Disability Federation of Ireland Newsletter February 2008
Issued on February 1 2008
Drumm Acknowledges Voluntary Disability Sector
Professor Drumm acknowledged at the HSE Leadership Event on 30th January 2008,the importance of deepening the contribution of the Voluntary Disability Sector to the Transformation Programme.
In late 2006 the HSE set out its 'Transformation Programme 2007 – 2010' with its six transformation priorities:
- Develop integrated services across all stages of the care journey.
- Configure Primary, Community and Continuing Care services so that they deliver optimal and cost effective results.
- Configure hospital services to deliver optimal and cost effective results.
- Implement a model for the prevention and management of chronic illness.
- Implement standards based performance measurement and management throughout the HSE.
- Ensure all staff engage in transforming health and social care in Ireland.
As noted in previous newsletters, DFI is engaging with the HSE in the Primary, Community and Continuing Care (PCCC) transformation priority. However, there are other areas that are very relevant to our sector, namely hospital services and the prevention and management of chronic illness.
Professor Drumm speaking recently on the theme of 'Towards an Integrated Health System or More of the Same', while reflecting on the size and scale of activity within the Voluntary Disability Sector underlined the value of deepening the contributionof our sector in relation to the Transformation Programme.
This is indeed welcome and DFI continues to promote the need for ongoing engagement between the HSE and the sector on the Transformation Programme.
We are well aware of the deficiencies and inefficiencies in the current system which makes accessing the range of necessary services and supports difficult for our client groups. However our organisations have already developed a range of services and supports which are a rich resource to the Transformation Programme. We must now use this as an opportunity to bring our experience to this area.
It is important that at organisation level, we each give consideration to these Transformation objectives as they relate to our work. Any of our Support Officers will be happy to assist in doing this.
John Dolan
HSE Core Deficits
In 2007 the HSE informed DFI that it would commence a validation exercise for physical and sensory disability organisations. The purpose of this exercise is to identify HSE core deficits in organisations. A similar exercise has been carried out with intellectual disability organisations in recent years.
The HSE decided to commence the exercise with the following organisations:
- Brainwave,
- Headway,
- Irish Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus,
- Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind,
- Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association,
- Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland,
- Muscular Dystrophy Ireland and
- Peter Bradley Foundation.
…along with the members of the Not for Profit Business Association, which include the organisations:
- Central Remedial Clinic,
- Cheshire Ireland,
- Enable Ireland,
- Gandon Enterprises,
- Irish Wheelchair Association,
- Deafhear.ie (Formerly the National Association for Deaf People),
- National Learning Network,
- NCBI and
- RehabCare.
The HSE has issued a template for compiling Core Deficits to the organisations and it has to be returned by 14th March 2008. DFI will be involved in progressing this round of validating Core Deficits and identifying how this could be expanded to include other organisations in our membership.
DFI Meeting With HSE
On the 31st January 2008 DFI attended its biannual meeting with Laverne McGuinness, National Director of PCCC in the HSE. Although on the day Ms. McGuinness was unable to attend this meeting, DFI did meet with Séamus McNulty and Ger Reaney.
The issues discussed included Service Level Agreements, the HSE Co-Ordinating / Partnership structures, the implementations of the Complaints Process and National Standards for Services, core funding for voluntary disability organisations, as well as specifically addressing the Transformation Programme and alignment of Disability Services with the National Hospitals Office and Primary Care Teams (PCTs).
Further meetings will be scheduled with the HSE on these and other topics throughout 2008.
HSE Service Plan 2008
The HSE published its National Service Plan in January 2008. The Plan outlines how the HSE will deliver the countries health and personal services during 2008.The main priorities of the Plan are to:
- Direct the provision of care away from acute settings where appropriate and towards services in the community
- For those who require care in acute settings, to provide service in line with best international standards, treating the maximum number of patients on a day case rather than an inpatient basis
- To deliver standards within their Vote and within their employment ceiling.
The full report can be found on the HSE website www.hse.ie .
HSE Staff Changes
NHO Director Returns To Role As Advisor To CEO
John O'Brien, National Director of the National Hospitals Office (NHO) is to revert to his previous role as an Advisor to the CEO.Ann Doherty, National Director, Corporate Planning & Control Processes has been reassigned to the NHO. Ann will be responsible for the overall governance and activities of the NHO. Ann will lead a senior cross discipline team to support the NHO Management Team in advancing the area of integrated care within and between directorates.
