2008 Pre Budget Submission
Issued on October 2 2008
Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) is the national support organisation and advocate for voluntary disability organisations in Ireland that provide services to people with a disability and/or disabling condition.
The National Disability Strategy (NDS), and the Social Partnership Agreement Towards 2016 create new opportunities for people with disabilities in Irish society. The 2008 Estimates and Budget will be the first occasion for this new Government to commence fulfilling its commitment to progress the implementation of the NDS.
DFI recognises that the NDS, and the government's commitment to mainstreaming of disability, represents one of the largest challenges to be undertaken by the State. We hold an expectation from the Programme for Government 2007 that 'at least half of the strategy will be implemented by 2010' .
This goal is supported by the Government's commitment to adopt a 'whole of Government approach' to the delivery of the NDS. This will involve government departments and public agencies working in collaboration to achieve the vision and long-term goals for disability as set out in 'Towards 2016' , and noted in the NDS.
"We are committed to ensuring that the Strategy is driven and managed from a whole of Government perspective and it will be overseen and supported by the Department of An Taoiseach ". (Programme for Government, 2007:33)
It is recognised that
'joined up policy making and implementation is inherently difficult particularly where individual departments, or agencies, adopt a territorial approach to their work'
. It requires careful project management and supervision to ensure the effective delivery of the service outcomes and outputs that motivate spending in the first place. The commitment to publish annual objectives and outcomes to be reached in the NDS is one of the most important undertakings of this new Government and cannot be underestimated .
This submission is the first in our five year Estimates and Budget campaign to ensure the continued implementation of the NDS throughout the lifetime of this Government. It should be seen in the context of the many submissions made by voluntary disability organisations that continue to support the rights of people with disabilities in Ireland.