ICTR launch Fundraising Principles Good Practice Factsheets
April 23 2014, 03:02pm
March 2011
ICTR are currently implementing the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising. The Implementation Group developed a set of resources (toolkits, templates, sample complaints procedure) as a useful support for putting the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising into practice in your organisation (which is part of meeting the requirements of the Charities Act 2009 in relation to fundraising).
The Implementation Group have now augmented the resources available by developing a series of Good Practice Factsheets.
These are now available on http://www.ictr.ie/content/fundraising-codes-practice. These were developed by the implementation group in response to requests for additional guidance material to assist organisations in implementing the Guiding Principles for Fundraising:
- Cash and Non Cash Donation Handling
- Garda Permits
- Data Protection
- Data Protection Checklist
- Raffles and Lotteries
- Insurance
- Pre-signed Mass Cards
ICTR will soon be launching a campaign to let the public know that the scheme is operational. Charities will have the opportunity to formally sign up to the Principles online. The list of charities who sign up will be publically available. It is intended that the Monitoring Group for the scheme will be operational by June. ICTR will release more details of the public campaign and how to sign up soon.
ISFC 10 Grattan Crescent, Inchicore, Dublin 8
Phone: 01-400 2100