Disability Federation of Ireland Newsletter July 2007
Issued on July 1 2007
DFI Proposals Find Expression in The New Programme For Government
When we launched "A Lot Planned - All To Do", our Programme for Government document we singled out three key issues to be addressed in the parties' manifestos. We sought parties to state fully in their manifestos:
"That in Government we:
- will commence progressive implementation of the Cost of Disability Payment.
- will adequately resource current service delivery by voluntary disability organisations.
- will identify for each year of the Programme for Government the objectives and outcomes for the NDS, having regard to the vision and long term goals for people with disabilities as set out in 'Towards 2016'."
The new agreed Programme for Government section on disability states:
"This Government is determined to continue to prioritise the interests of people with disabilities over the next five years, through a series of significant measures. We are committed to ensuring that the Strategy is driven and managed from a whole of Government perspective and it will be overseen and supported by the Department of An Taoiseach. This Government, will for each year of the Programme for Government, set out the objectives and outcomes to be reached in the NDS having regard to the vision and long term goals for people with disabilities as set out in Towards 2016. This approach will be properly monitored and we will ensure that at least half of the strategy is implemented by 2010. (Page 33)"
The Programme for Government does not include a direct commitment on resources of current service delivery by voluntary disability organisations , but states:
"We will also examine ways of: Strengthening further the relationship between Government and community and voluntary organisations .(Page 50)" DFI will continue to press the issue of under-resourcing of organisations through all available channels.
It is disappointing that the Programme contains only a commitment to "Publish a review of the Cost of Disability payment. (Pg. 34)"
This falls far short of implementation the case for this payment is well proven. It is time to implement the payment now, without further delays and yet another review.
The General Election is over and now we must continue to remind the elected candidates of the commitments they made during the campaign. Disability must be kept at the top of the Government agenda to ensure that people with disabilities are enabled to fully participate in all aspects of society.
DFI will be working to influence the Estimates and Budgets 2008. DFI encourages all organisations to make their needs known. We will launch our pre-budget submission on Wednesday 3rd October 2007. You will be able to present your own organisation's issues directly to the members of the Oireachtas who will be present at this event.
John Dolan
Date for Your Diary
DFI Conference
The theme of this years conference is 'Working Better Together to Deliver the NDS'.
- Venue: Heritage Hotel, Portlaoise
- Date: 21st and 22nd November 2007
More details to follow.
DFI Research Project into Joint-Working
DFI is working on a small scale research project into the nature and scope of cross agency relationships / joint work that is being undertaken by member organisations. This information is being gathered in preparation of the DFI conference later this year and will be used to support DFI's ongoing representation to the Department of Health and Children, Health Service Executive, and Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, and other agencies, on the role and value of voluntary disability organisations.
The DFI research project will be carried out in order to provide some background into the types of cross agency and joint working that disability organisations are involved in with either other disability organisations, community and voluntary organisations, or statutory organisations. This study aims to simply identify the type of joint work practices that exist within the sector.
To structure the research DFI has initially identified four categories of joint working.
- Networking: Individual organisations exchange information with other organisations which will be of benefit to all organisations concerned.
- Co-Ordination: In addition to exchanging information, organisations aim to share some activities that are carried out across the organisations concerned, in order to increase efficiency.
- Co-Operation: In order to achieve a common purpose, the organisations concerned, in addition to sharing some activities for the purpose of efficiency, may also share resources, e.g. staff, work space, training, information, funding, and, in some cases, legal arrangements.
- Integration and Inter-Agency: Individual organisations with similar interests and work practices form a common facility or entity through which information, activities and resources are exchanged and pooled, involving time, trust, work space, sharing and shared risks, rewards and resources.
If your organisation would like to bring any examples of joint work practices to our attention, to be considered as part of the research, please forward your suggestions to Eleanor Scanlan, eleanorscanlan@disability-federation.ie on or before the 30th of July. of the organisation concerned.
DFI Easy to Read Guide to NDS and Towards 2016
DFI is preparing an 'Easy to Read Guide' to the National Disability Strategy (NDS) and the new Social Partnership Agreement, Towards 2016.
