Welcome to four new DFI members
November 14 2023, 04:06pm

We are delighted to welcome four new members to DFI:
AK Inspired
They provide a day service for adults who have completed their post primary or secondary school education. The service is focused on the training and empowerment of disabled people to ensure they reach their full potential in all aspects of society. www.inspired.ie
Cavan and Monaghan Parents Committee
They provide support to people living in the Cavan and Monaghan area who are struggling to gain appropriate supports for their children. cavanmonaghanparentscommittee@gmail.com
Galway Rural Development
They work with individuals, community groups and agencies to improve the quality of life for people living in the Galway area. www.facebook.com/galwayruraldev
Westmeath Centre for Independent Living
They provide independent living supports to enable the full participation and inclusion of disabled people living in the Westmeath area. www.westmeathcil.com