability
- 30,768 people in this region have difficulty with basic physical activities.
- 20,730 people in this region have a psychological or emotional condition or a mental health issue.
- 10,783 people in this region have blindness or a vision impairment.
- 21,670 people in this region have Deafness or a hearing impairment.
- 25,322 people in this region have difficulty with learning, remembering, or concentrating.
- 19,261 people in this region have an intellectual disability.
Education Level Obtained[ii][iii]
- 4% of people with disabilities have no formal education compared to 1.83% of the general population.
- 13% of people with disabilities did not progress beyond primary education compared to 6.30% of the general population.
- 33% of people with disabilities had completed upper secondary compared to 27.53% of the general population.
- 16% of people with disabilities had completed further education compared to 15.94% of the general population.
- 18% of people with disabilities had completed higher level education compared to 24.71% of the general population.
- 8% of people with disabilities are still in education compared to 11.69% of the general population.
Labour Participation[iv]
- 31.30% of all people with disabilities and 14.92% of people with disability to a great extent over 15 are at work, compared to 53.93% of the general population.
[i] All statistics based on Census 2022,
[ii] Further education includes vocational/technical certificate and advanced certificate/completed apprenticeship, higher education includes Higher Certificate, Ordinary/Honours Bachelor, Postgraduate Diploma/Degree, and Doctorate. Data based on special tabulation from CSO.
[iii] % of all adults, both ceased and not ceased their education. Adults who did not indicate whether they had ceased education are not shown.
[iv] These numbers represent every individual over 15, including those in education, those over 65 and people retired. Due to changes in the census questions, the data from Census 2022 is not comparable to data from previous censuses.