The Disable Inequality Campaign will officially launch in mid-January 2016 with a Political Rally in Dublin.
December 16 2015, 11:02am
Support the Campaign
One story at a time, Disable Inequality is making equality a defining issue in Election 2016. Join our campaing website by clicking the following link
More than 600,000 people are living with a disability in Ireland. Two in three of us know or care for an immediate family member, a friend or a neighbour living with a disability.
Disability is the biggest issue of our time. But, it does not receive the political leadership, attention and commitment needed to make Ireland a truly modern, truly equal Republic.
Taking a bus, enrolling in school, finding a job, going to a gig, keeping warm: Almost everything is more difficult and has more barriers if you are living with a disability.
Does that seem fair to you?
In the coming weeks, we will be collecting stories of inequality – your stories –from across the country.
We will use this volume of evidence to show political leaders and your candidates that it is time to end discrimination against people living with disability.
Together we will make Ireland a fairer place to live and make disability a priority in the new Programme for Government.
You can share your story of inequality with us here.