Disability Federation of Ireland Newsletter August 2007
Issued on August 1 2007
National Disability Strategy and Towards 2016
How disability organisations work together and how we work with the statutory and wider voluntary sectors will be one of the key factors in determining whether or not people with disabilities gain access to mainstream community life as committed to in the National Disability Strategy (NDS) and Towards 2016.
There has been a growing practice of joint working in the provision of supports and services to people with disabilities, but this practice will need to be built upon if mainstream living is to become a reality for people with disabilities.
The NDS and Towards 2016 contain a wide range of commitments to enhance the provision of services and supports to people with disabilities. To assist organisations to understand the implications of these commitments DFI is compiling an easy to read guide to the NDS and Towards 2016 which we will be publishing in the autumn.
Given the centrality of joint working to the provision of mainstream services to people with disabilities our forthcoming Conference, "We Can't Opt Out of the Future" on 21st & 22nd November, will address the issues of joint working and the opportunities and challenges it poses for organisations.
Finally we will launch our Estimates and Budget 2008 campaign to members of the Oireachtas and media on 3rd October 2007 in the Mansion House, Dublin. A key message to the new Government in our submission will be that the NDS cannot to progressed without investment in the current under resourcing of the health related services provided by disability organisations.
John Dolan
Disability Federation of Ireland National Two Day Conference 21st & 22nd November 2007: "We Can't Opt Out Of The Future."
Voluntary disability organisations have been to the forefront of promoting the inclusion and wellbeing of people with disabilities. They have a critical role to play in assisting people with disabilities to gain access, as equal citizens to all aspects of Irish life; this includes the provision of specialist services and in enabling people with disabilities to access services available to members of the public.
The conference focuses on the continued importance and changing role of disability organisations in the new environment being shaped by the Government's commitments in the National Disability Strategy (NDS) and Towards 2016 to the mainstreaming of supports and services to people with disabilities. A key tool to achieving this goal will be the ability of all organisations both voluntary and statutory to work better together.
Towards 2016 states that
"every person with a disability would …in conformity with their needs and abilities, have access to appropriate care, health, education, employment and training and social services…be supported to enable them, as far as possible, to lead full and independent lives, to participate in work and in society and to maximise their potential."
There are already many examples of joint working in the delivery of supports and services for people with disabilities. This conference aims to build upon this experience and to explore:
- the centrality of joint working to the delivery of the NDS;
- give an overview of different ways and means of joint working;
- discuss joint working in Irish context;
- identify what supports and what hinders joint working, and
- allow organisations a time to learn from one another's experiences and concerns in relation to joint working.
The NDS and Towards 2016 offers a roadmap for the future supports and services to people with disabilities. This conference will assist organisations to prepare for this future.
Who Should Attend?
Representatives from voluntary disability organisations or statutory agencies interested in delivery of supports and services to people with disabilities.
Further information and booking details to follow.
For queries please email: conference@disability-federation.ie .
Colour LaserJet printer
DFI has a FREE used HP Colour LaserJet 2500n printer, in perfect working order, to give to any DFI member organisation. Full technical details are available at www.hp.com . For further information please contact Aaron Browne, Tel: (01) 4250123 or aaronbrowne@disability-federation.ie
New DFI Staff Members
DFI is happy to welcome two new staff members who have recently joined the team.
Mairead Holohan has been appointed as a temporary Administrative Assistant.
Jacqueline Thomson has joined DFI as Support Officer (Laois, Offaly, Longford, Westmeath).
We wish Mairead and Jacqueline well with DFI.
HSE Core Deficits
Earlier this year the HSE informed DFI that it would commence a validation exercise for physical and sensory disability organisations. The purpose of this exercise is to identify HSE core deficits in organisations. A similar exercise has been carried out with intellectual disability organisations in recent years.