The cross discipline team will include:
- Barry O'Brien, Assistant National Director, Human Resources
- Maureen Cronin, Assistant National Director, Finance
- Phil Shovlin, General Manager of the CEO's Office
The team will be supported by PCCC and clinical expertise as required. Its primary focus will be on day to day operational matters, management, service and business processes issues (i.e. HR, Communications and Finance) and the application of resources.
The work of the cross discipline team will include a review of the overall operation of the NHO in the context of the HSE's Transformation Programme and the development of the integrated model of care.
Charities Bill 2007 Passes Committee Stage
The third (Committee) Stage of the Charities Bill was completed in late January with a commitment from Minister Pat Carey to address a number of important outstanding issues and bring further amendments to the Daíl for the 4th Stage. Outstanding issues include:
- The definition of charitable purposes, particularly in relation to human rights and other purposes of benefit to the community
- Avoidance of dual filing for charities already subject to regulation by other charities e.g. Companies Registration Office.
- Effective regulation of charities without a legal presence in this country
- The "holding out" provisions relating to issues such as second-hand clothing collections and pre signed mass cards
- Enhancing the permit and fundraising provisions in the Bill.
The question of political causes and advocacy as a charitable purpose was also debated, with the Minister stating that the purpose of the current wording is to prohibit political organisations from registering as charities, not to prohibit charities to "engage in valid political work as a means of achieving its charitable aims".
It is envisaged that consultative panels, as provided for in the legislation, will be utilised for continuous consultation with the charities sector towards providing a supportive and advisory role in addition to the authority's regulatory role. The Minister did not see a conflict for the Regulator acting as "Pal and Policeman" stating that this was needed as a large number of charities are very small and would require such support. He also stated that the Regulator
"will not be the only source of advice or support to the sector. Independent umbrella bodies will continue to have a role and the Bill will not change that situation. There is also a commitment under Towards 2016 to assist the sector in this regard."
In response to concerns regarding the provision for the Regulator to charge fees, the Minister stated that it is not mandatory for the Regulator to do this and that it is envisaged that the regulator will be funded by the Exchequer. He assured deputies that "it would be entirely inconsistent with the supportive role of the regulator if any of the moneys donated to a charity were used for administrative purposes or charges associated with complying with the regulation." Under consideration for reintroduction at the next Stage are some provisions that were made in the Heads of the Bill enabling trustees to indemnify themselves from personal liability using charitable assets and to allow them to receive remuneration for work undertaken that is not related to their role as a trustee.
A number of amendments are under preparation on fundraising arising from the issues raised directly by the charities sector, including the intention to enhance the permit system within Section 81 to introduce a more equitable approach to issuing of permits for both cash and non cash methods of fundraising. The Bill does not change the current position on spontaneous collections, and the Minister is awaiting legal advice on addressing issues raised about Mass Card scams and bogus charity clothing collections.
The Bill will now be referred back to the Dáil for Report Stage at a time to be decided by the Chief Whip. For further information please refer to the Oireachtas website which has a full transcript of the committee stage http://debates.oireachtas.ie or www.wheel.ie , www.ictr.ie .
National Review of HSE Funded Adult Day Services 2007 / 8
In October 2005, the HSE commenced a National Review of Sheltered Services for people with disabilities.This was initiated by the HSE as part of its obligations under Equality Legislation and the Disability Act. The purpose of that Review was to obtain information on all aspects of Sheltered Services, including establishing a listing of services by location, capacity and occupational activities. This Review was informed by work initiated early in 2005 by the Department of Health and Children regarding funding arrangements for Sheltered Work Services.
The outcome from thisinitial Review highlighted service delivery issues that needed to be addressed in relation to existing Sheltered Work practices and recommended that in order to fully address all of these issues, a review of all HSE Funded Adult Day Services should be commissioned and delivered as a matter of urgency.
