Careers Week 2011 Launch
May 31 2011, 11:02am
13th -19th June 2011
Celebrating Family Carers
The 5th National Carers Week takes place between June 13th and 19th.
Nine leading National Voluntary Organisations have signed up as official partners for the week (detailed below). These organisations and others around the country are busy planning events specifically for Family Carers during the week.
Care Alliance Ireland is leading in the national co-ordination of the week and will host the national launch in The Mansion House, Dublin on Monday June 13th at 11am. The Lord Mayor, Cllr. Gerry Breen together with celebrities will join with us in celebrating the week.
If any individual or organisation is interested in getting involved in organising an event for National Carers Week, please call the office (01 -874 7776) or e-mail to arrange delivery of promotional posters, pens, trolley coins, balloons, carrier bags and other merchandise. Care Alliance will also advertise your event on the website and in their national and local press releases closer to the time.
Carers Week Partners :
The Alzheimer Society, Brí, The Carers Association, Caring for Carers, Care Alliance, The Disability Federation of Ireland, Extra-Care, Headway and The Hospice Foundation.
Contact Details :
E-mail :
Website :
Phone : 01 – 874 7776