The HSE decided to commence the exercise with the following organisations:
- Brainwave,
- Headway,
- Irish Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus,
- Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association,
- Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland, and
- Muscular Dystrophy Ireland…
…along with the members of the Not for Profit Business Association, which include the organisations:
- Central Remedial Clinic,
- Cheshire Ireland,
- Enable Ireland,
- Gandon Enterprises,
- Irish Wheelchair Association,
- National Association for Deaf People,
- National Learning Network,
- NCBI, and
- RehabCare.
A template of the process is being piloted with two of the Not For Profit Business Association member organisations at present.
DFI will meet with the HSE to discuss this round of the validation exercise and also in the future how it could be expanded to the remaining organisations in our membership.
Please send queries to Eleanor Scanlan, eleanorscanlan@disability-federation.ie.
Digital Television And Electronic Programming
The Broadcasting Commission of Ireland (BCI) is holding a Consultation on Policy for digital terrestrial television (DTT) and Electronic Programme Guides (EPG).
The BCI is developing its policy on Digital television and Electronic programming guides and is meeting with disability interest groups on 30th August 2007 to consider issues that may impact on people with physical or sensory disabilities. Digital terrestrial television is a way of sending digital signals to an aerial in a way that 'squeezes' the signal so that it takes up less space than an analogue signal. EPGs are the electronic programme on-screen guides to television schedules that allow the viewer to navigate, select and browse for content using a remote control, keyboard or even a phone keypad. Analogue television is due to be phased out in favour of digital television by 2012. DFI will be represented at this meeting by Hugh O'Neill from the Technical Services Department of the Central Remedial Clinic.
For further information, or to make a contribution to this consultation, please contact joanodonnell@disability-federation.ie , (01) 4250122 or 086 3834587.
National Working Group HSE Funded Adult Day Services
The HSE has established a Working Group, the purpose of which is to advise the HSE on the completion and implementation of the 'Strategic Review of HSE Funded Adult Day Services'. The task is to advise on the reconfiguration and modernisation of existing Day Services to reflect an approach to service delivery that is in line with the principles enshrined in the Health Strategy, and to oversee the completion of a national census of current service provision identifying the characteristics of all HSE Funded Adult Day Services. The DFI representative is Therese Bracken from Headway Ireland. They have been appointed as representatives of the physical and sensory sector on this Working Group.
For further information, please contact Marcus Hufsky, DFI Support Officer.
The Wheel's Consultation on the Charities Bill
Over 70 members of The Wheel's Network of Interest on Charities Regulation attended a special July consultation organised on the Charities Bill. It was noted that the Bill is primarily concerned with providing for the regulation of charities and fundraising, and is not the expected general reform of charity law as was proposed in the 2006 Heads of Bill. There have consequently been a number of 'row-backs' from the vision for the future of charity law that were proposed in the 2006 Heads of Bill.
The Wheel will be working to ensure that the issues are addressed to the greatest extent possible in the forthcoming legislative process, or that Government commits to addressing them in a follow-on Bill. DFI will be holding an event later in the autumn on the legislation.
For further information please contact
The Wheel, Irish Social Finance Centre, 10 Grattan Crescent, Inchicore, Dublin 8, Ireland. Tel: (01) 454 8727, Fax : (01) 454 8649, E-mail: info@wheel.ie , Web: www.wheel.ie
Housing Statistics Annual Bulletin
The 2006 Annual Housing Statistics Bulletin was released by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in July. It reports that 6,669 Disabled Persons Grants were paid in 2006, 9% above the previous year. Expenditure on the grants, at €57.4 million was 9% higher than in 2005, indicating a decline in the average grant after taking into account construction cost inflation. Dublin City Council paid out 19% of the grants.
In 2006 there were 799 units completed by housing associations under the Capital Assistance Scheme (CAS), slightly less than the 827 units completed in 2005. As the main source of social housing for people with disabilities, and given the focus on expanding such investment in Towards 2016 and the National Disability Strategy, the trend is disappointing. More positively, the number of CAS units commenced at 31st December 2006 was 780, compared with 655 units at the same date in 2005.
