2005 Pre Budget Submission
Issued on June 1 2006
Summary of Recommendations Budget 2005
- Introduce a Cost of Disability Payment of €40 a week for people withdisabilities currently in receipt of a means tested social welfarepayment. This to be extended to all people with disabilities insubsequent two Budgets.
- Disability Allowance to be increased by €14 to €148.80 and to €82.70 over the subsequent twoBudgets as per NAPS review commitment.
- Disability Allowance to be paid to all those in residentialcare.
Community Employment
Government tocommence mainstreaming of services provided through communityemployment to people with disabilities by allocating €17.5m. A further €17.5m per annum in the subsequenttwo Budgets.
Accommodation for People who Experience Mental Illness
- Government to invest €11m to provide a range ofappropriate supports and training for all those who are long-stayin mental hospitals, and a further €11m per annum in the subsequent twoBudgets.
- Government to invest in order to provide a range ofaccommodation options including crisis, respite, and supportedresidential accommodation.
Adults with Significant Disabilities
Government toinvest €50m in servicesand accommodation for adults with significant disabilities and afurther €50m per annumin the subsequent two Budgets.
Disabled Persons'' Housing Grant
- Government to increase the overall allocation to the DisabledPersons Housing Grant (DPG) by €35m and amend the grant scheme sothat local authorities can recoup the full cost of DPG from centralexchequer funds.
- Government to amend the DPG scheme to empower local authoritiesto fund 100% of the actual cost of work, in the subsequent twobudgets.
- Government to invest an additional €20m in services such as personalassistance, care attendants and home help so that people withdisabilities are no longer dependent on their children for theirbasic everyday care. And a further €20m per annum in next twoBudgets.
- Government should undertake a detailed study on children ascareers.
Funding for Voluntary Disability Organisations
Government toprovide additional core funding of €5m to build the capacity of thevoluntary disability sector. Government to provide a furtheradditional investment of €5m per annum in the subsequent twoBudgets.