Disability Federation of Ireland Newsletter August 2009

Issued on August 1 2009

Government Must Not Abandon its Commitments to People with Disabilities

Government has repeatedly confirmed its commitment to people with disabilities. The Programme for Government 2007 states that “This Government is determined to continue to prioritise the interests of people with disabilities over the next five years, through a series of significant measures”.

There is no denying that we are in challenging times and that difficult decisions do need to be made. Notwithstanding this, however, it is important that Government makes clear through its decision making that it acknowledges and remains steadfast in its commitment to protecting those who are most vulnerable against the worst effects of the recession. The harsh reality is that people with disabilities continue to experience substantial unmet needs. Their capacity to survive repeated knocks is very limited.

Prior to the recession Government had recognised this. It had reiterated its commitment, and had commenced efforts to redress the disadvantage experienced by people with disabilities through such measures as a targeted multiannual funding programme. However, during the last two years any modest gains achieved through these efforts have been hugely eroded through repeated cuts to disability funding, amounting to over €80m in the area of disability and mental health for 2006-2008.

Now the report by “An Bord Snip Nua” proposes further drastic cuts to disability specific funding, and to health, social, educational and other services on which people with disabilities are also reliant. The cumulative effect of these cuts will have a long lasting impact on the day to day lives of people with disabilities. It is critical that decisions made in light of this Report, and in consideration of the forthcoming Budget, are fair and equitable and reflect the Governments responsibility to protect and enhance necessary public and social services for people with disabilities.

John Dolan


The Wheel Recession Toolkit

The Wheel has developed a “Recession Toolkit” to help equip community, voluntary and charitable organisations to face the greatest economic upheaval in a generation.
The following outlines the workshops which The Wheel has been running in 2009:

  • 'Managing Your Resources in a Recession Training'
  • 'Managing Risk'
  • 'Employment Law in a Recession'

The Wheel will be publishing its new calendar of events in early August 2009.

The Wheel have gathered and produced documentation to help organisation deal with the current challenges they are facing. There are downloads available from the Wheel in relation to managing your resources in a recession, managing risk, and employment law in a recession.

For further information on The Wheel workshops and information contact :l,

Tel 01 454 8727, www.wheel.ie .

The Wheel - Funding Point

A key resource from the Wheel is www.fundingpoint.ie .

This is an online source of funding information for the Irish community and voluntary sector. Developed and maintained by The Wheel, with support from the Vodafone Foundation, the website lists comprehensive details for over 500 funding schemes from a variety of sources, including central and local government, independent trusts and corporate foundations. It is an invaluable and labour-saving research tool when looking to diversify funding for your organisation. There is a subscription fee for full access for services on the website. However some services are free of charge.

Contact www.fundingpoint.ie or email Paul Meade on paul@wheel.ie for further information.


An Bord Snip Nua

Government has repeatedly stated its commitment to people with disabilities. The Programme for Government 2007 states:

"This Government is determined to continue to prioritise the interests of people with disabilities over the next five years, through a series of significant measures".

Following an analysis of the “McCarthy Report”, the Report of the Special Group on Public Service Numbers and Expenditure Programmes (also known as “An Bord Snip Nua”), DFI is concerned about the potential impact of a number of the recommendations of the report on the lives of people with disabilities. These recommendations are proposed on top of repeated cuts in funding for disability services over the past two years and the impact of these cuts is already being felt by people with disabilities and their families in Ireland.

DFI have a number of key concerns about the following recommendations in the Report:

  • A proposed cut of €50 million in funding to voluntary disability organisations providing disability and mental health services
  • Cut backs to a variety of programs through the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
  • A 5% reduction in the rate of Disability Allowance
  • Reduction in the number of Special Needs Assistants (SNA's) in primary and post primary education
  • Revised income guidelines for medical card eligibility

Furthermore, there are a number of mainstream cuts proposed in the Report which will also have a huge impact on people with disabilities and their families, including:

  • Increased threshold for the drugs payment scheme
  • Introduction of a co-payment of €5 for each prescription under the GMS and long term illness scheme
  • Review of patient transport services
  • No dual payment of Family Income Supplement with other weekly social welfare payments
  • Discontinuation of double payment for CE schemes
  • Cessation of funding for the Rural Transport Programme

Although deeply concerned with the proposed cuts, DFI is anxious to work with Government to identify ways of responding to the recession that would maximise the outcomes for people with disabilities, despite curtailed funding. Implementing the cuts proposed, in addition to cuts experienced to date, threatens to undermine Government”s own investment in disability. DFI is calling on Government to introduce a cross-Departmental five-year plan to protect the National Disability Strategy, and ensure its progressive implementation during the recession. This will demonstrate its commitment to protecting people with disabilities against the worst effects of the recession.

