First meeting of DFI's Housing Advisory Group takes place

March 13 2024, 04:47pm

Housing cartoon

DFI held the first meeting of its newly established Housing Advisory Group for members on Wednesday 28 February.

There were attendees from Vision Ireland, Enable Ireland, MS Ireland, Irish Wheelchair Association, Cheshire Ireland, Anne Sullivan Centre, Muscular Dystrophy Ireland, Huntington’s Disease Association of Ireland, Acquired Brain Injury Ireland, Ability West and Dignity Ireland.

It was great to hear from our members about the work they do on housing issues with the people they support. DFI's Ríona Morris and Lisa Fenwick also delivered a presentation on the national and regional housing landscape.  The review of the social housing Assessment and Allocation guidelines was also discussed - a reminder that submissions are due today, Friday 15 March.

The Advisory Group will meet once a quarter. If you would like to join future meetings and/or be added to the mailing list for the Advisory Group then please let Ríona or Lisa know.