Social Inclusion Unit Programme
Mr John Gormley TD, Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, on 20th July announced the extension of the social inclusion unit programme to nine more Local Authorities.
The successful Local Authorities (Cavan, Donegal, Fingal, Galway City, Galway County, Meath, Monaghan, Roscommon and South Tipperary) were selected, following an objective assessment process, which was overseen by an Inter-Departmental Steering Group.
The announcement fulfils a commitment in the Partnership Agreement Towards 2016, ahead of target, to extend the social inclusion unit programme to half of all Local Authorities by the end of 2008. There are eight such units already in place and the announcement brings the total number of units to seventeen.
The Department will provide 50% of the salary costs of each of the nine new units. The Department already provides similar such funding for the existing eight units.
New Ministers of State
The Taoiseach has appointed 20 Ministers of State to various Government Departments. Minister Jimmy Devins, TD was appointed Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children with special responsibility for Disability Issues and Mental Health. He will alsobe assigned toEducation and Science, and Enterprise, Trade and Employment.
Title | Department | Additional Appointments |
Health Promotion and Food Safety Pat the Cope Gallagher, TD | Health and Children | - |
Fisheries John Browne, TD | Agriculture, Food and Fisheries | - |
Innovation Policy Michael Ahern, TD | Enterprise, Trade and Employment | Education and Science |
Office of Public Works Noel Ahern, TD | Finance | - |
Equality Issues Seán Power, TD | Justice, Equality and Law Reform | - |
Housing, Urban Renewal and Developing Areas Batt O'Keeffe, TD | Environment, Heritage and Local Government | - |
Environment and Energy Tony Killeen, TD | Environment, Heritage and Local Government | Communications, Energy and Natural Resources |
Integration Policy Conor Lenihan, TD | Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs | Education and Science, Justice, Equality and Law Reform |
Forestry Mary Wallace, TD | Agriculture, Food and Fisheries | - |
Lifelong Learning, Youth Work and School Transport Seán Haughey, TD | Education and Science | Enterprise, Trade and Employment |
Overseas Development Micheal Kitt, TD | Foreign Affairs | - |
Food and Horticulture Trevor Sargent, TD | Agriculture, Food and Fisheries | - |
Drugs Strategy and Community Affairs Pat Carey, TD | Community, Rural, and Gaeltacht Affairs | - |
Labour Affairs Billy Kelleher, TD | Enterprise, Trade and Employment | - |
Legislation will be amended to provide for an additional three Ministers of State:
Title | Department | Additional Appointments |
Trade and Commerce John McGuinness, TD | Enterprise, Trade and Employment | - |
Disability Issues and Mental Health (excluding discrimination) Dr. Jimmy Devins, TD | Health and Children | Education and Science, Enterprise, Trade and Employment |
Older People Máire Hoctor, TD | Health and Children | Social and Family Affairs, Environment, Heritage and Local Government |
Role of Healthcare Assistants
A national review of the role of the healthcare assistant in Ireland is in progress. It is important that all healthcare staff / organisations have an opportunity to influence this review which will help shape the future development of the role.
All interested parties (groups or individuals) are invited to submit their views and opinions regarding the current and future role of the healthcare assistant in Ireland.
For further information or clarification please contact:
Anne Flood, HSE West Area, 087 251 4696 or Nuala Rafferty, HSE Dublin / Mid Leinster / North East Areas, 087 130 4750 or Kate Kennedy, HSE South Area, 087 264 8727.
Galway CIL Strategic Plan 2007 - 2010
The Strategic Plan for Galway Centre for Independent Living Ltd. was recently published. The following key targets will be achieved by Galway Centre for Independent Living Ltd. over the next 3 years:
- Continue to increase Personal Assistant Service availability in Galway City and County;
- Continue to increase Accessible Computer Suite Services;
- Maintain a highly professional image which allows for continued growth and diversification;
- Achieve a Quality Award to ensure we [Galway Centre for Independent Living Ltd.] provide the best possible service;
- Continue to increase Universally Accessible Transport Service, and
- Continue to improve Communication with all stakeholders.