Training for Complaints Officers in Voluntary Disability Organisations

Under the Health Act 2004 voluntary organisations who receive funding from the HSE have obligations under Part 9 of the Act regarding the establishment of complaints procedures. An organisation is obliged to comply with the Act if it:

  • receives funding under Section 38 of the Act
  • receives funding under Section 39 of the Act or
  • uses HSE facilities, for example to hold meetings.

Under Part 9 of the Act, voluntary organisations must submit their policies and procedures for dealing with complaints to the HSE for validation to ensure that these policies and procedures for are compliant and are of comparable standard to the HSE policy. This can be done by e-mailing your complaints procedure to your Consumer Affairs Area Manager, contact details as follows:.

Mr. Christopher Rudland, Area Manager, Consumer Affairs, HSE West
Tel: 091 775751 Email: consumeraffairs.west@hse.ie

Ms Debbie Keyes, Area Manager, Consumer Affairs, Dublin Mid Leinster
Tel: 057 93 57600 Email: deborah.keyes@hse.ie

Ms Sinead Byrne, Area Manager, Consumer Affairs, South
Tel: 056 7785598 Email: sineadj.byrne@hse.ie

Ms. Rosalie Smith-Lynch, Area Manager, Consumer Affairs, HSE Dublin North East
Tel: 046 9280551 / 049 4360462/435 Email: rosalie.smithlynch@hse.ie

Information regarding the development of a complaints procedure can be found on the DFI website http://www.disability-federation.ie/information_complaints.htm .
Organisations must have a designated Complaints Officer to manage complaints made to it, in compliance with the Complaints Procedures established under the Act.

The HSE is now undertaking training for designated Complaints Officers. A training session forn for DFI member organisations will be held by the HSE on Thursday 24th September 2009 in the DFI Offices, Fumbally Court, Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8 from 10am until 4pm. As places are limited, if you plan to send your Complaints Officer to the meeting please e-mail jacquelinethomson@disability-federation.ie stating the name of the person attending. Please contact Jacqueline Thomson, DFI Support Officer if you have any questions.

Delay in Publication of the Mental Capacity Bill

The Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform has announced that the long awaited Mental Capacity Bill, aimed at protecting adults who experience impaired decision-making capacity, will not be published until the end of this year at the earliest. DFI, however, believes that this Bill needs to be implemented urgently.

Current laws that protect adults who are unable to make decisions for themselves or exercise their legal capacity, whether due to old age or disability, are contained in the 1871 Lunacy Regulations Ireland Act. The Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform has acknowledged that this Act is outdated, inappropriate, and in need of urgent reform.
Minister for Justice, Dermot Ahern TD, announced details of the new legislation in February and said it would be published by Easter. However the Department has now said it hopes to publish the Bill by the end of the year, “if possible”.

A new Office of Public Guardian is to be established under the legislation. The primary role of the office would be to supervise and monitor the duties of court-appointed personal guardians, replacing the ward of court system. The office would also prepare codes of practice on a range of matters, including codes for financial institutions to help safeguard older people against financial abuse.

The legislation would presume that a person had capacity, and the person would not be treated as unable to make a decision unless all practicable steps to help that person make the decision had been taken without success. Capacity would be understood in terms of a person”s ability to make a specific decision at a specific time, and would allow for the possibility that the loss of capacity could be temporary or permanent, and that other decisions could still be made.

Under the Lunacy Act (1871), a person is made a ward of the court if unable to make decisions on a wide range of issues. The Bill would also unify these measures with legislation on enduring powers of attorney, where a person can pass decision-making powers to another person while they are still alive, in the knowledge that their deteriorating health would impair their decision-making capacity in the future. It also provides for an offence of ill-treatment or neglect by the person appointed as attorney or personal guardian.
If you would like further information on this Bill please contact Jacqueline Thomson, DFI Support Officer.

