DFI submission to Sinn Féin on Priorities for Change in Health and Social Care

Issued on May 16 2024

We made a submission in response to Sinn Féin’s consultation document ‘Priorities for Change in Health and Social Care’ on 19 April, in response to an invitation to give feedback.

In our submission, we laid out our priorities for the future of the health service, including:

  • Addressing the affordability of healthcare for disabled people, taking into account the cost of disability.
  • Addressing the workforce challenges facing voluntary disability organisations, including the issues facing Section 39 organisations.
  • Improving integrated care for disabled people in the context of the developing Health Regions, including ensuring the integration of voluntary services.
  • Respecting the rights of disabled people, including ensuring access to disability services and building co-production with disabled people.
  • Improve health outcomes for disabled people, addressing health inequalities.

You can read the full submission here.