DFI Self-Advocacy Project Members Meeting
23 March 2022, 11:00am - 1:00pm

Our Members have been engaged in self-advocacy work with service users/owners for a long time.
In an effort to support our members, and build capacity in this area, we are delighted to announce that DFI is delivering a Self-Advocacy Project over the next four years in partnership with our members.
This second meeting will look at the overall objectives for the project and create a brief Terms of Reference, TOR.
The Meeting will take place on MS Teams on:
Wednesday, 23 March from 11am to 1.00pm
For any queries and to register contact PJ on 086 381 1064 / pjcleere@disability-federation.ie
Our overall objective is for DFI Members to have access to the supports and resources they need to embed self-advocacy in their organisations, and that self-advocates will gain the confidence to contribute more effectively in framing their services. We also hope that over the course of the project, self-advocates will also of opportunities to influence and direct our advocacy work in DFI.
DFI will employ core community development values and standards to this project and actions will be underpinned by the principles of the UNCRPD.