DFI Submission to Consultation on new National Housing Strategy for Disabled People 2021
Issued on August 30 2021
The Housing Agency is currently running a consultation on the outgoing National Housing Strategy for People with Disabilities (2011-2021), to inform a new strategy. DFI made a submission to this consultation, based on the housing policy work of staff at community, local authority and national level, and on significant inputs from our membership.
Unfortunately, Ireland is not currently delivering the right to housing for tens of thousands of people with disabilities and their families. In drafting a new strategy, Ireland has the opportunity to develop and enact a new model of housing provision, that is person-centred and holistic. We must finally ensure that people with disabilities have the right to choose where they live, to sufficient services and to be supported to live independently in the community, equal to non-disabled members of society. The development of an ambitious, progressive and focused new housing strategy that supports independent living, participation and inclusion, and an adequate standard of living, would be highly appropriate, in the year that Ireland makes its first state report on its implementation of the UN CRPD.
To deliver this, Ireland must:
- Develop, implement, monitor and report on an action-oriented, ambitious new plan and strategy, with clear annual targets, to address the diverse housing needs of people with disabilities.
- Develop a housing strategy based on the social model of disability, considering issues holistically, and in particular the links between housing, health and community.
- Increase and improve cross-departmental and interagency work (in particular between the Departments of Housing, Health/HSE, and Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth), to address the recurrent barriers to people with disabilities living in the community.
- Sufficiently resource and fund this strategy, including providing funding across Departments and to disability organisations.