IT-4-2-Day Training
January 31 2012, 10:02am
Computer Course
The Irish Congress of Trade Unions in partnership with DFI and 14 other organisations have successfully run the "IT-4-2-Day" course funded by the Benifit3 as a pilot in a number of the Centers in the Congress Centers Network. The program has been well received and we have received excellent feedback to date with almost 300 learners having completed the 6 hours training.
The course is designed to give you a click-start in computer basics and is now being rolling out nationally.
To be eligible of this free training you must tick one of the following:
If you have no computer experience or, if you have not used a computer in the last 12 months.
In addition to the above, you must tick one of the following:
- Be unemployed
- Be without recognised formal education
- Have a disability
- Live alone
- Live in a rural area
- Be a single parent
- Be a member of the travelling community
- Be an ex-prisoner
- Be an immigrant
- Be over 55
For further information please contact Fiona Elward on 01 8897711 (ICTU), or Denis Cadogan on 01 7080100 (DFI)
Useful links:
Current Course Dates
Irish Congress of Trade