The aim of the guide is to provide an understanding of the NDS and what it means for disability organisations. The guide will outline the various components of the NDS, and other relevant legislation, national strategies and policies. In particular, the guide will look at Towards 2016, outlining the Lifecycle Approach, developed for the Agreement, insofar as it relates to people with disabilities. Implementation mechanisms for the NDS, outlined in Towards 2016, will be noted. Finally, the role of the Community and Voluntary Sector, set out in both Towards 2016 and the NDS will be highlighted.
It is expect that this Easy to Read Guide will be published later this year. In the meantime if you have any queries in relation to the NDS / Towards 2016, please contact DFI.
Independent Assessment of Need
The roll out of the Assessment of Need as outlined in the Disability Act 2005 has commenced. With effect from 1st June 2007, children with disabilities in the 0-5 age group are now entitled to receive an Assessment of Need. It is intended that Assessments of Need will be available under the EPSEN Act, (2004) to children with special educational needs by 2010.
The July issue of Citizen Information Board's Relate also details the Assessment of need provisions of the Disability Act 2005 which came into effect on 1st June for Children up to the age of five. For more details please check the CIB website: www.citizensinformationboard.ie/publications/relate
Under the legislation the Assessment of Need must be conducted in accordance with specific standards. In October 2006, the Department of Health and Children and the Department of Education and Science set up a Cross-Sectoral Team with representatives from both Departments, as well as representatives of the Health Service Executive and the National Council for Special Education. This Cross-Sectoral Team established a Sub Group to prepare draft standards for the Assessment of Need process, pending the establishment of the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA). Compliance with the standards will be monitored on a regular basis by the independent Health Information and Quality Authority, when established. A two day consultation process took place in February of this year to present these standards for discussion and consultation. In general there was broad acceptance of the process as described and of the standards.
National Steering Group Implementation of Disability Act (Under Fives)
The Disability Federation of Ireland has been invited to become a member of this implementation group, comprising statutory and non statutory service providers and service users. Representation was also sought from the Federation of Voluntary Bodies, the Not for Profit Business Association and from Inclusion Ireland. The group has a remit:
- To provide a national overview and direction to support the cohesive and effective delivery of provisions of the Disability Act 2005;
- Focus on Key issues and approaches taking a high level view of what needs to be achieved, and
- The initial focus will be on children under five.
The group will meet approximately four times a year, possibly more frequently initially.
DFI has two places on this group one of whom will be a staff member, we are in the process of identifying another representative from among our member organisations that provide services to children in this age group.
Issues DFI will be pursuing and promoting include:
- Recognition of the Voluntary organisations and services providers in the roll out of the legislation;
- Developing and enhancing the specialist nature of our niche members to meet needs in Local Health Office areas;
- Ensuring that standard guidelines and templates are used across the country for all assessments;
- Ensuring that current interventions and services, that work and are necessary, are not lost in the transfer to new systems, and
- Advising organisations to ensure that their parents and guardians are aware of the avenues of access to the assessment process
The process of assessment will utilise current existing resources within the sector. This poses a challenge for both the HSE and the service providing organisations. To this end one of the first actions will be to carry out an audit of these existing resources to quantify capacity in each Local Health Office area. After this the HSE and service providers will be asked to work together to ascertain how the assessment process can be progressed.
This is a time of dramatic change and will require that we meet the challenge in a practical and pragmatic way. Organisations are asked to use this opportunity to reflect on the needs of their organisation going forward; issues such as enhancing specialist expertise; developing communication and relationships with liaison officers and Primary Care Teams in their locality; utilising the specialist therapy expertise of their staff and support to individuals and their families through the process of assessment and beyond are all areas of potential development for the future.