Use of Personal Public Service Number (PPSN) by the Health Services

DFI recently received a letter from the HSE in relation to the use of Personal Public Service Numbers. The letter stated that the Deputy Data Protection Commissioner, Gary Davis, had recently raised concerns about the use of the PPSN by HSE service areas. In particular his main concern was the use of the PPSN within the health services as a Unique Health Identifier (UHI) without any formal legislative decisions having been taken in this regard.

The HSE Senior management team discussed and examined the issue and gave their commitment to the Data Protection Commission to examine its concerns and take any appropriate action necessary to ensure that the PPSN is NOT being used as a UHI. The HSE has asked for organisations to adhere to this commitment. If you require further information on this please contact the office of the National Director of ICT services on 01 6352743.

HIQA Publishes Report on Recommendations for a Unique Health Identifier

The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) has published a report, at the end of June, on Recommendations for a Unique Health Identifier (UHI) for Individuals in Ireland. The report calls for the immediate introduction of a more robust and safer method of identifying patients in the health and social care system.

The report notes that at the moment in Ireland there is no reliable method of tracking a patient through the healthcare system. Currently, healthcare services rely on matching names, addresses and date of birth, none of which are reliable or recorded in a standard format. This poses a substantial risk to the safe delivery of services. The report notes that our primary concern is patient safety, and this is one area where immediate action is needed.

According to the report, the Health and Social Care system requires the introduction of a number, unique to each individual in the country, to be known as a “Unique Health Identifier” or 'UHI'. A UHI can increase patient safety by offering a secure mechanism by which people can be identified.

In addition to more effectively identifying patients, a UHI can also reduce repetition of tests, reducing unnecessary cost and resource expenditure in the health service and, as a result, deliver a more efficient service.

HIQA has recommended to the Minster for Health and Children that a new UHI be developed and implemented across all health and social care settings to ensure that patients receive the safest care possible.

Since HIQA submitted the report, the Minister has established a group representing the key stakeholders, chaired by the Department, to finalise policy in relation to the UHI. The concept of a UHI is heavily linked into the Health Information Bill, currently under discussion in the Department of Health and Children. An article on this topic was published in the September 2008 DFI Newsletter Newsletters

TOWARDS 2016/ National Disability Strategy

Housing Legislation and Disability

DFI's proposed amendments to the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill were not accepted before the Bill was passed through the Dáil prior to the summer recess. The amendments proposed by DFI were designed to give the voluntary disability sector a greater voice in the planning for, and implementation of, social housing programmes, and to have statutory recognition of the rights of adults with a disability to choose to live independently of their families, in the context of eligibility for social housing.
When the amendments were advanced at Committee stage on 9th June, the Minister of State in the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Michael Finneran TD, rejected them on the grounds that a national advisory group is involved in the development of a national housing strategy for people with disabilities, which is scheduled for completion in 2009. The Minister stated that, “Upon completion of the strategy, it may prove necessary to incorporate some specific recommendations into law but it would not be appropriate to do so at this time.” His comments underline the importance of the advisory committee”s work, and the next meeting takes place on 11th September.

Reviews of Departmental Sectoral Plans

Reviews of the six Departmental Sectoral Plans are currently under way, as required under the Disability Act 2004. The reviews will set the priorities and pace of progress which each Department will aim for over the next three years. Given the cutbacks already made to disability funding, and the further cuts anticipated in Government spending, it is imperative that these reviews sustain each Department”s commitment to overcome the “disability deficit”, and to make its services and supports (and those of its agencies) as accessible as possible. This means naming key priorities, and mapping how these priorities can be advanced, even in the current difficult economic environment.
DFI has already made submissions to three of the sectoral plan Departments: Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Environment, Heritage and Local Government, and Social and Family Affairs. Submissions to the Departments of Health and Children, and Communications, Energy and Natural Resources will be finalised in the coming weeks. DFI's submissions can be viewed on the website, www.disability-federation.ie


Minister Brady launches Consultation Phase for National Positive Ageing Strategy

The Minister for Older People and Health Promotion, Áine Brady TD, has launched the consultation phase for the National Positive Ageing Strategy. The Minister said that the new Strategy will set the strategic direction for all future policies, programmes and services for older people in Ireland. She is seeking written submissions from individuals (of any age), institutions, agencies, organisations and groups by 24th September.