For further information please contact:
The Galway Centre for Independent Living, Unit 10, Town Park Centre
Tuam Road, Galway. Tel: +353 (091)773910, Fax: +353 (091)773919
or email: info@gcil.ie .
Community Development Consultation
Pat Carey, TD, Minister of State at the Department of Community, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs, has initiated a public consultation process on how the community development approach meets the needs of disadvantaged communities. The Community Development Programme was established in 1990 in recognition of the role of community development and a community development approach in tackling exclusion, poverty and disadvantage.
Submissions should be sent to
cdpconsultation@pobail.ie or by post to: CDP Consultation, Community Development Unit, Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Teeling Street, Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo,
to arrive by 14th September 2007.
Local Government Reform Consultation
Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, John Gormley, TD, is preparing a Green Paper on Local Government Reform to be published by the end of the year in line with the Programme for Local Government.
Minister Gormley wishes to invite the public and other interested parties to provide their views and comments on the various aspects of Local Government to be addressed in the Green Paper. This will contain options for reform in relation to:
- The proposed powers and remit of a directly elected Mayor for Dublin;
- The issue of directly elected Mayors or Council Chairs for other areas;
- The establishment of new Town Councils in towns which have shown significant population growth in recent years, and the powers of town councils;
- The appropriate balance of power between the elected representatives and the manager in local authorities, and
- The provision of quality public service to the public by Local Authorities expenditure limits at local elections.
Reponses in relation to any or all of the above matters should be forwarded, by September 28th 2007, to:
By post:
Eoin Corrigan, Local Government Project Development, Room 207, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government
Custom House, Dublin 1 or
By email: eoin_corrigan@environ.ie
Speaking Up For Advocacy
The Citizens Information Board's (formerly Comhairle) newsletter, Speaking up for Advocacy details projects and research relating to advocacy mainly in Ireland but with an occasional reference to what happens abroad. This month's newletter (August 2007) is a special conference edition. For further information please check the website: www.citizensinformationboard.ie
Irish Fundraising Handbook
Updated Edition of the Irish Funding Handbook to be launched in Autumn 2007
The sixth edition of the handbook, will be published in autumn 2007 by Create in association with the Citizens Information Board (formerly Comhairle).
For further information
contact, Katrina Goldstoneemail: fh6@create-ireland.ie or Tel: 01-4736600.
UCC Distance Learning
UCC is seeking applications for the Diploma in Social Integration and Enterprise for Community Development Workers by distance learning which commences in October 2007. The Diploma constitutes the first year of the BSc in Mutual & Credit Union Business . Graduates of the Diploma are therefore eligible to proceed to year two of the degree. Closing date August 31st. Contact UCC for further details.
CIB Training Calendar
The new training calendar of events is now available from the Citizens Information Board.
Some of the courses on offer are:
- Health Service Executive Payments,
- Disability Payments - Extra Benefits And Work Options,
- Social Policy - Making A Difference At Local Level,
- Carers' Rights And Entitlements
- Company Law For Voluntary Organisations and,
- Employment Rights.
All courses and application details are now contained in the detailed programme on the CIB website www.citizensinformationboard.ie
Disability Studies
Center for Independent Living, Carmichael House (Dublin 7) is pleased to present the NUI Maynooth Certificate in Disability Studies in 2007 / 8. This is a part time course, which will run from October 2007 to May 2008.
Course Aims
- To examine theoretical perspectives of disability;
- To develop the Independent Living Philosophy, and
- To examine a rights based approach to Disability.
For further information or an application form please contact Sarah or Barbora on 01 8730455 or by email on barborakorandova@dublincil.org .