For more information please contact:
Toni Gleeson DFI,
T: 086-6004526
E: tonigleeson@disability-federation.ie
Review of Department of Health and Children Sectoral Plan
The Department of Health and Children Sectoral Plan is due for review in July 2007. The DoHC Plan is somewhat different to the other five Departmental Sectoral Plans, in that it was to be reviewed after it's first year. The DoHC Plan outlines the Department's Plan in respect of health and personal social services for people with disabilities, as provided for in the Disability Act 2005
The DoHC Sectoral Plan contains a number of commitments relating to
- Implementation of the multi-annual investment programme to progressively address identified needs;
- Implementation of Part 2 of the Disability Act 2005 in relation to the Independent Needs Assessment;
- A number of cross-Departmental and cross-Sectoral issues relating to housing, income and employment / training opportunities for people with disabilities;
- Implementation of Parts 3 and 5 in relation to access audits of public buildings, audit of services, accessible procurement, communication and information policies, staff training, and designation of Access Officers, and
- Monitoring and review procedures
As part of the National Disability Strategy, the intention of the Sectoral Plans is to act as a detailed road map for the development of supports and services to people with disabilities over the coming years
DFI / CIB Study on Housing and Accommodation Needs of People with Disabilities
The study of the Housing and Accommodation Needs of People with Disabilities, undertaken jointly by DFI and the Citizens Information Board (formerly Comhairle), is being prepared for publication. Some of the key findings were presented by the researcher, Michael Browne at a recent meeting of DFI's Housing Group and also at the meeting of the project's Advisory Committee. A brief summary of his presentation gives a flavour of the results of the project.
The focus of the investigation on the experience of people with disabilities and the voluntary organisations providing services to them highlights those for whom housing need is not being met or only being partially met at present, especially people visibly without accommodation (homeless people); people in 'hidden spaces' - in family homes when they wish to and/or would be better off living elsewhere; people in long stay residential settings; people awaiting discharge from hospital; some people in nursing homes, e.g. people with an acquired brain injury, people with MS; people with Alzheimer's/dementia who are not in appropriate accommodation.
The research reveals some innovations and good practice in respect of meeting the accommodation needs of people with disabilities, but the absence of an integrated approach to housing needs assessment for people with disabilities gives rise to ad hoc and somewhat fragmented responses at local level. Under-investment features in the whole area of facilitating transition from residential settings to community living and the housing and related supports required are frequently not available. There is insufficient attention given in Ireland to accessibility / lifetime adaptability aspects of housing design.
The study identifies a number of cross-cutting issues and principles that need to be incorporated into implementation of the NDS and T16. It finds that a key challenge going forward is how the housing and accommodation needs of people with disabilities can be addressed taking into account factors such as individual choice, equality of access, comprehensive needs assessment, establishment of an ethos of collaboration, joint working throughout the service delivery system and the need for a change of mindset in regard to the needs and aspirations of people with disabilities.
For more information please contact:
Lillian Buchanan (Dublin Office)
Support Officer - Policy and Research,
E: lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie
SKILL Programme Update
The SKILL (Securing Knowledge Intra Lifelong Learning) Project is now in its second year. It's aim is to provide further education and skills to support staff in the health services. The training is provided free of charge to all participating staff, and the HSE has committed to providing a backfill financial contribution to organisations who support staff on SKILL Programme.
In late 2006 DFI agreed to facilitate and support the uptake of DFI Member Organisations onto the SKILL Programme. Currently, just over 230 staff from fourteen DFI Member Organisations have completed the fourth of SKILL Programme Training Modules, with eight modules in total to complete. Core training has been taking place on the following topics of:
- Communications;
- Care Support;
- Infection Prevention and Control, and
- Legislative Procedures and Quality
There are over 34 optional modules for participants to choose from including for example other key areas of:
- Managing People;
- Planning for Personal Development;
- Human Growth & Development;
- Caring for the Older Person;
- Personal Effectiveness in the Workplace;
- Person-Centred Focus to Disability, and
- Intellectual Disability Studies
In 2007, 235 staff from 16 DFI Member Organisations underwent Pre-Learning Advice Sessions and are now registered scheduled to begin training in September 2007.
DFI will continue to support organisations participation on the project, particularly through the DFISKILL Programme Steering Group. If you or your organisation would like to hear more about the project please.