Preparation for the Strategy will highlight, and move forward, the commitment in the Programme for Government 2007–2012 to better recognise the position of older people in Irish society. The Minister noted that the consultation process will be informed by the UN Principles on Ageing, which are Independence, Dignity, Self-Fulfilment, Participation and Care.
Issues relevant to the development of the Strategy include those relating to the participation of older people in society, how services are organised for, and used by, older people, income, health and social care, housing, transport, education and employment.

The Minister emphasised that the Strategy must be developed within the constraints imposed by the current fiscal situation. She noted that “It is not the intention that the Strategy will propose new service developments; rather it will set the strategic direction for future policies, programmes and services for older people.”

Previous plans have predominantly focussed on health and care services. It is hoped that the proposed Strategy will ultimately lead to operational plans by a range of Government Departments. In addition to the Department of Health and Children, ten other Government Departments and the Central Statistics Office are involved in preparing the Strategy.
Submissions should be sent (by post or e-mail) to:

National Positive Ageing Strategy, Department of Health and Children,
Hawkins House - Room 11.17, Dublin 2 . Tel: (01) 635 4000 ext. 3242
e-mail: positiveageing@health.gov.ie

Closing date for receipt of submissions: Thursday, 24th September, 2009.

DFI will be making a submission to this Strategy and would welcome member organisations views and concerns on this issue. For further information or support with making a submission, please contact Joan O”Donnell, DFI Support Officer, contact details at the back of newsletter.

Welfare and Protective Services for Older People

The HSE has created an Elder Abuse Service to respond to, investigate, and intervene in, situations where there is a suggestion of abuse towards older people, whether it is physical, sexual, psychological, financial or material abuse, neglect or acts of omission or discriminatory abuse. The senior social workers attached to the service can provide support, information and advice to older people, their families and other professionals. They can also investigate allegations of abuse against an older person, and advocate on behalf of thatperson, as well as facilitate family meetings or case conferences. Anyone can refer to the service and details of your local service can be sourced from the HSE helpline: 1850 24 1850 or on the website: www.hse.ie .

People with Disabilities are Under-represented in Broadcast Media, Reveals NDA/BCI Report

A report examining the “Representation and Portrayal of People with Disabilities in Irish Broadcasting” was published by the National Disability Authority (NDA) and the Broadcasting Commission of Ireland (BCI). The report details three pieces of research which afford insight into the portrayal of people with disabilities, Irish people”s attitudes towards this representation in Irish broadcasting and existing models of best practice in other countries.

The research reveals that just one in ten people surveyed thought that people with disabilities are generally talked about in a negative way on TV or radio. However, when television and radio programmes were analysed, only 1.1% of people who appeared had a disability. Furthermore, while portrayals were not discriminatory, the vast majority were stereotypical representations of people with a disability. The research also found that 1 in 4 people would be more likely to view TV programmes that included people with disabilities, while most surveyed said it would have no impact on their likelihood to view programmes.

Commenting at the launch of the report, Angela Kerins, Chairperson of the NDA said, “the NDA was pleased to work with BCI on this practical project which gives us a sense of how broadcasting is impacting on attitudes to disability generally in Ireland; how people with disabilities are represented and how other countries are approaching such matters. It is particularly important given that we all spend a significant amount of time watching TV and listening to the radio on a daily basis, which in turn influences our view of society. Broadcast media play an important role in influencing public attitudes. This work is important in guiding us on how best to enhance representation of people with disabilities and their concerns in Irish broadcasting in a meaningful and appropriate way”.

Conor Maguire, Chairperson of the BCI added “this research report is important for regulators and broadcasters alike in providing an insight into people”s attitudes toward the portrayal and representation of people with a disability on Irish radio and television. The research will be used to support the development by the BCI, of voluntary guidelines for broadcasters to encourage fair and accurate representation of people with disabilities in the broadcast media.”

For further information contact The National Disability Authority, Tel 01 6080400 www.nda.ie or www.bci.ie , Tel 1 644 1200.


St Stephen's Green Trust Grants Scheme 2009

Under its 2009 Grants Scheme, the St Stephen”s Green Trust will consider applications for project or core costs. If core costs are being requested, the applicant will need to make a case for sustaining these costs in future years. The Trust generally makes one-off annual grants, although two- year applications may be successful in particular circumstances. Grant levels are generally from €1,000 to €12,000. In 2008 the average grant was €5,200. The Trust accepts applications from voluntary or community organisations, with a CHY or XR (NI) number. If the number is pending or if there is no charitable status, the Trust will require information on the legal status of the organisation. If your group does not have any legal status, a strong case will need to be made for funding the organisation. In 2009, the Trust is only inviting applications from organisations with annual income below €500,000. There will be one grant”s meeting in 2009.

