REGISTRATION DATE: '"Learning to speak up for myself " Six Week Practical Self Advocacy Course

9 April 2018, 10:00am - 1:00pm

CPN with Alt Text

"Learning to speak up for myself”

Community Participation Network (CPN) Mayo Practical Self Advocacy Six week course 

Register Monday 09 April, Family Resource Centre, Claremorris 10am -1pm

Course dates: 

Every Monday 16, 23, 30 April and 14, 21, 28 May  || 10am - 1pm 

Venue: Family Resource Centre, Claremorris 

Course fee €20

This course is being  funded by South West Mayo Development Company , delivery through Community Participation Network Mayo. 

This course will support your:

  • Empowerment
  • Communication
  • Confidence  

Contact Carmel Brady for further information 

087 212 5340 

South West Mayo Development Company CPN with Alt Text



Family Resource Centre, Claremorris