A National Working Group representative of all stakeholders was established in August 2007 to conduct a National Review within a twelve month timeframe.Read all about the Review, its objectives and how you can contribute, please check the website: http://www.dayservicereview.ie
The National Working Group is interested in hearing from anybody with an interest in the work of the Review.Please email or post your submissions,queries or comments to: Martina Lanigan, Health Centre,Arden Rd, Tullamore, Co Offaly. Tel 057 9359635orEmail: dayservice.review@hse.ie . Closing date for receipt of submissions is February 29th 2008
Meeting of DFI's Housing Sub-Group
Voluntary organisations concerned about housing issues are invited to the Housing Sub-Group meeting 11.00 am - 1.00 pm onTuesday, 26th February at DFI's Dublin office.The Group is working to promote the development of an effective housing strategy for people with disabilities, building on the findings and policy recommendations contained in the CIB / DFI Report "Finding the Right Living Space".
Anyone not already in the Housing Sub-Group who is interested in participating should please contact Eleanor Scanlan, eleanorscanlan@disability-federation.ie , 01 708 0101.The agenda will be emailed prior to the meeting.
Getting People with a Disability on the Local Authority Housing Waiting List
Local Authorities are undertaking an assessment of the extent of the need for social housing on 31st March 2008.To be included people in need of housing have to complete an application which is available on the Authority's website or at its housing office.This requires the applicant to gather medical, income and other documentation although a report from an occupational therapist should not be necessary.
It is important that voluntary organisations work with those among their members who are living in inappropriate housing to consider and apply for social housing before the 31st March assessment deadline.Getting on the waiting list is essential if the Local Authority and the HSE are to take people's needs into account when making their plans for service provision.
DFI also seeks information about the experience of applying for social housing, whether that experience was good or bad.Please contact Lillian Buchanan at 01 425 0127 or lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie with any questions or feedback.
Towards 2016 Housing Forum Symposium
Representatives of the Community & Voluntary (C&V) Pillar, including DFI, along with the other social partners participated in a symposium on 29th January. The Symposium was on "the inter-agency dimension of delivering on social housing objectives".A C&V paper was submitted highlighting key considerations, including the necessity for budgeting arrangements to facilitate co-ordination when different agencies are delivering different parts of a service package.
Batt O'Keeffe, Minister for Housing and Urban Renewal and Developing Areas addressed the Symposium. Presentations were given by John Fitzgerald, (Chairperson of Limerick Regeneration Agencies), Sinead Quill (National Council on Aging and Older People (NCAOP)) and by Tony O'Riordan, (Midlands Simon Community).
It is worth noting the NCAOP recently published a report on supportive housing for older people that identifies many of the same problems described in Citizens Information Board's (CIB) / DFI's "Finding the Right Living Space" . For further information please contact Lillian Buchanan at 01 425 0127 or lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie .
Long Term Care Report
The Department of Health and Children have recently launched a Report on long term care for over 65s.The working group was established by the Tánaiste and the Minister for Social and Family Affairs in January 2005.
The terms of reference for the Report were, taking account of the proposals in the Mercer and O'Shea Reports to:
- identify the policy options for a financially sustainable system of long-term care; and
- rationalise the range of benefits, services and grants (both statutory and non-statutory) currently in place, and address associated issues.
The Report can be found on the Department of Health and Children website http://www.dohc.ie/publications/pdf/long_term_care_report.pdf?direct=1
HIQA Standards for Designated Centres
The Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) standards group has commenced meeting regarding developing standards for people in designated centres, with meetings in December 2007 and January 2008.These meetings have included some very dynamic and productive discussions, with nine standards now drafted.The group now has three service users participating in the meetings, bringing a personal insight into what is being discussed.
The meetings will continue to take place on a monthly basis until May 2008 when it is hoped that the draft standards will be completed for public consultation.
For further information please contact Jacqueline Thomson at jacquelinethomson@disability-federation.ie .
Irish Mental Health Coalition
'The Emperor's New Clothes' report
The Irish Mental Health Coalition (IMHC) launched a Report on 24th January 2008 titled 'The Emperor's New Clothes': The 'Time Delayed' implementation of 'A Vision for Change' finding that there has been little action in its implementation in the two years since its launch.
The IMHC also stated that almost half of the budget allocated to the HSE in 2006 and 2007 to implement the mental health policy, 'A Vision for Change', has been spent on deficits in other areas.The Coalition also revealed that the Department of Health and Children has suspended the 2008 funding as a result of the HSE's lack of accountability in the area. 'A Vision for Change' committed Government to spending €25m extra a year on mental health services.
