New National Disability Participation and Consultation Network Announced

August 19 2020, 02:27pm

People asking questions

DFI are delighted to see the Department of Justice begin work on the establishment of a new National Disability Participation and Consultation Network.


The network will be open to individuals and groups and ensure that as many people with disabilities, in all situations can be involved in the Department of Justice's work.


Consultation on Ireland’s Initial State Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with a Disability, UN CRPD will be an immediate task for the Network.  


The establishment of the network is set to be a great opportunity for people with disabilities to

  • have their voices heard
  • avail of training
  • be involved in decision making
  • meet new people  


Read the offical announcement.  


The Department are currently seeking expressions of interest for an organisation to administer the group. They will announce details of how people with disabilities can apply to be members at the end of August, so watch this space.