Thirty Minute Webinar - Protected Disclosures - How to handle a Whistleblowing Claim

9 May 2018, 12:30pm - 1:00pm


Do you want to find out how your organisation should handle a Whistleblowing claim? 

Try this 30 minute webinar. 

It is aimed at providing CEOs, Managers and HR staff with important legislative and best practice information without taking too much time our of your day. 

Delivered by Adare Human Resource Management in partnership with the Disability Federation of Ireland, the webinar will focus on 'Protected Disclosures and how to handle a whistleblowing claim'. 

The Protected Disclosures Act 2014, provides a statutory framewrork within which workers can raise concers and disclose information regarding potential wrongdoing that has come to their attention.  The webinar will discuss steps which organisations should take and will highlight recent claims/cases in the not for profit and public sectors. 

To participate in this webinar register here Webinar Registration

Or contat Claire Gallery on 061 202960 or email requesting the link to connect at 12:30pm on Wednesday 9th May.