While the Report points to some welcome developments on the policy front – including the formation of the Independent Monitoring Group by the Minister for Health & Children; formation of the Implementation Group by the HSE; the announcement of a new Office of the Minister for Mental Health and Disability; and the closure of Ballinasloe Hospital – over a two year period, this is not enough.
The IMHC is concerned that the essential framework for implementing A Vision for Change is still not yet in place, that so little has improved in concrete terms in the past two years, and that scarcely no information on its implementation is available in the public domain.
The IMHC makes five key recommendations:
- The HSE should finalise, adopt and publish an implementation plan for A Vision for Change as a matter of urgency. The plan should include explicit performance targets and indicators, timelines, and specific resource commitments across all recommendations in A Vision for Change'
- The HSE should publish quarterly reports on progress in the implementation of A Vision for Change.
- The HSE should finalise the mental health catchment areas, and establish the mental health catchment area management teams.
- The Department of Health and Children and the HSE should publish an annual breakdown of capital and revenue spend (rather than allocation) in mental health, with spends on service expansions and improvements recommended in A Vision for Change clearly flagged.
- The provision of additional Child and Adolescent services and inpatient facilities must be implemented by the HSE in 2008.
For further information, please contact: John Saunders, Chair of the Irish Mental Health Coalition, Mobile: 0879271292; Tel: 01 860 1620; Website: www.imhc.ie
Mental Health Commission
The Mental Health Commission (MHC) has invited members of the general public and organisations, individuals or groups with an interest in mental health issues to make submissions on the operation of Part 2 of the Mental Health Act 2001. Part 2 of the Mental Health Act 2001 concerns the involuntary admission of adults and children to approved centres. Advertisements have been placed in Irish newspapers and the closing date for submissions is 5 pm, Monday 18thFebruary 2008.
Further information and the required template for submissions can be found on their website www.mhcirl.ie .
Guidance for Directors and Senior Managers on their Responsibilities for Workplace Safety and Health.
The Health and Safety Authority (HAS) have published a document guiding organisations about their responsibilities to workplace safety.
This guidance is aimed at executive and non-executive directors of all types of workplace in both the private and public sectors, officers of undertakings, board chairmen and board members, senior managers and any other managers who are responsible for directing workers while at work and work activities. It will help these office-holders to protect their employees, customers and those members of the public who may be affected by what they do in the workplace by ensuring that the safety and health risks arising from work activities are properly managed.
The full paper can be viewed or downloaded from: http://publications.hsa.ie/index.asp?locID=32&docID=240
Oireachtas committees
Details of the members of the Joint Oireachtas (Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann) Health and Children are:
- Chairperson: John Moloney (FF, Laois Offaly)
- Vice-chairperson: Jan O'Sullivan (Lab, Limerick E)
- Dail members: Bernard Allen (FG, Cork NC), Bobby Aylward (FF, Carlow Kilkenny), Niall Blaney (FF, Donegal NE), Margaret Conlon (FF, Cavan Monaghan), Paul Connaughton (FG, Galway E), Beverley Flynn (independent, Mayo), Kathleen Lynch (Lab, Cork NC), Dan Neville (FG, Limerick W), Charlie O'Connor (FF, Dublin SW), Rory O'Hanlon (FF, Cavan Monaghan), James Reilly (FG, Dublin N).
- Senators: Geraldine Feeney (FF, labour), Frances Fitzgerald (FG, labour), Phil Prendergast (Lab, labour), Mary White (FF, industrial and commercial).
Details of the Oireachtas Committees can be found on www.oireachtas.ie or http://debates.oireachtas.ie
Report on Government 'Activation' Policy
The Policy Institute at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) in association with the Combat Poverty Agency (CPA) have published a policy paper by Dr. Mary Murphy titled "Reframing the Irish Activation Debate: Accommodating care and safeguarding social rights and choices".The paper is a critical analysis of the government initiative 'Proposals for Supporting Lone Parents' which aims to introduce a stronger form of work activation for recipients of One Parent Family Payment and qualified adults in Irish social assistance payments.
Although the focus is on women, the issues raised in Dr Murphy's report about supporting carers have wider relevance.The report can be purchased from the Policy Institute, www.policyinstitute.tcd.ie
Activation also features in the Disability Act Sectoral Plan of the Department of Social and Family Affairs.The aim is to facilitate people on disability benefits to gain training and employment supports that would enable them to achieve greater independence through paid employment or other forms of participation in the community.However work with people with a disability is still in the early stages.