For more information please contact:
Cathy McGrath (Dublin Office)
E: cathymcgrath@disability-federation.ie ,
T: 01 4250124
W: www.skillprogramme.ie
Monitoring Progress of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government's (DoEHLG) Sectoral Plan
The first meeting of DoEHLG's
Disability Act Sectoral Plan Advisory Committee took place on 22nd June. Six disability organisations including DFI (members of the Disability Stakeholders Monitoring Group) were invited to consult on the Department's review of progress implementing the Plan.The main issues arising from the review were:
- The efforts of Local Authorities to improve access to their buildings and communications with the public as well as to streets, roads and footpaths were highlighted, with the promise of implementation plans specifying programmes of actions and costs becoming available by the end of July 2007. According to the Department spending on these areas using NDS multi-annual funding exceeded €28m over 2005 and 2006.
- Co-Operation with other bodies was outlined, for example on providing accessible bus stops, as well as mechanisms to encourage good practice and standards across local authorities. See for example: www.la-accessibility.ie .
- On housing, protocols were reported to be almost ready to guide liaising on individual needs assessments between housing authority and HSE staff and about service supports costs for special housing projects.
- Commencement of the new 'Housing Adaptation Grant for People with a Disability' awaits Ministerial signatures on underpinning Regulations.
- Nomination of stakeholders is underway for the National Group that T16 identified for progressing the National Housing Strategy for people with disabilities, with the first meeting anticipated in September.
- Rather limited progress was reported on mechanisms to co-ordinate the range of services locally to meet the needs of people with disabilities and for the involvement of the disability sector in the processes. Departmental letters have been sent to Local Authorities and County and City Development Boards.
For more information please contact:
Lillian Buchanan (Dublin Office)
Support Officer - Policy and Research,
E: lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie
Irish Mental Health Coalition issues Agenda
The Irish Mental Health Coalition issued a 10-point Agenda for Action on Mental Health to the new Irish Government.
The Coalition calls on the new Irish Government to commit to:
- Full and Timely Implementation of 'A Vision for Change';
- A Comprehensive Implementation Plan for 'A Vision for Change';
- Annual detailed progress reports on implementation of 'A Vision for Change';
- Interdepartmental Coordination on Mental Health;
- Prioritised Mental Health Expenditure;
- Equitable Distribution of Financial Resources;
- Restructuring of Mental Health Services;
- Adequate Resourcing of Suicide Prevention Strategies;
- Relocation of the Central Mental Hospital from proposed Thornton Hall site, and
- Placing Ireland as a Leading Country in International Action on Mental Health
For further information or comments, please contact:
John Saunders,
Chair of the Irish Mental Health Coalition and Director of Schizophrenia Ireland:
T: 087 927 1292 or 01 860 1620
Fiona Crowley, Amnesty International:
T: 087 250 5551 or 01 677 6361
Mainstreaming Social Inclusion
Evaluation of Mainstreaming Social Inclusion in Europe found Ireland was one of the best performing States at putting in place proper political structures to deliver social inclusion policies.
The Report, by the Combat Poverty Agency, says Ireland is ahead of many of its counterparts in ensuring plans to tackle poverty and promote social inclusion are integrated into Government policy. However, it also concludes that the Government could do more to involve people experiencing poverty in devising and supporting policy solutions.
For further information
W: www.msieurope.eu
E: msi@cap.ie .
Community Foundation Grants
The Community Foundation for Ireland's grant making process is one step in a cycle of philanthropy that exists to assist and complement the work of charitable organisations in Ireland.
The 2007 closing dates for receipt of grant applications occur annually on the following dates:
- July 27th
- November 30th
It is essential that applicants consult the full criteria, available on the Community Foundation's website prior to submitting a grant application:
Grant information and application guidelines are also available from The Community Foundation for Ireland's office at (01) 8747354.
For further information please contact:
Helen Beatty, Grants Officer
A: The Community Foundation for Ireland, 32 Lower O'Connell Street, Dublin 1
E: hbeatty@foundation.ie
T: 01 874 7354
Dealing With Difficult Situations In Volunteering
This training course is organised by Volunteering Ireland.