Deadline for receipt of applications: Friday, 11th September, 2009. Successful grantees will receive their grants in October. Please note the Trust office will be closed from mid June to mid August 2009. Programme Areas 2009 Grants will be made to organisations working in 3 specific areas. They are homelessness, prisoners / ex-prisoners and Travellers.


Centre for Independent Living, Carmichael House

Position: Development and Operational Manager

The Centre for Independent Living, Carmichael House, is part of a countrywide and worldwide Independent Living Movement. The organisation is commencing the implementation of a five year strategy which includes new structures to support and represent the interests of all stakeholders in the Independent Living movement in Ireland, and is now inviting applicants to apply for the position of Development and Operational Manager. The Development and Operational Manager will be responsible for the coordination, development and delivery of CIL Carmichael House services, within the remit of the Strategic Plan. S/he will work closely with the Board of Directors to guide the strategic development of the organisation.

Further information, including a copy of the current Strategic Plan, is available on request. Please contact CIL Carmichael House by phone at 01 8730455 or by email to info@dublincil.ie . Qualified candidates should send a CV and cover letter by email to mccabe.office@gmail.com followed by a hard copy to arrive by 31st August 2009.

Cashel Gold Star Initiative Project

The Gold Star project is a new initiative to improve levels of access and standard of service for people with disabilities, is being piloted in Cashel. The Gold Star Initiative is a community based project set up to raise disability awareness under the principle that if everyone works together we can achieve our goal of ensuring people with disabilities can fully participate in the social, cultural, economic and political life of the community.

The Cashel community is now committed to achieving a Gold Star Status for the town. All local, voluntary and statutory agencies and people with disabilities themselves have come together to work towards the achievement of a Gold Star status.

The Cashel Gold Star Disability Task Group was set up in 2006 and aims to work to improve awareness and integration of people with disabilities to assist the community in ensuring all premises and activities are accessible and welcoming to all.

For further Information on Cashel Gold Star Disability Project, contact: Anne Bradshaw, HSE at
Tel: 062 64908 or E-mail: anne.bradshaw@hse.ie

The 10th World Down Syndrome Congress Dublin, 19th - 22nd August, 2009

The theme for the 10th World Down Syndrome Congress is "Lifelong Living and Learning", and the venue will be the Helix Theatre complex, Dublin City University (DCU) Campus, Dublin. Down Syndrome Ireland is planning a dynamic programme covering all aspects of health and welfare, education, and research. The programme will cater for all parents and professionals and include a parallel participative programme for siblings, children and adults with Down syndrome.

The inaugural International Synod of people with Down syndrome will take place on Wednesday 19th August - the day before the main Congress begins. This prestigious and high profile event will be held in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin. The Synod will give adults and young people with Down syndrome an opportunity to meet their peers from across the globe, and to discuss issues that affect their daily lives, including employment and living in the community. The format will be in a parliamentary style and the Synod will be afforded appropriate recognition by political representatives in Ireland.

For further information contact Down Syndrome Ireland , Tel 01 426 6500 , Email secretariat@wdsc2009.com .

EU Scleroderma Day Celebrated in Ireland

The inaugural Scleroderma Day was celebrated In Ireland on June 29th 2009 at a launch-event in Trinity College, Dublin. This was attended by the Minister for Health and Children, Mary Harney TD, and other key political figures. Doctors, patients, science and industry leaders, and media were addressed by the Minister and consultants, who spoke about the need for early diagnosis of this disabling disease.

Each GP in Ireland, every rheumatologist and every dermatologist, and many other medical practitioners, have received a letter from the Irish Raynaud”s & Scleroderma Society inviting them to the event and enclosing an information pack about the diagnosis and treatment of scleroderma.

Professor Douglas Veale and Dr. Sean Gaine, consultants in respiratory medicine, spoke at the launch event about the necessity of seeing people with at least two of the symptoms of the disease as soon as possible, so that treatment can begin as necessary, and PAH can be ruled out by tests. The Minister for Health gave her support for the program and for the ongoing work of the Irish Raynaud”s & Scleroderma Society. The IRSS now hopes to collect data on how successful VEDOSS is in increasing early diagnosis.

