Who's who in DFI


DFI employs 22 (18.9 whole time equivalent) staff around the country.

DFI pay scales were historically created having regard to scales in civil or public service organisations, as we are a public benefit organisation, while being conscious that we are an independent voluntary organisation with a relatively small staff complement. However since 2014 DFI has no longer been able to maintain alignment with these pay scales. Increments have also been frozen since 2014. Furthermore all posts created since then have been offered a fixed amount. 

Pay is by far the highest cost area in the organisation as our work is involved in providing services and supports through staff. DFI is currently working to introduce a sustainable and equitable renumeration.

We have a defined contribution pension scheme which is therefore not similar to public service bodies.

Salary scales were historically based on public service grades 3,4,5,6,7 and 8 with the CEO salary based on Principal Officer Higher scale. The CEO salary is currently at €120,382pa. 

Board of Directors

The business of DFI is managed by a Board of Directors. The Board’s role is to provide a high degree of oversight to important decisions.

Company Members

The role of the Company Member is to be the decision maker in shaping the policy of DFI. These people are selected by DFI’s Nominating Bodies.