- Venue: Hardwick Room, Coleraine House, Coleraine Street, Dublin 7
- Date: Tuesday, 20 September 2007
- Maximum participants: 14
- Cost: €125 Volunteering Ireland members, €150 non-members.
This one day course is suitable for anyone managing volunteers who wants to address difficult behaviour and situations with the goal of benefiting themselves, others and the organisation. The aim of the course is to give some practical tips on how to manage volunteers in a way that can reduce the likelihood of difficult behaviour.
To book a place please check the Volunteering Ireland Website
W: www.volunteeringireland.ie/page.php?id=75
Developing Your Volunteer Policy
This training course is organised by Volunteering Ireland.
- Date: Tuesday, 23 October 2007
- Venue: King House Interpretive Galleries and Museum, Main Street, Boyle, Co. Roscommon
- Maximum participants: 14
- Cost: €100 Volunteering Ireland members, €125 non-members.
This one day course is suitable for any organisation that already involves volunteers in its work, or that intends to do so in the future.
To book a place please check the Volunteering Ireland Website
W: www.volunteeringireland.ie/page.php?id=75
College Certificate on the Social Inclusion of Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Migrants
Paul Partnership, Cork City Partnership and Mary Immaculate College are offering the College Certificate on the Social Inclusion of Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Migrants. It offers people who currently work with Asylum Seekers, Refuges or Migrants a unique opportunity to hone their already learned skills in the area and enhance them further.
- Duration: September 2007- May 2008
- Venue: Mary Immaculate College, Limerick
- Time: 7.00 pm - 9.30 pm Friday and 9.30 am - 4.30 pm Saturday
- Fee: €500
- Closing Date for Applications: 27 July 2007.
For further information and application details check
W: www.paulpartnership.ie
E: soconnor@paulpartnership.ie or lmullen@paulpartnership.ie
T: Louise on 061 419 388, Monday-Thursday.
Facilitation Skills
The National Institute for Intellectual Disability (NIID) has been established at Trinity College to promote the inclusion of people with intellectual disability and their families. The course of eight two-hour sessions will provide participants with an understanding of the theory and skills of facilitation and enable them to achieve competence as a facilitator.
How to apply:
Applications to
The Executive Officer,
A: National Institute for Intellectual Disability, School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College, 4th Floor, 3 College Green, Dublin 2.
T: +353 1 896 3885,
F: +353 1 677 9131 or
E: akenned@tcd.ie
New Horizons Partnership
New Horizons Partnership is a cross-border, cross-community organisation that provides services to learning disabled and other disadvantaged clients.
The focus on four main areas are to:
- deliver Training to learning disabled and other disadvantaged clients;
- provide Supported Employment services for those clients ;
- set up and run Social Enterprises that employ service users in real businesses, run on a not-for-profit basis by New Horizons and to
- develop Learning Resources and training programmes and other organisations that provide training to individuals with a learning disability.
For additional information please contact
New Horizons Partnership
A: 45c Derry Road, Strabane, Northern Ireland, BT82 8DY
T: +44 (028) 71 883114
F: +44 (028) 71 885273
E: mail@newhorizonspartnership.co.uk
General Notices
Rathmines Access Group
Are you affected by lack of access to footpaths, public buildings, shops & other facilities in the local area? The Rathmines Access Group is working to improve accessibility in the community and are looking for new members!
If you are interested in getting involved please contact either:
Sandra, Rathmines Community Partnership
T: 01-4965558 or post to
A: 11 Wynnefield Road, Dublin 6
E: sandra@rathminespartnership.ie
Louise McCann, DFI Dublin Office
T: 01 4250126
E: louisemccann@disability-federation.ie
International Patient Safety Conference
The Health Information and Quality Authority is partnering with the World Health Organisation's (WHO) World Alliance for Patient Safety to undertake a major collaborative project on patient safety. The project aims to drive learning while supporting patients, families and clinicians in the aftermath of a patient safety incident.