The Wheel Events Calendar (September - December 2007) Autumn Programme
- 12th Solid Foundations - Policy and Good Practice
- 18th A Structured Approach To Strategic Planning
- 27th Charity Regulation, Strategic Planning, Risk Management and Recruiting Trustees.
There are more events in the Autumn (Sept. - Dec. 2007) .
For more information
on these events and details on registration please go to www.wheel.ie or contact The Wheel office on 01 454 8727 or by email to events@wheel.ie
Roscommon Support Group Ltd Flexible Learning College
Roscommon Support Group Ltd. assist people to acquire new life skills; engage in activities; offer opportunities to people to share / exchange skills, and to be creative or to develop a hidden talent. Some of the anticipated learning / sharing experiences are:
- Computers,
- Digital Photography,
- Newsletter / Brochure Design,
- Personal Development,
- Introduction To Car Maintenance Etc..
For more information contact Margaret Bourke or Mary Casey on: Tel: 090 6625877, Fax: 090 662 5852, or by post RSG Flexible Learning College, Resource Centre, Derrane, Co. Roscommon.
General Notices
Irish Sign Language Awareness Week
The IDS (Irish Deaf Society) have announced that ISL Awareness Week will be held from Saturday 22nd to Friday 28th September 2007. Full schedule and details are available on www.deaf.ie
Making our voices heard
As part of the European Anti-Poverty Network's Focus on Poverty in Ireland project, the EAPN have compiled a publicity guide for use by activists and workers in the community / NGO sector. The aim of the publication is to provide a basic introduction to publicity work in generating press releases, letters to the papers, interview preparation and so on. Download the document from www.eapn.ie
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact
Justin Moran, European Anti Poverty Network Ireland, 5 Gardiner Row, Dublin 1, Tel.: (01) 874 5737 or Email: justin@eapn.ie
National Disability Authority Library
The National Disability Authority (NDA) library is open to the public and visitors are welcome by appointment. There is an extensive collection of books, journals, and e-resources on disability and related topics. Books can be borrowed by postal loan, and journal articles supplied by post.
For further information
Email library@nda.ie , Telephone (01) 608 0400 (ask for library), Fax (01) 608 0431 (direct library fax) or write to: NDA Library, 25 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.
Leabharlann Chontae Liatroma
The Libraries of Carrick on Shannon, Manorhamilton, Ballinamore, Drumshanbo, Mohill, now has Visually Assistive Technology for public use. The Libraries are holding open days as follows, in Ballinamore Library 27th August, in Drumshanbo Library 29th August, and in Manorhamilton Library 30th August.
For more information, contact
Martin Beirne, Ballinamore Library, Ballinamore, Co. Leitrim or call (071) 9645582 and ask for Martin on extension 203.
Nominations are open for the AONTAS STAR Awards. The STAR awards is about showcasing teamwork and awarding recognition. It is about acknowledging the work being done by adult learning projects throughout the country. You do not have to be involved in the project your are nominating for a STAR award. A copy of the nomination form can be downloaded from www.adultlearnersfestival.com .
For further information please contact
AONTAS, National Adult Learning Organisation, 2nd Floor, 83 - 87 Main Street, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, Email: mail@aontas.com , Tel: (01) 4068220 or Fax: (01) 4068227.
Arts & Disability Awards
The Arts & Disability Awards Ireland aim to challenge and inspire creativity, experimentation and artistic excellence, supporting artists to develop new work and increase skills. They are open to artists with disabilities throughout Ireland working in all art forms. Creativity is a key factor and awards of up to £5,000 / €7,000 are available. The deadline is Wednesday 21st November.
If you would like further information on the Arts & Disability Award Ireland programme, telephone / SMS 028 9023 9450, text phone 028 9032 5744 or email gillian@adf.ie .
Autism Lecture
The author Donna Williams, will be at Queen's University, Belfast, on Tuesday 18th September 2007. The event is being sponsored in Belfast by 'P2P AUTISM' a locally based parent led support group for parents / carers of children on the autistic spectrum.
