Boardmatch Ireland October Training Dates
October 3 2013, 03:02pm
October 2013
Boardmatch Ireland are hosting a series of Training Dates.
For further information, or to book a place, please contact Sophie O’Brien at or call the Boardmatch Ireland office on 01-671 5005
CEO & Chairs Training
October 8th
The performance of any not-for-profit organisation is underpinned by the relationship that exists between the CEO and Chair. The seminar explores this critical Management/Governance interface, and is relevant to both seasoned practitioners and those just stepping up to the top job. The full-day training course is delivered by Dorothy Dalton, editor of the UK-based Governance magazine and a prominent figure in the area of good governance training. Throughout her career, Dorothy has advised several leading national charities on their governance structures.
Time: 9.30am – 4.15pm
Cost: €300 per organisation
Location: Arthur Cox, Earlsfort Terrace Dublin 2
Communications Strategy for Boards
October 22nd
Developing a communications strategy, building a strong identity and accessing local, regional and national media can have huge rewards for organisations. Notably, a robust communication strategy will facilitate organisations in showcasing their achievements and on-going work within their communities. The course is particularly relevant for organisations without dedicated marketing or communications staff.
Time: 9am – 12.30pm
Cost: €80 pp
Location: Dublin Location TBC
Fundraising: The Role of the Board
October 24th
In today’s economic climate, the ability to generate income is of paramount importance for the longevity of any not-for-profit. Covering a comprehensive list of topics, from statutory obligations to active Board engagement, the course is designed to equip participants with the key elements for implementing an effective fundraising strategy in their own organisation.
Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm
Cost: €80 pp
Location: Dublin Location TBC