DFI Submission to Review of Assessment and Allocation Guidelines
Issued on March 15 2024
DFI made a submission to the Review of Assessment and Allocation Guidelines, led by the Housing Agency. The guidelines relate to how local authorities and the HSE engage with people with disabilities seeking social housing. They were first prepared in 2014 and last updated in 2017. The current review is taking place as an action of the Implementation Plan of the new National Housing Strategy for Disabled People, 2022-2027. The reviewed guidelines will be embedded in the policies and procedures of local authorities and the HSE. DFI were asked to respond to new draft key messages for Local Authorities, outlined in this consultation document.
DFI's submission highlights a number of areas, including the need for more training, the importance of accessible communication practices, coordinating housing and HSE supports, cost of disability and issues with the current assessment and allocation processes.
This submission was made in March 2024 and is available to download in full here.