Project Management for Community and Voluntary Organisations

17 February 2018, 10:00am - 4:00pm

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QQI- Level 8 Module

(Initiation, Implementation and Realisation of Change in Community and Voluntary Organisations)

This Project Management level 8 course has been designed at the University of Limerick in conjunction with the Disability Federation of Ireland to provide learners with a comprehensive introduction to project management so that they feel confident in undertaking their own successful projects.  The course is primarily aimed towards Community and Voluntary Organisations.

Strategic project management is critical for the community and voluntary organisations.  Reliance on funding requires service providers to develop their offerings and secure funding by undertaking projects. This necessitates organisations to be more proficient in completing projects, in order to:

  • ensure they deliver the expected benefit to their service users
  • demonstrate too funders that finance has been effectively exploited
  • avoid project drift 

An organisation that manages projects effectually, and can display it, will flourish by finding it easier to attract more projects, and succeed in conforming with the requirements of service users, funders and regulators.

The aim of this course is to give the learner an understanding of the methods and techniques to manage projects In addition, it should help the learner develop a number of skills such as planning, problem solving and team building, leadership and communication skills. 

For whom - The UL accredited module is aimed at those within the community & voluntary sector with a responsibility for governing, delivering service, coordinating activities, or with a role in the administration and management of the organisation.

By the end of this course learners will:

  • Be able to define project management and understand the reasons for using it.
  • Understand the different stages of a project's life cycle.
  • Be able to create an effective project plan and understand what is needed
  • Have knowledge of the different charts and diagrams that can be used to help plan a project.
  • Know how to predict and manage any risks that may hinder the project.
  • Know how to maintain the project's progress and ensure that it is completed efficiently.

Applications are now being accepted for this course which will be run over three Saturdays and two Fridays from February to April 2018. The course will be delivered at the University of Limerick.

Course Details

For further information follow this link

Venue: University of Limerick, Limerick.

Class/Workshop Dates:

  1. Saturday 17th of February 2018
  2. Friday 2nd March 2018
  3. Saturday 24th March 2018
  4. Friday 6th April 2018
  5. Saturday 21st April 2018 

Class/Workshop Times:

10am        Registration

10:30am    Start

4pm          Finish

Course Fee: €500.00 (discounts available for DFI members)

Progression Opportunities

Graduates from this course may be considered for progression to a One Year Specialist Diploma in Quality Management at Level 9 of the National Framework of Qualifications.

Registration - Further Information

To register or for further information on this course please contact the SOLA Administrator, Claire Gallery at 061 - 202960 or email


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