National Physical and Sensory Disability Database (NPSDD)
Update Part 1
Following the DFI 'Information is Power' day we are pleased to announce that a demonstration of the NPSDD system will take place on Wednesday 27th February 2008.This session will show you how information is recorded and managed on the system; in addition to how to use and report on this information.
If you would like to find out more information on the NPSDD and / or the demonstration on 27th February, please contact Mary-Ann O'Donovan at (01) 2345117 or modonovan@hrb.ie
Update Part 2
A review of the Access Protocols guiding access to information on the NPSDD took place in 2007.This was led by the Health Research Board and involved a subgroup from the National Physical and Sensory Disability Database Committee.The changing organisational structure of the HSE and the introduction of new posts under the Disability Act 2005 were drivers for the review.The main aim of the review was to ensure the continued protection and confidentiality of information provided through the NPSDD data collection process.
For more information on the review and/or the updated Access Protocols, please contact Sarah Craig at (01) 2345113 or scraig@hrb.ie
The Community Foundation for Ireland's Small Grants Scheme
The Community Foundation for Ireland's grant making process is one step in a cycle of philanthropy that exists to assist and complement the work of charitable organisations in Ireland. During the period 1999-2005 circa €1,000,000 was awarded in grants to almost five hundred community & voluntary groups throughout Ireland. In 2007, almost 400 groups have benefited from the support of the Foundation and its donors.
The 2008 closing dates for receipt of grant applications:
- Round 1: February 29th (Successful applicants will receive their grants in April)
- Round 2: August 31st (Successful applicants will receive their grants in mid September)
- Round 3: October 31st (Successful applicants will receive their grants in early December)
For more information please check the website www.communityfoundation.ie/grants/ or contact Helen Beatty, Grants Officer at hbeatty@foundation.ie , The Community Foundation for Ireland, 32 Lower O'Connell Street, Dublin 1 or phone 01-874 73 54.
Playbus Measure Dormant Accounts 2007 / 2008
Dormant Accounts Fund 2007 / 2008
Category A – Social and Economic Disadvantage: Children's Playbus Measure
This funding measure is intended to support children and their parents, experiencing social exclusion particularly in disadvantaged and isolated areas.Up to €1m is being provided by the Office of the Minister for Children, via the Dormant Accounts Fund to purchase and refurbish Playbuses. An upper and lower grant limit will apply – the minimum grant request is €50,000 and the maximum is €100,000.
The call for applications under this measure is via County / City Childcare Committees only. The City / County Childcare Committees have been requested to review applications with a view to endorsing one from each city / county for submission to Pobal.
Please contact your City / County Childcare Committee for a copy of the application form and associated guidelines. Additional copies can also be requested fromPobal on 01-523 9031 or 01-2400 700.
Eligible Applicants
- Applicants must be locally based community or voluntary groups and must have experience of working with and delivering services for children and their parents.
- Statutory agencies are eligible to apply as lead applicants in partnership with locally based community and voluntary groups.
- Locally based branches of national organisations may apply where the project is for the benefit of the local community only.
- Applicants must have a proven track record (i.e. at least 3 years) of successfully working with this target group.
- Pobal will be hosting an information session on this funding measure in early February and will contact the County / City Childcare Committees at a later stage to confirm this date. Any parties interested in making an application to this measure may also attend this seminar.
- The measure was launchedon the11th January 2008.The closing date for submission of applicationsto Pobal is Friday28th March 2008 at 5 pm.
- This funding measure is being managed by Pobal on behalf of the Office of the Minister for Children and the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.
- N.B. Before completingan application form, please carefully read both the Playbus Measure Specific Guidelines and the accompanying 2007 / 2008 Dormant Accounts Fund General Guidelines for Applications.
Family Support Agency Grants
Funding is now available for voluntary organisations providing the following services;
- Marriage Counselling
- Marriage Preparation Courses
- Child Counselling in relation to parental separation
- Bereavement Counselling and support services
Contact: The Family Support Agency, St.Stephen's Green House, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2
Telephone: (01) 6114100, Email: familysupport.agency@welfare.ie
To apply for funding in 2008 please see the application form and information booklet from the family Support Agency website, http://www.fsa.ie/grants .
