Webinar Series: Person Centred Planning
9 May 2022, 1:33pm - 1:33pm

This is the second event of a three part series entitled 'Emerging from COVID-19, Learnings and Opportunities through UN CRPD' brought to you by DFI and kindly sponsored by TTM Healthcare Solutions.
This event will take place on 17 May at 10:00am as an interview with Lorna Sullivan. Lorna is currently the Chief Advisor to the Royal Commission of Enquiry into Abuse in Care being undertaken in New Zealand.Her role previous to this was as the Director of Mana Whaikaha responsible for the implementation of Enabling Good Lives, the New Zealand policy framework for the transformation of the disability service system. In order to take up the role with Mana Whaikaha, she returned from Australia where she was working as director of disability services to support UnitingCare Community to design its service models and approaches in preparation for the NDISShe has a long history of working for change within the disability sector, mainly in New Zealand, and is dedicated to changing the power dynamics between service systems, people with disabilities and their families.
Lorna is committed to working directly with people, families and communities to develop approaches that support the lives of people with disabilities and reduce life-long dependency on funded systems. She played an instrumental role in developing the New Zealand’s Individualised Funding scheme and the recent move to self direction through the Enabling Good Lives initiative.
Who should attend this event:
• Management and frontline staff
• Persons with disabilities
• Members of self-advocacy groups
What we will discuss:
• The realities and practice of Person Centered Planning
• Person Centered Planning in a post Covid-19 environment
This event is kindly sponsored by TTM Healthcare Solutions.