The Abbey Theatre Assisted Performances

The Abbey Theatre offers audio-described and captioned performances. Sign language interpreted performances are programmed on both the Abbey and Peacock stages. Discounts are offered for its assisted performances.

The Abbey Theatre also offers sign language interpreted performances. The new Autumn season programme has now been published, and is available on www.abbeytheatre.ie .

For further information contact the Box Office directly on 01 8787 222 or Boxoffice@abbeytheatre.ie .


For information please contact the relevant organisation directly.

Ability - Newsletter of the Irish Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, Tel: 01 4572329, E-mail: info@iasbah.ie
Arthritis Ireland - Newsletter—Tel: 01 661 8188 E-mail: info@arthritisireland.ie
Aspire - Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland. 01-8780027/9, E-mail: admin@aspire-irl.org
Asthma Society News - Tel: 01-8788511, E-mail: office@asthmasociety.ie
Brainstorm - Migraine Association of Ireland, Tel: 01-8064121, E-mail: info@migraine.ie
Brainwave - Quarterly Newsletter, Tel: 01 4557500, E-mail: info@epilepsy.ie
Care Alliance Ireland - E-mail: ndo@carealliance.ie
Clar na nÓg - National Youth Council of Ireland Tel: 01-4784122 E-mail: info@nyci.ie
Cleft Lip and Palate Association of Ireland - www.cleft.ie/newsletter , Tel: (01) 2848227, E-mail: georginawade@cleft.ie
Community Exchange Newsletter, E-mail: info@activelink.ie , Tel: +1 667 7326
Connect - Irish Motor Neuron Disease Association. E-mail: info@imnda.ie , Freefone 1800 403 403
Community Workers” Co-operative – Community Work News. E-mail: info@cwc.ie , Tel: +353 (0) 91 779 030
Cornerstone - Homeless Agency - http://www.homelessagency.ie/research/cornerstone.asp , Tel: 01 7036100 , E-mail: homeless@dublincity.ie
Cumhacht - People with Disabilities in Ireland http://www.pwdi.ie/news_events/newsletter , E-mail: info@pwdi.ie , Tel: 01-8721744
Debra Ireland Newsletter, Tel: 01 678 5044, E-mail: info@debraireland.org
Down Syndrome Ireland - Tel: 01-8730999, E-mail: info@downsyndrome.ie
Enable Ireland - Newsletter—Tel: 1850 204 304 E-mail: communications@enableireland.ie
Equality News - Tel: 01-4173333, E-mail:: info@equality.ie
E-Info Deaf Source— E-mail:: info@irishdeafsociety.ie . Tel: +353 1860 1878
Féach - Support to parents of blind and visually impaired children. Tel: 01 493 1896, E-mail:: info@feach.ie
Fighting Blindness - Tel: 01 7093050, E-mail: avril.daly@fightingblindness.ie
Frontline of Learning Disability -Tel: 01-2862649. E-mail: frontline@indigo.ie
GROWing - Information on Mental Health, Tel: 1890 474 474, E-mail: info@grow.ie
Guidelines - Irish Guide Dogs Association. Tel: 021 4878200 E-mail: info@guidedogs.ie
Headway Ireland - National Association for Acquired Brain Injury -“Making Headway”, Tel: 01-8102066, E-mail: info@headway.ie
Heart News: - Newsletter of Irish Heart Foundation. Tel: 01 668 5001 E-mail:: info@irishheart.ie .
Heartstrings - Newsletter of Heart Children Ireland, published quarterly, Tel: 1850 217017 E-mail: heartchildren@eircom.net
Heatwave - Irish Raynauds Scleroderma Society, E-mail: info@irishraynauds.com , Tel: 01 2020184
HOPE - Huntington”s Disease Association of Ireland. Tel: 01-872 1303, E-mail: hdai@indigo.ie
Inclusion Ireland - Tel: 01 8559891, E-mail: info@inclusionireland.ie
Irish Deaf News - Irish Deaf Society. Minicom: 01-8601910; 01-8601878; E-mail: info@irishdeafsociety.ie
Irish Wheelchair Association - “Spokeout” , Tel: 01-8186 400, E-mail: Joanna.marsden@iwa.ie
Kerry Network of People with Disabilities - Network News 066-7180611, E-mail: kerrypwdi@eircom.net
MS News—Newsletter of MS Ireland. Tel: 01 6781600, E-mail: info@ms-society.ie
Muscular Dystrophy Ireland - MDI News Update Tel: 01-8721501, E-mail: info@mdi.ie
DeafHear.ie - Link Magazine - Tel: 01 8723800, E-mail: info@deafhear.ie , Minicom: (01) 817 5777
NCBI News - Newsletter of the National Council for the Blind of Ireland, Tel: 01 8307033, E-mail:: press@ncbi.ie , www.ncbi.ie
Neuro News - Neurofibromatosis Association of Ireland, Tel: 01-8726338, E-mail: nfaireland@eircom.net
People First - Central Remedial Clinic Tel: 01-8057400 E-mail: vmmcutch@crc.ie
Post Polio Support Group - Newsletter, Tel: 071 64791 E-mail: newsletter@ppsg.ie
Poverty Today - Combat Poverty Agency. Tel:01-670 6746
Rehab News -Tel: 01-2057200 E-mail: dara.duffy@rehab.ie
Simon News - Simon Community, Tel: 01-6711606 E-mail: info@simoncommunity.com
S.I. News - Schizophrenia Ireland, Tel: (0)1 8601620 E-mail: info@sirl.ie
Social Housing - Irish Council for Social Housing Tel: 01-6618334; E-mail: info@icsh.ie
Speaking up for Advocacy – Citizens Information Board Newsletter on advocacy. Tel: 01 6059035, E-mail: mairide.woods@comhairle.ie or davin.roche@comhairle.ie
Volunteer Stroke Scheme News- Tel: 01-4559036. E-mail:: info@strokescheme.ie
Wheel E-Bulletin Tel:01- 454 8727, E-mail: info@wheel.ie .


