The Neuro Mapping Project - Service Provider Consultation sessions CHO 6 and CHO 2

May 9 2024, 02:23pm

Neuro Rehab

The dates for the Service Provider Consultation sessions in CHO 6 and CHO 2 have now been confirmed.  There are two sessions in each CHO, covering Acute/Sudden onset and those with neurological conditions.   

The dates and links to register for these sessions are below: 

CHO 6 Service-Provider Consultation Sessions:

21 May Staff providing community/ outpatient/ ambulatory neuro-rehabilitative services to adults with acute/sudden onset neurological conditions:

29 May Staff providing community/ outpatient/ ambulatory neuro-rehabilitative services to adults with progressive neurological conditions:

CHO 2 Service-Provider Consultation Sessions:

22 May Staff providing community/ outpatient/ ambulatory neuro-rehabilitative services to adults with acute/sudden onset neurological conditions:

30 May Staff providing community/ outpatient/ ambulatory neuro-rehabilitative services to adults with progressive neurological conditions