- Date: Tuesday 18th September 2007
- Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
- Venue: Medical Biology Centre, Lecture Theatre 1, 97 Lisburn Road, Belfast.
- Contact: P2P Autism, email: donnawilliamsbelfast@yahoo.com
- Cost: £20.00 (Professionals) / £ 5.00 (Parents / public)
Cneasta Annual Conference
The theme of this years Conference is, 'Service Provision for People with Disabilities - A Roadmap Towards 2016 .
- Date: Tuesday 16th & Wednesday 17th October 2007
- Location: Newpark Hotel, Kilkenny.
For more information contact
Ronnie Corbett, Tel: (052) 25328 / 84050 or Email: ronniecorbettcluain@eircom.net
BRAINWAVE Annual Conference
BRAINWAVE, The Irish Epilepsy Association are holding their Annual National Conference on the topic, 'Life With Epilepsy - Seeing Things More Clearly', BRAINWAVE-A Light In The Dark For 40 Years.
- Venue: Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill, Galway.
- Date: Saturday, 3rd November, 2007.
For further information please contact
Evelyn Monson Kirby, Cro, Ozanam House, St Augustine St, Galway or Tel: (091) 568180.
Respond International Conference
The Respond Housing Association are hosting an international Conference entitled, 'Irish Housing: Do we know what we're doing? Critique of Policy and Provision.'
- Date: October 11th and 12th 2007
- Venue: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Santry, Dublin 9
For further information please contact:
RESPOND! Housing Association
Tel: 0818 357901, Email: conference@respond.ie or website www.respond.ie .
ICSH Biennial National Social Housing Conference 2007
The ICSH Biennial Social Housing Conference takes place on 25th - 27th September 2007 in Whites Hotel, Wexford Town. The theme of this years conference relates to the policy agreed by the Government and Social Partners in 2006 of having the life cycle approach underpinning housing delivery.
For further information please contact:
Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH), 50 Merrion Square East Dublin 2, Tel: 01 6618334, Fax: 01 6610320 or web www.icsh.ie .
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland Annual Conference
The Society's Annual Conference topic this year is 'Towards a Voice: 25 Years of Dementia Care and Advocacy (1982-2007)'.
- Date: 21st September 2007
- Venue: Fitzpatrick's Hotel, Killiney, Co. Dublin
This Conference will be of interest to all allied health and social care professionals working in the field of dementia. It will be of particular interest to those working in the long term care sector.
Full registration details coming soon.
Queries to conference@alzheimer.ie
A Changed Landscape
The Forum of People with Disabilities and DESSA, the Disability Equality Specialist Support Agency, are holding a Conference 'A Changed Landscape: Disabled people's Contribution to Policy in Ireland'
- Date: Monday 12th November
- Venue: Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin 3
The Conference brochure and booking form will be available shortly.
For further information please contact
DESSA at Tel: 01-4136548 and by email info@dessa.ie
Sexuality and people with intellectual disabilities
Pavilion a publisher and event organiser for professionals delivering public services is hosting a Conference entitled 'Sexuality and people with intellectual disabilities: Getting the balance right.'
- Date: 21st September 2007
- Venue: The Marino Centre, Dublin
- Price: €195
For further information call
Pavilion on +44 1273 623222, email: info@pavpub.com , or website: www.pavpub.com
Business In The Community
The Homeless Agency is running a free Learning Module on 'Business In The Community' on Monday 3rd September from 9.30 a.m. - 1.30 p.m. in the Homeless Agency Conference Room, Parkgate Hall, 6 - 9 Conyngham Road, Islandbridge, Dublin 8.
This module is targeted at key workers who assist service users to work towards entering / re-entering the workforce.
Please contact Maria Fitzpatrick at 01 7036103 or email: maria.fitzpatrick@dublincity.ie .
