DFI Pre Budget Submission 2025

Issued on July 16 2024

No time to delay - choose disability rights in Budget 2025

In 2020, this government promised that “ever since Ireland ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, we have signalled to those with a disability that we are now serious about making a difference – a difference that will make things better.”[1] While progress is being made with the transfer of departmental disability functions in 2023 and a forthcoming National Disability Strategy, the experience of people with disabilities continues to be one of financial precarity and social exclusion. Our pre-budget submission sets out a series of actions to address these fundamental issues.

This is the last budget of the current government. A last chance to implement Programme for Government commitments, and to leave a positive legacy: contributing to advancing the UN CRPD.

Change is possible. Positive reform that addresses the structural barriers and lack of universal design in society, as well as income inadequacy, is urgently needed. Our government can make different choices and prioritise disability in Budget 2025.

Read our Pre-Budget Submission 2025 for more detail on what we are asking. 

[1] Programme for Government: Our Shared Future (2020)