Protecting Customers in the upcoming Deregulation of the Electricity Market
January 27 2011, 04:02pm
Launch of a consultation process
Over the coming months, the Energy market will be deregulated, this means that customers which means that customers will have greater choice in who they receive their electricity from. The Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) has launched a consultation on the provisions that electricity suppliers must make for customers once the electricity market opens up for competition. They want to know more from the public about how they would like information on their choice to switch service providers if they choose to switch from their current service provider to another service provider.
The consultation asks questions about a customer education campaign, how to compare prices, communication with customers, including those with access requirements as well as those who might be vulnerable to being disconnected. If you, or someone you work with is older, is a carer or has a disability, and you or they have something to contribute to this consultation, please feel free to respond directly to CER or you can contact Joan O’Donnell at DFI and input your comment for an overall submission that the Disability Stakeholders Group (DSG) is drawing up.
Contact: Joan O’Donnell, Disability Federation of Ireland, 8 Fumbally Court, Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8, Tel: 01 4250122, email:
The deadline for all submissions to CER is Friday 4th February 2011.