- Venue: Croke Park, Dublin
- Date: Thursday 6th September 2007
For Further information please contact:
Ruth Murphy,
T: 01 296 8688
E: conference@hiqa.ie
W: www.hiqa.ie/conference2007
Orla Murphy
T: 01 296 9392 or
E: conference@hiqa.ie
W: www.hiqa.ie/conference2007
Optimal Individual Service Design
Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary and the Muiriosa Foundation are hosting a course entitled, 'Achieving Deep Quality In Individualised Service And Support Arrangements' and 'Optimal Individual Service Design Course For Disability, Mental Health and Aged Care Services'.
- Dates: 5th - 9th November and 26th - 30th November 2007
- Venue: Mount St. Anne's, Retreat and Conference Centre, Killenard, Portarlington, Co. Laois.
- Cost: €1,800.00
Further Information
A detailed outline of the course and a registration form will be forwarded to interested participants by contacting:
Roisin Morrin
T: 00 353 45 529475 ext. 115
E: roisin.morrin@scjms.ie
Karina Wallis
T: 00 353 45 525327 or 087 2675538
E: karina.wallis@scjms.ie
Happy Heart Weekend 2008
Please note the following dates for your diary for the Irish Heart Foundation Happy Heart Weekend 2008 Campaign: Thursday 15th May - Sunday 17th May 2008.
For further information please contact
Irish Heart Foundation
T: 01 668 5001
E: info@irishheart.ie
Seminar on Suicide
Mental Health Ireland has arranged a one day information seminar on suicide at the Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone 6th October 2007 (10 am - 4 pm), aimed directly at volunteers to information them on what might be undertaken when suicide / suicidal behaviour is encountered.
National Disability Authority Library
The NDA library is open to the public and visitors are welcome by appointment. There is an extensive collection of books, journals, and e-resources on disability and related topics. Books can be borrowed by postal loan, and journal articles supplied by post. You can search the NDA catalogue online at www.nda.ie/library and click 'Search the catalogue' link. Also, you can subscribe to the weekly 'Current Awareness' email, containing references to all the new articles and books available from the library, by sending an email to library@nda.ie .The library opening hours are 9 am - 1 pm and 2 pm - 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
Brainwave Annual Conference
The Brainwave Annual National Conference will be held in Galway this year. This is the first time that it will be held in the west.
- The venue is the Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill, Galway.
- Date: November 3rd, 2007.
For more information please contact:
Evelyn Monson Kirby, Community Resource Officer
E: crogalway.brainwave@epilepsy.ie
W: www.epilepsy.ie
Focus On Acquired Brain Injury
ABI Information and Education Event
- Date: Wednesday 22nd August 2007
- Venue: Radisson SAS Hotel, Little Island, Cork
- Time: 9 am - 4.30 pm
- Cost: Healthcare workers / allied professions: €65, There is no charge for people who have experienced a brain injury or for their family members.
To book a place online, go to
W: www.peterbradlyefoundation.ie
To make further enquiries, please contact
E: kcahill@peterbradleyfoundation.ie or
T: 01 280 4164
BRÍ office
Geraldine / Joe
T: 01 235 5501
Regional Workshops on the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion
Sligo 23 July 10 am - 2 pm
Northside Resource Centre, Forthill, Sligo,
Dublin 25 July 10 am - 2 pm
Carmichael Centre, North Brunswick Street
Cork 26 July 10 am - 2 pm
Mallow Mercy Centre, Bathview, Mallow
For further information please contact:
The European Anti Poverty Network (Ireland)
A: 5 Gardiner Row, Dublin 1,
T: 01 8745737
E: eamas@eapn.ie / justin@eapn.ie or
W: www.eapn.ie
Elizabeth Finn Care
Elizabeth Finn Care is a charity that provides practical and financial support to people from a wide range of occupational backgrounds - people who have slipped into poverty due to, or made worse by, physical or mentalillness, family breakdown, bereavement or redundancy and older people on inadequate pensions.
