By-election candidates to hear challenges faced people with disabilities
April 28 2015

Tuesday 28th April – Tonight, the Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) has invited a number of candidates standing in the Carlow Kilkenny By-election to an event in Bagenalstown so that they can hear about the challenges that face people with disabilities living in the area.
John Dolan, CEO of DFI stated “This is an ideal opportunity for candidates to hear first-hand from people with disabilities who are living in the community about the concerns and worries that they have. We want candidates to hear about how to best work towards a more equitable future for the most marginalised in society.”
He continued “There are more than 19,000 living in Carlow and Kilkenny with a disability. When you consider that each person is also a family member, a son, daughter, sibling, mother, or father - that encompasses a large percentage of the electorate. Disability is a societal issue, affecting people of all ages and their families directly and indirectly, and their wider communities. It is important that all candidates in this by-election seriously consider their commitments in relation to people with disabilities.”
Mr Dolan concluded “It is timely that we are holding the event this evening on the day of the Spring Statement, which is expected to set the tone for much of the political debate for the upcoming general election. We are hoping that the event tonight will highlight to candidates the issues and concerns that people with disabilities and their families in the Carlow Kilkenny area have. And the candidates will have an opportunity to explain to people with disabilities how they are going to respond to their concerns.”
Note to Editor:
If you would like to attend the event in Bagenalstown this evening, please contact Jacqueline Grogan at 086 388 2600.
Our election manifesto can be found at
For further information, please contact:
Jacqueline Grogan, Communications Officer 086 388 2600
John Dolan, CEO 086 795 7467