Closing date for applications: Friday 22nd February 2008
The Wheel Event Calendar For 2008
The Wheel has developed a range of learning and developmental opportunities around the theme of 'Managing Well' for 2008. The calendar features a sustainability road show and a new series of technology seminars – OpenIT. Some of the events are 'Sustainability and Diversifying your Funding', 'Governance & Managing', ' Strategic Planning and Risk Management', and 'Communicating to Different Audiences'
For further details go to www.wheel.ie or contact The Wheel, Irish Social Finance Centre, 10 Grattan Crescent, Inchicore, Dublin 8. Tel: 01-454 8727 Fax: 01-454 8649, Email: info@wheel.ie Web: www.wheel.ie
OpenIT seminars
DFI have partnered with the Wheel and Enclude to promote a series of workshops to help organisation better manage their ICT needs. Other partners include the Third Age Foundation and INOU . Each workshop will take place from 9.00 am – 12.30 pm in the Carmelite Community Centre, Aungier Street, Dublin 2.
- 12th February Manage your Communications
- 20th February Manage your Information
- 13th March Manage your IT Strategy
- 8th April Manage your Finances
Each event has a €20 registration fee. The fee includes materials on the day, opportunities for the follow-up phone calls, refreshments and a lightlunch.
The flyer can be downloaded from the DFI website. For further information please contact The Wheel, Irish Social Finance Centre, 10 Grattan Crescent, Inchicore, Dublin 8, Ireland. Tel 01-454 8727, Fax 01-454 8649, E-mail: register@wheel.ie ,Web: www.wheel.ie .
Irish Council for Social Housing
2008 Education and Training programme
The ICSH is now taking bookings for its 2008 Education and Training programme.
They are currently offering three Certificate courses
- Certificate in Housing Management,
- Certificate in Housing Development and a
- Certificate in Special Needs Housing Management.
These courses are now mapped to the National Framework of Qualifications through FETAC. This year participants will therefore receive two qualifications upon successful completion of their course, from FETAC and from the National College of Ireland. This will enable participants to build up credits and have access to further and higher educational opportunities.
These courses aim to provide housing practitioners with the practical skills they require in their current roles or to widen their knowledge across different housing roles. They are designed to give housing practitioners an inspiring, challenging and enjoyable learning experience. Staff and board members from housing associations and co-operatives and other voluntary bodies as well as staff from local authorities and the health sector are invited to apply.
For further information and to see a full brochure, please visit www.icsh.ie or contact Catherine McGillycuddy at Catherine@icsh.ie or on 01-6618334.
Fundraising and Donor Development
The Institute of Fundraising in the UK is hosting its second all-day conference in Ireland in Dublin, on 6th March 2008 at the Radisson SAS Royal Hotel, Dublin 8. Called 'Fundraising and Donor Development – Inspirational Ideas for Successful Fundraising' it promises to bring fresh thinking and best practice to bear in the Irish Fundraising scene.
Of special interest for members of The Wheel is that fact that you will be entitled to a discounted rate.Please note that you must register for the event directly with the Institute of Fundraising at : http://www.institute-of-fundraising.org.uk/events and not with The Wheel. For all enquires: Tel: +44 (0) 207 840 1040, Email: events@institute-of-fundraising.org.uk
Carmichael Centre Training Programme
Spring 2008
Within the community and voluntary sector the struggles of juggling long-term vision with daily work demands, ongoing funding concerns and increasingly complex needs can be challenging. To deal with these challenges the Carmichael Centre for Voluntary Groups have developed a comprehensive training programme to increase the effectiveness and impact of your organisation.
