Funding awarded to DFI Member Organisations in the Disability Participation and Awareness Fund 2023
November 22 2023, 09:18am

We are delighted to see that a number of our member organisations have received funding in the Disability Participation and Awareness Fund 2023.
The Disability Participation and Awareness Fund is a €3 million, 1-year Fund created by Rethink Ireland in partnership with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY). The goal of the Disability Participation and Awareness Fund is to support innovative projects or organisations across Ireland to:
- build skills and remove barriers to help people with disabilities take part in their communities,
- provide valuable employment experience to people with disabilities, and
- support the overall participation of people with disabilities in local activities, in line with the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in communities.
The awardees are across a number of strands as follows:
Strand 1 - Building skills and removing barriers to help people with Down Syndrome take part in their communities
AK Inspired for the Scotia Project.
Down Syndrome Ireland for their Speech and Language Programme.
Fionnathan Productions for cretive appraches to practical community advocacy.
Strand 2 - Social enterprise initiatives to provide valuable employment experience to people with disabilities
Donegal Centre for Independent Living for their DCIL Access Officer and Leader Mentor Programme.
Strand 3 - Arts and Cultural Activirties
Spinal Injuries Ireland for their Art Programme.
Strand 4 Initiatives aimed at encouraging community participation and inclusion for people with disabilities, including sports and outdoor creation, promotion of accessibility and accessible shared spaces
The Crann Centre for their accessible play, recreation and conseration spaces.
MS Ireland for their Move Smart.
The above named organisations are all members of the Disability Federation of Ireland. For details of all awardees click here.
Photo details:
Pictured at the launch of Rethink Ireland’s Disability Participation and Awareness Fund are (left to right): Anne Rabbitte TD, Minister of State with special responsibility for Disability at the Department of Health and at the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth; Abbie Mannion, Supported Staff, Triest Press; Shane Tuohy, Manager, Café Link; Caolinn Bruen, Project Lead, Triest Press and Deirdre Mortell, CEO, Rethink Ireland. Pic: Marc O'Sullivan.