Consultation on Changing Places open until 12 January 2024
January 2 2024, 10:18am

The National Disability Authority’s public consultation on draft Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets is now open and will close at 5.00pm on Friday 12 January 2024. We would realy envourage you to give your feedback.
The NDA's website has a range of resources including a video with ISL and a questionnaire to give your feedback. Click here for more.
The purpose of the guidelines is to provide good practice guidance on the provision, location, design and management of Changing Places Toilets . It is really important that people and families who use Changing Places give their views as you are the experts on what works.
The Changing Places Ireland story
Ailis Healy, supported by her mother Ann Healy, set up a Facebook page in 2012 to highlight the lack of appropriate changing facilities in Ireland after becoming aware of the Changing Places lobbying movement that was taking place in the UK.
The first meeting of the Changing Places Ireland Working Group, formed by Inclusion Ireland following consultation with Changing Places UK and comprising of a number of like-minded individuals and organisations, took place in November of 2014 and was the beginning of a coordinated response to the lack of fully accessible toilets in Ireland. The Changing Places Ireland campaign set out to introduce fully accessible toilets to public places such as shopping centres, libraries and sporting arenas across the country.
Changing Places Ireland consists of parents, elected representatives and organisations working in the disability space including ourselves - the Disability Federation of Ireland, Irish Wheelchair Association and Inclusion Ireland.