Leadership & Governance
- Effective Board Meetings (Cork) 6th March, 2008
- Board Roles and Responsibilities (Galway) 19th April 2008
- Effective Board Meetings 17th May 2008
- Board Roles and Responsibilities 8th March 2008
Developing Your Organisation
- Stress Management 13th March 2008
- Risk Assessment 27th February 2008
- Conflict Resolution 9th April 2008
- Time Management 20th May, 2008
- Monitoring & Evaluation 14th & 15th May 2008
- Corporate Fundraising 6th March 2008
- Writing Funding Proposals 5th March 2008
- Developing a Fundraising Strategy 19th February 2008
Financial Management
- Finance for Non-Financial People 16th April 2008
- Managing your Information 21st February 2008
- Producing an Annual Report 21st May 2008
External Relations
- Effective Press Releases 3rd April 2008
- Marketing your Organisation 20th February 2008
Service Provision
- Setting up a Support Group 12th March 2008
Human Resource Management
- Dealing with Grievance & Disciplinary Issues 30th April 2008
- Developing your Staff Management Skills 26th February & 10th April 2008
- Dealing with Grievance & Disciplinary Issues (Cork) 4th March 2008
- Dublin: Carmichael Centre, in either Coleraine House or Carmichael House.
- Cork: Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind National HQ & Training Centre, Model Farm Rd
- Galway: Westside Community Development Resource Centre, Seamus Quirke Rd.
10.00 am – 4.00 pm (Full day), 10.00 am-1.00 pm (Half day)
If you would like further information about these courses or future training events, please call Danielle on 01-873 5282, Fax: 01 873 5283 or email tssinfo@carmichaelcentre.ie .
General Notices
Brainwave Events
Brainwave are holding a number of events in the coming months in the Midlands:
- February 20th – Presentation on Epilepsy Awareness to Teachers, Athlone Education Centre, 7 pm.
- March 12th – Parents and carers seminar, Tullamore
- March 20th – Epilepsy presentation at PwDI Offaly AGM, Tullamore Court Hotel, 7 pm.
- March 26th – Brainwave outreach service, Athlone (by appointment only)
- April 4th – Brainwave outreach service, Longford (by appointment only)
- April 18th – Brainwave outreach service, Portlaoise (by appointment only)
For further information please contact Margaret Bassett on 057 93 46790.
IWA Dublin Bus Survey
Currently over 60% of the Dublin Bus fleet is accessible. IWA are conducting a survey to try and identify the particular bus stops, which cause wheelchair users difficulties, in order to evaluate the extent of the problem It is intended to give the results of the survey to Dublin Bus to try and stimulate some action on the relevant bus stops.
When returning information, please give:
- Exact location of thebus stop, and
- Details of bus route e.g. 66 A.
Please return details to tony.maher@iwa.ie
Muscular Dystrophy Ireland National Awareness Day
Valentine's Day, Thursday 14th February 2008
Muscular Dystrophy Ireland's (MDI) seventh National Awareness Day will take place on St. Valentine's Day, Thursday 14th February 2008. The idea behind this Awareness Campaign is to further raise and expand the profile of MDI and continue to create essential public knowledge about the condition of muscular dystrophy and the role MDI play.This initiative has proven to be a huge success over the last six years, and once again we are hoping to expand on the success of previous years and make our Awareness Campaign for 2008 even more successful.
To help achieve this, MDI will once again will be selling two handmade heart shaped Lily O'Brien's chocolates in attractive red and white boxes appropriate for Valentine's Day. As before, chocolates will be sold for €2.00 each for a small box of two.MDI need to secure retail outlets that will sell chocolates and MDI are again seeking the support of members & friends of MDI nation-wide to promote these chocolates and inform the general public about the condition of muscular dystrophy.
For more details, or to order chocolates etc. contact MDI on Freephone 1800 245300, or e-mail amy@mdi.ie
Finding a Safe 'Harbour'Support Group begins for brain injury survivors
Headway, a charity that provides support services for those affected by acquired brain injury, is starting a new peer support group called the Harbour Group. Harbour stands for Help, Accept, Reconcile, Better, Optimize, Understand, Recover, and is the guiding principle for the group.Intake interviews will begin in mid-February and the group will start at the beginning of March.
The group is open to those between 16 and 65, with a history of acquired brain injury, who are interested in other people's experience of brain injury and are motivated to support others.The content of the sessions will be decided by the group themselves.The size of the group is limited to twelve to allow all those attending to fully participate, and sessions are two hours a week for eight weeks.
For further information on the group and how to participate please call Ciarán Nolan, Referrals Co-Ordinator with Headway on 01 810 2098 or e-mail him at nolanc@headway.ie
Maternity And Childhood Services
A joint Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and National Disability Authority (NDA) national study exploring women's experiences of the Irish health services and other services during pregnancy, childbirth and early motherhood are looking to recruit women with the following challenges: vision impairment, hard of hearing; intellectual disability; mental health difficulty; physical disability.