For further information contact:
Finbarr Fitzpatrick,
A: Elizabeth Finn Care, Ireland Coordinator, Carmichael Centre For Voluntary Groups, Carmichael House, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7,
T: 1890 88234
E: finbarr.fitzpatrick@elizabethfinn.org.uk .
W: www.elizabethfinncare.org.uk (To download an enquiry form)
Are You Looking for a 'Sporting Chance'?
National Learning Network, the training and education division of the Rehab Group, are looking for people to participate in Sporting Chance, a ground-breaking new training programme designed by to enable people with disabilities and others who are marginalised to build careers as future coaches, leaders and managers in the sports and leisure industry.
Further Information
For further information on how you can participate in the Sporting Chance programme and kick-start your career in the sports and leisure industry, contact:
Pat O'Neill, Area Manager,
A: National Learning Network, Clash Industrial Estate, Tralee, Co. Kerry,
T: 066 712 2533
E : patoneill@nln.ie
New Respite House
The Physical & Sensory Disabilities Service in the North West has a new respite house, Bayview, located in Tullaghan, outside Bundoran. The house includes 4 single bedrooms downstairs (with high / low profiling beds) and 2 accessible bathrooms. There is a staff bedroom and a bathroom upstairs. The house has an overbed tracking hoist.
- The cost is €500 per week.
Further Information
If your organisation is interested in using Bayview for holiday breaks or if you would like more information, please contact:
Susan Wallace, Respite Co-Ordinator
A: Physical & Sensory Disability Service, Bayview Respite House, Duncarberry, Tullaghan, Co Leitrim,
T: 071 983 1025 / 085 782 8647
E: Susan.Wallace@mailb.hse.ie
DFI Newsletter Information
DFI Newsletters are available for download from our website:
Please send Newsletter submissions by e-email to:
A: Disability Federation of Ireland, Fumbally Court, Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8
T: 01 454 7978
F: 01 494 7981
Support Officers
A: Dublin Office, DFI, Fumbally Court, Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8
T: 01 454 7978
F: 01 494 7981
E: info@disability-federation.ie
Dublin Mid-Leinster
Lillian Buchanan, Support Officer - Policy and Research
A: (Dublin Office)
T: 01 424 0127
E: lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie
Anthony Carrick, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin South East, Wicklow
A: (Dublin Office),
T: 086 820 6736
E: anthonycarrick@disability-federation.ie
Louise McCann, Dublin South City, Dublin South West, Dublin West, Kildare, West Wicklow
A: (Dublin Office)
T: 086 9189750
E: louisemccann@disability-federation.ie
Vacant, Laois, Offaly, Longford, Westmeath
Please contact the DFI Dublin Office
Dublin North-East
Joan O'Donnell, Meath, Louth, Cavan, Monaghan,
A: (Dublin Office)
T: 086 383 4587
E: joanodonnell@disability-federation.ie
Martin Naughton, Dublin North Central, Dublin North West, Dublin North,
A: (Dublin Office)
T: 086 8207196
E: martinnaughton@disability-federation.ie
Michael Corbett, Galway, Mayo, Roscommon
A: C/O DFI, Acres, Newport, Co. Mayo,
T: 098 41919 / 086 380 4750,
F: 098 41065,
E: michaelcorbett@disability-federation.ie
Marcus Hufsky, Sligo, Leitrim, Donegal,
A: DFI, NRC, Forthill, Sligo,
T: 071 914 4614 / 086 381 1261,
E: marcushufsky@disability-federation.ie
Toni Gleeson, Limerick, North Tipperary, East Limerick, Clare
A: DFI, The Forge, Croke St. Thurles, Co Tipperary
T: 086 600 4526
E: tonigleeson@disability-federation.ie
P.J. Cleere, Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford
A: DFI, Tinryland, Carlow
T: 059 915 8111 / 086 381 1064
E: pjcleere@disability-federation.ie
Alison Ryan, Cork, Kerry
On leave
Please contact:
Eleanor Scanlan, Dublin Office
E: eleanorscanlan@disability-federation.ie