Education and Training Courses

October 9 2017, 09:22am

Education Courses

The following 10 week modules are accredited by the University of Limerick at Level 8 on the National Framework of Qualifications, (QQI), and delivered in conjunction with the Disability Federation of Ireland.

  1. Quality Management: Theories, Standards and Practices for Community and Voluntary Organisations. 
  2. Innovation Management: Developing Structured Creativity for Processes and Services for Community and Voluntary Organisations. 
  3. Problem Solving: Translating creativity and analysis into practical solutions to service Challenges for Community and Voluntary Organisations. 

Modules 1 to 3 are designed to be taken individually as standalone education or all three can be completed in any order, so that the combined credits can be accumulated to achieve a Certificate in Service Quality and Outcome Development in the Community & Voluntary Sector.

Graduates from any of the three Level 8 modules may be considered for progression to the one year Specialist Diploma in Quality Management Lean Healthcare at Level 9 (QQI). This Black Belt course Is aimed at Community and Voluntary or Healthcare professionals who have a responsibility for quality or continuous improvement within their organisation.

Courses are delivered alternately each semester from the UL Campus and DFI Head Office in Dublin. 

Training Courses

The following 1 and 2 day training courses are coordinated by DFI and delivered by carefully selected training providers from Ireland and the UK.

1. Outcome and Impact Measurement: (2 days) This course will give you a comprehensive and practical grounding in monitoring and evaluation. You will learn how to define and measure outcomes and also develop your own monitoring and evaluation framework.


2. Better Outcome and Impact Data Collection and Reporting: (2 days) This practical and fast-paced course will give you the skills to make the most of your data, and deliver compelling and useful outcome and impact reports. You will learn how to go about analysing different types of data, best practice for using statistics, quotes and case examples, and will learn how to structure and write an effective report.

3. Implementing PQASSO Quality Management System: (1 day) This course provides a step-by-step guide to successfully implementing PQASSO. You will leave the course with a good understanding of PQASSO and the self-assessment process as well as a comprehensive plan of how to implement quality within your organisation.

4. Getting Ready for the PQASSO Quality Mark Review: (2 days) This course is designed for organisations who are in the process of or are thinking about applying for the PQASSO Quality Mark. It will help you consider the detailed steps involved in the whole assessment process, and identify techniques, approaches and tools that will enable you and your organisation to proceed through all the steps involved smoothly.