The DFI Podcast Episode Six on the recruitment and retention crisis in the disability sector
July 21 2023

Episode Six of The DFI Podcast is focusing on the recruitment and retention crisis in the disability sector.
Disability organisations providing services, under contract from the HSE, right across the country are gravely worried with yet another postponement of the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) talks between trade unions and the government. Disability organisations were relying on a positive outcome from those talks to reassure them that essential services will continue to be provided to disabled people. The non-reversal of deep cuts to pay and services during the Recession, which ended in 2013, is not news to government. This situation has been festering for over a decade and it is compounded by a crisis where staff are leaving to simply move to the HSE and elsewhere to get the government agreed pay and conditions. Consequently, services to disabled people are being further restricted and downgraded on a daily basis for some time.
DFI's Communications Manager Brenda Drumm spoke to DFI CEO John Dolan about this issue and about the DFI's related email campaign to TDs and Senators, asking them to take action. She also spoke to Mags Rodgers of the Neurological Alliance of Ireland and to Kath Wall from the Board of Donegal Centre for Independent Living. Donna Russell who has been using the Donegal CIL service for 18 years also spoke to Brenda along with personal assistant with Donegal CIL Stephanie Bonner.
Click here to listen to Episode Six.
This podcast episode was produced with the support of TTM Healthcare Solutions