Disability Federation of Ireland is a national support and representation mechanism for voluntary disability sector organisations, covering all areas of disability and disabling conditions. There are currently over 100 voluntary disability organisations in the DFI Membership.

Fumbally Court
Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8
Tel: 01 454 7978
Fax: 01 494 7981
E: info@disability-federation.ie

Dublin Mid-Leinster
Anthony Carrick
Dun Laoghaire, Dublin South East, Wicklow (Dublin Office),
Tel: 01 708 0105
Mobile: 086 8206736
E: anthonycarrick@disability-federation.ie

Louise McCann
Dublin South City, Dublin South West, Dublin West, Kildare, West Wicklow (Dublin Office)
Mobile: 086 9189750
E: louisemccann@disability-federation.ie

Jacqueline Thomson
Laois, Offaly, Longford, Westmeath (Dublin Office)
Mobile: 086 3882600
E: jacquelinethomson@disability-federation.ie

Lillian Buchanan
Support Officer – Policy and Research (Dublin Office)
Tel: 01 424 0127
E: lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie

Dermot O”Donnell
Support Officer – Support for Organsiations (Dublin Office)
Tel: 01-4250125
E: dermotodonnell@disability-federation.ie

Dublin North-East
Joan O”Donnell
Meath, Louth, Cavan, Monaghan (Dublin Office)
Mobile: 086 3834587
E: joanodonnell@disability-federation.ie

Martin Naughton
Dublin North Central, Dublin North West, Dublin North
E: martinnaughton@disability-federation.ie

Michael Corbett,
Galway, Mayo, Roscommon
C/O DFI, Acres, Newport, Co. Mayo,
Tel: 098 41919,
Mobile: 086 3804750,
Fax: 098 41065,
E: michaelcorbett@disability-federation.ie

Marcus Hufsky,
Sligo, Leitrim, Donegal
St. Vincent”s Business Park, Finisklin Road, Sligo
Tel: 071-9150098
Mobile: 086 3811261
E: marcushufsky@disability-federation.ie

Toni Gleeson,
Limerick, North Tipperary, East Limerick, Clare
DFI, The Forge, Croke St. Thurles, Co Tipperary
Mobile: 086 6004526
E: tonigleeson@disability-federation.ie

P.J. Cleere
Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford
DFI, Tinryland, Carlow
Tel: 059 9179431
Mobile: 086 3811064
E: pjcleere@disability-federation.ie

Alison Ryan
Cork, Kerry
101 North Main Street, Cork
Tel: 021 4271752 Mobile 086 3816323
E: a.ryan@disability-federation .