DFI Annual Report 2023
Issued on June 25 2024
Letter from our chairperson Michael Doyle
2023 was a difficult year for DFI member organisations, with staff recruitment and retention being a challenge for the sector, primarily resulting from a lack of pay parity with HSE-funded staff. This issue came to a head in October when staff working in Section 39 organisations in the disability sector were within hours of going on strike before a last minute agreement was reached in the WRC. DFI played a significant role in highlighting the issues for all stakeholders; individuals receiving services, who in the main supported the action, the staff, who felt they had no choice but to take action, and the organisations, who supported staffs call for pay parity but were not in a position to meet their requests.
DFI and its representatives from member organisations had significant engagement with the HSE and relevant departments during the year particularly in relation to the new Health Region structure, the HSE Service Agreement review, the Green Paper on Disability Reform and the Disability Action Plan related to implementing the Disability Capacity Review.
One of the highlights of the year was the 5th European Parliament of Persons with Disabilities in Brussels at which a delegation of 13 Irish disabled advocates attended and were acknowledged as having a positive impact on the event.
Again, the annual Make Way Day, Purple Lights and International Day of Persons With Disabilities were successful. In 2023 DFI membership continue to increase, and we now have 123 members, which is evidence of the importance of the Federation to the sector.
I would like to thank and acknowledge the work of member organisations who participated, on behalf of all the DFI members, on committees and working groups ensuring the views and concerns of members were given due consideration.
I would also like to thank all of the committed and dedicated staff in DFI, who continued to work tirelessly on behalf of member organisations and the people they represent, they are a fantastic team.
Finally, I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their support during 2023.
Michael Doyle
Chairperson, DFI Board
Pictured are Elaine Doyle, CEO of DFI with Michael Doyle, Chair of the DFI Board at the DFI AGM on Tuesday 25 June 2024 at which the annual report was introduced and adopted.