Neurological Information Day "Neurorehabilitation in Ireland: Innovations and Challenges"
The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland and the Neurological Alliance of Ireland are hosting a Neurological Information Day in the Clarion Hotel Sligo on the 14th September 2007. The focus of the day will be Neurorehabilitation and the day is primarily directed at Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Speech and Language Therapists, Public Health Nurses and anyone who has an interest in rehabilitation.
For further details and booking form contact:
MS Ireland, Western Regional Office, Roxboro House, Raleigh Row, Galway
Email: western@ms-society.ie , Tel: 091 862478, Cost of the day is €50 including lunch.
Migraine Action Week 2007
MAI to hold Information Seminars in September in Ennis and Mullingar to mark Migraine Action Week 2007.
For more information check the website:
www.migraine.ie , Tel: (01) 806 4121, Fax: +353 1 806 4122, Callsave Helpline (ROI): 1850 200 378, or e-mail: info@migraine.ie .
UN Day Eradication of Poverty 17th October
The annual commemoration in Dublin will be held at the Famine Memorial Custom House Quay at 11.30 am (TBC).
For further information and resource material, DVD, information pack, book, signature, campaign leaflet and newsletter: 17october@eircom.net or (01) 8558191
Support Officers
Dublin Office
Fumbally Court
Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8
Tel: 01 454 7978
Fax: 01 494 7981
E: info@disability-federation.ie
Dublin Mid-Leinster
Lillian Buchanan
Support Officer - Policy and Research
(Dublin Office)
Tel: 01 - 424 0127
E: lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie
Anthony Carrick
Dun Laoghaire, Dublin South East, Wicklow
(Dublin Office),
Mobile: 086 8206736
E: anthonycarrick@disability-federation.ie
Louise McCann
Dublin South City, Dublin South West, Dublin West, Kildare, West Wicklow
(Dublin Office)
Mobile: 086 9189750
E: louisemccann@disability-federation.ie
Jacqueline Thomson
Laois, Offaly, Longford, Westmeath
(Dublin Office)
E: jacquelinethomson@disability-federation.ie
Dublin North-East
Joan O'Donnell
Meath, Louth, Cavan, Monaghan (Dublin Office)
Mobile: 086 3834587
E: joanodonnell@disability-federation.ie
Martin Naughton
Dublin North Central, Dublin North West, Dublin North
Mobile: 086 8207196
E: martinnaughton@disability-federation.ie
Michael Corbett,
Galway, Mayo, Roscommon
C/O DFI, Acres, Newport, Co. Mayo,
Tel: 098 41919,
Mobile: 086 3804750,
Fax: 098 41065,
E: michaelcorbett@disability-federation.ie
Marcus Hufsky,
Sligo, Leitrim, Donegal
DFI, NRC, Forthill, Sligo,
Tel: 071 9144614,
Mobile: 086 3811261,
E: marcushufsky@disability-federation.ie
Toni Gleeson,
Limerick, North Tipperary, East Limerick, Clare
DFI, The Forge, Croke St. Thurles, Co Tipperary
Mobile: 086 6004526
E: tonigleeson@disability-federation.ie
P.J. Cleere
Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford
DFI, Tinryland, Carlow
Tel: 059 9158111
Mobile: 086 3811064
E: pjcleere@disability-federation.ie
Alison Ryan
Cork, Kerry
On leave
Please contact : Eleanor Scanlan, Dublin Office
Disability Federation of Ireland is the national support mechanism for voluntary disability organisations in Ireland covering all areas of disability and disabling conditions: intellectual, physical, sensory, hidden and mental health. DFI has ongoing involvement with over 150 organisations and groups across the country, 70 of which currently comprise its National Council, and 41 of which are Associate Members. Allied to this, it works with and supports over 200 organisations and Groups around the country that have a significant and growing disability interest, mainly coming from the statutory and voluntary sectors.
DFI provides:
- Information
- Training and Advice
- Organisation and Management Development
- Research and Policy
- Advocacy and Representation