Don't tell us to sit down and be quiet!
September 7 2023, 03:26pm

Tallaght Community Art's DoubleTAKE Supported Arts studio are proud to present their Advocacy through the Arts film and portrait installation. Introducing this project they said, "This Advocacy through the Arts project has been six years in the making and thanks to The Community Foundation of Ireland`s Older Persons Fund, The Arts Council & SDCC Arts & The HSE we have been able to realise it.
"Our Advocates, many of whom have spent their entire lives living and working within Ireland's institutionalised disability care sector, are standing with power and speaking out.
"We have chosen as our exhibition venue OPW/Pearse Museum,
- a place steeped in Irish history,
- a place of arts, education and activism,
- a place borne of the desire to reclaim one's power, culture, identity and humanity.
"Our Advocates stand shoulder to shoulder to claim their human rights and respect request your solidarity. They do this not just for themselves but also for their peers, for those who are unable and for those who come in their stead.
"The exhibition /installation is a call to action - it invites us to examine our own unconscious bias towards those who live with a disability and those who require supports to thrive."
"We are all living beings and that fact alone unites us in being deserving of full human rights, so,........ don't tell us to sit down and be quiet" - The Advocates.
OPW/Pearse Museum
From Saturday 16 September to Saturday 30 September
Launch: Tuesday 19 September at 3.00pm
Culture Night Celebration Friday 22nd September from 3.00pm – 9.00pm
Rua Red Arts Centre
Mon 9 and Tues 10 October.
For more see