Minister Joe O'Brien launches a set of Values and Principles for collaboration and partnership with the Community and Voluntary Sector
October 19 2022, 03:42pm

The Minister for Community Development and Charities, Joe O'Brien, has launched a set of Values and Principles for collaboration and partnership with the Community and Voluntary Sector.
These Values and Principles will provide the foundation for all consultation, collaboration and partnership working between the community and voluntary sector, and central and local government. They are also intended to be a constructive starting point from which to build meaningful processes for dialogue and collaboration at all levels.
They are outlined in a document launched on Wednesday 19 October entitled 'Sustainable, Inclusive and Empowered Communities a five-year strategy to support the community and voluntary sector in Ireland'. This document outlines a vision to “create vibrant, sustainable, inclusive, empowered and self-determining communities that support the social, cultural and economic well- being of all members”. Collaboration and partnership working were a key component in the development of the strategy, and of these Values and Principles. Continued collaboration between the sector and the state is key to ensuring the best outcomes for, and the active participation of, all in our communities.
We look forward to reading this and welcome the work on by the Department of Rural and Community Development. Its publication is timely too as we await the Department of Health Dialogue Forum Partnership Principles which will be launched shortly.