The study will provide valuable information about women's experiences and may improve maternity and early childhood services in Ireland
For further information please call: Denise Lawler, Phone: 086 3789758, Email: lawlorde@tcd.ie , School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College, Dublin 2
Rathmines Access Group
Are you affected by lack of access to footpaths, public buildings, shops & other facilities in the local area? The Rathmines Access Group is working to improve accessibility in the community and are looking for new members!
If you are interested in getting involved please contact either:
Sandra: Rathmines Community Partnership Tel: 01-4965558 or post to 11 Wynnefield Road, Dublin 6, email sandra@rathminespartnership.ie
Louise McCann,DFI Dublin Office, 01-4250126 or email louisemccann@disability-federation.ie
Galway Centre for Independent Living
On Monday 3rd December 2007 The Galway Centre for Independent Living jointly celebrated International Day of People with Disabilities, European Year of Equal Opportunities For All and the launch of their newly updated IT Learning Centre by holding a reception at their office in the Town Park Centre. This state of the art facility was officially opened by His Worship Mayor of Galway City Councillor Tom Costello who took the opportunity of testing the Learning Centre for himself and was delighted that such a facility is available in Galway.
For further information on any service provided by Galway Centre for Independent Living please contact the office on: 091-773910 or info@gcil.com
DFI Newsletter Information
DFI Newsletters are available for download from our website:
Send newsletter submissions by email to:
Send newsletter subscription requests by email to:
Disability Federation of Ireland is the national support mechanism for voluntary disability organisations in Ireland covering all areas of disability and disabling conditions: intellectual, physical, sensory, hidden and mental health.DFI has ongoing involvement with over 150 organisations and groups across the country, 70 of which currently comprise its National Council, and 42 of which are Associate Members.Allied to this, it works with and supports over 200 organisations and Groups around the country that have a significant and growing disability interest, mainly coming from the statutory and voluntary sectors.
DFI provides:
- Information
- Training and Advice
- Organisation and Management Development
- Research and Policy
- Advocacy and Representation
Dublin Office
Fumbally Court
Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8
Tel: 01 454 7978
Fax: 01 494 7981
E: info@disability-federation.ie
Dublin Mid-Leinster
Lillian Buchanan
Support Officer – Policy and Research (Dublin Office)
Tel: 01 – 424 0127
E: lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie
Anthony Carrick
Dun Laoghaire, Dublin South East, Wicklow (Dublin Office),
Mobile: 086 8206736
E: anthonycarrick@disability-federation.ie
Louise McCann
Dublin South City, Dublin South West, Dublin West, Kildare, West Wicklow (Dublin Office)
Mobile: 086 9189750
E: louisemccann@disability-federation.ie
Jacqueline Thomson
Laois, Offaly, Longford, Westmeath (Dublin Office)
Mobile: 086 3882600
E: jacquelinethomson@disability-federation.ie
Dublin North-East
Joan O'Donnell
Meath, Louth, Cavan, Monaghan (Dublin Office)
Mobile: 086 3834587
E: joanodonnell@disability-federation.ie
Martin Naughton
Dublin North Central, Dublin North West, Dublin North
Mobile: 086 8207196
E: martinnaughton@disability-federation.ie
Michael Corbett,
Galway, Mayo, Roscommon
C/O DFI, Acres, Newport, Co. Mayo,
Tel: 098 41919,
Mobile: 086 3804750,
Fax: 098 41065,
E: michaelcorbett@disability-federation.ie
Marcus Hufsky,
Sligo, Leitrim, Donegal
DFI, NRC, Forthill, Sligo,
Tel: 071 9144614,
Mobile: 086 3811261,
E: marcushufsky@disability-federation.ie
Toni Gleeson,
Limerick, North Tipperary, East Limerick, Clare
DFI, The Forge, Croke St. Thurles, Co Tipperary
Mobile: 086 6004526
E: tonigleeson@disability-federation.ie
P.J. Cleere
Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford
DFI, Tinryland, Carlow
Tel: 059 9158111
Mobile: 086 3811064
E: pjcleere@disability-federation.ie
Alison Ryan
On leave
Cork, Kerry
Please contact the Dublin Office.