DFI Submission on Green Paper May 2024

Issued on May 30 2024

DFI submission on Green Paper on Disability Reform

DFI recently made a detailed submission to the Department of Social Protection on the Green Paper on Disability Reform. We previously outlined our concerns about this proposal here.

In our submission we outlined the need for reform, and acknowledged the positive focus on improving Ireland’s record on disability poverty and employment. However we welcomed the decision not to proceed with the proposals outlined in the Green Paper, given the many concerns of DFI members and of people with disabilities across the countries regarding its proposals.

Our submission is based on significant feedback and consultation with DFI member organisations, as well as with international experts, civil society organisations, and the many disabled people who were in contact with us about the Green Paper over the duration of the consultation.

We outlined key ongoing concerns that have not been addressed around disability poverty, income and employment, where Ireland lags far behind at EU level. We provide significant evidence and context showing the scale of the problem, and the government’s public mandate to make serious progress on it. We outlined flaws in the Green Paper’s approach and highlight the importance of the UN CRPD being the starting point for any reform to social protection policy. We also provided detailed feedback on the specific aspects and elements of the Green Paper proposal, as well as suggesting alternative approaches and highlighting international guidance Ireland can draw on into the future.

You can read our submission here.