Census 2011 - Information on Accessibility, Plain English and Carers
March 24 2011, 10:02am
10th April 2011 - Make your Mark
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) in working with other organisations, have put in place some arrangements to assist with accessibility issues and barriers that may exist when individuals are filling out the census form on Sunday 10th April. A helpdesk is available from the 6th April and details will be available on the CSO Census website here: www.census.ie/
For people who are blind or have a visual impairment, the CSO have a choice of materials to assist in completing the census form. For people with hearing impairment, please let your enumerator know when they call or contact the census helpdesk (details below).
Plain English Guide
CSO also have developed, in conjunction with the National Adult Literacy Association (NALA), a plain English ‘Step by Step Guide to Filling in the Census 2011 Form which is available to download here: www.census.ie/The-Census-and-Communities/Step-by-Step-Guide-to-filling-in-the-Census-Form.190.1.aspx
A large print questionnaire and an audio version of the questionnaire is also available on the CSO website here: http://www.census.ie/-and-Communities/Accessibility.141.1.aspx
The Carers Association have launched a campaign - "Make Carers Count" to ensure that all Carers answer the information on unpaid work in Question 22 of the census. More information is available on the DFI website here http://www.disability-federation.ie/index.php?uniqueID=10310 and on the CSO website here www.census.ie/-and-Communities/Census-for-Carers.139.1.aspx
CSO Contact details
Swords Business Campus,
Balheary Road,
Co. Dublin.
LoCall: 1890 2011 11
Phone: 353-1-895 1470
Fax: 353-1-895 1399
Email: copfieldmanagement@cso.ie