You are Invited to the SOLA Symposium 2017

1 December 2017, 10:30am - 3:30pm

Sola sustainable quality for the voluntary sector including partner logos


The Disability Federation of Ireland, University of Limerick and

Johnson & Johnson, through their joint venture,

SOLA – “The Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Quality

are pleased to invite you to their annual Symposium Sustainable Quality in the Community, Voluntary & Disability Sector  2017” 


Delegate Fee: €55 Concession fee €25

Students/OAPs/DFI Members/Unwaged/SOLA Alumni


Presentation Topics Include: Quality Processes, PQASSO 4th edition Standard, Governance, and much more.

Guest Speakers include Ms Marie Kehoe-O'Sullivan, National Disability Specialist Quality Improvement, HSE, Leigh Gath, The Confidential Recipient for Disability


Morning refreshments, tea/coffee and Lunch provided

Please let us know if you have dietary or access requirements


“A provisional booking for Irish Sign Language Interpreter will be made, but will only be confirmed if, a week in advance, we have confirmed registration of people who have requested the service.


To register contact Bernadette Costello on 061 234379


The Pavilion, University of Limerick

Location Map