Disability Federation of Ireland Newsletter May 2007
Issued on May 1 2007
General Election 2007
When we launched 'A lot Planned, All To Do' the DFI Programme for Government, we stated that we would examine each Party manifesto against the DFI key demands. The Party manifestos have now been published, and an analysis of the manifestos has been produced.
On May 14th, we held a press briefing to present our response to the manifestos. The briefing was attended by Minister Brian Lenihan [ Fianna Fáil ], Frank Flannery [Director of Elections, Fine Gael ], Ciaran Cuffe TD [Green Party], Joe Costello TD [Labour] and Aengus Ó'Snodaigh TD [ Sinn Féin ]. Each of the representatives responded to the issues at the briefing.
It is vital to keep the disability momentum going at local, regional and national level. There is just one week to the Election. It is up to each organisation to do what they can to raise the profile of disability issues among the candidates and the electorate.
In 'A Lot Planned, All To Do' we asked each party to state in their manifesto that:
"the next Government, will commence progressive implementation of the Cost of Disability payment."
"the next Government, will adequately resource current service delivery by voluntary disability organisations."
"the next Government, will identify for each year of the programme for government the objectives and outcomes for the National Disability Strategy, having regard to the vision and long term goals for people with disabilities as set out in 'Towards 2016'."
Please take every opportunity to ensure that disability stays on the election agenda. We will be putting it to the Parties that the National Disability Strategy in an essential commitment for the new government regardless of what tax concessions spending commitments are made.
John Dolan
To request printed copies of the DFI Programme for Government (2007-2012), 'A Lot Planned - All To Do' , please contact the Dublin DFI Office
DFI Conference
Date for Your Diary
Venue: Heritage Hotel, Portlaoise
Date: 21st and 22nd November 2007
More details to follow.
DFIAGM and Seminar
On 15th May DFI held the AGM and DFI Seminar 'Chairpersons as Effective Leaders'.
More details to follow in the June DFI Newsletter.
New Staff Member
Lillian Buchanan has been recruited as Support Officer - Policy and Research. This is a new post at DFI. Prior to joining DFI, Lillian was the Research Officer at Threshold. At DFI, Lillian will help to ensure the priorities of people with disabilities are reflected in government responses to the commitments outlined in the partnership agreement.
DFI Position Paper - Response to 'A Vision for Change' Report of the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy
At the request of the Mental Health Sub-Group within DFI member organisations, DFI undertook consideration of the Report of the Expert Group on Mental Health in order to develop a position paper which will form the basis of our approach to mental health policy over the coming months and years.
The paper outlines the DFI Housing Subgroup perspective on 'A Vision for Change', focusing on the overarching issues of concern to disability representative organisations.
Recommendations contained in the Report, and endorsed by the DFI Mental Health Sub-Group, include amongst others, the establishment of a National Service User Executive to inform the National Mental Health Directorate and the Mental Health Commission, and issues focusing on the importance of mainstreaming supports and services, critical to the long term social and economic inclusion of people with disabilities.
The Group noted some overarching issues of concern in relation to 'A Vision for Change', including the need for a clear time frame or action plan for the implementation of policy recommendations, the unbalanced depiction of the role of the voluntary mental health sector compared to that of statutory services, and the minimal mention of support for informal and family carers.
The DFI position paper will be available soon on, www.disability-federation.ie . 'A Vision for Change' Report of the Expert Group on Mental Health Policy is available on www.dohc.ie/publications
For further information contact:
Maria Fox, Support Officer,
Tel: 057 9328632,
Email: mariafox@disability-federation.ie
DFI General Election Activity Events
DFI has held a wide range of events around the country in relation to the General election, these have included:
Date: 30th March 2007
Venue: Tullamore, Co Offaly
Contact: Maria Fox.
Date: Monday 2nd April 2007
Venue: DFI Offices, Dublin.
Contact: Louise McCann.
Date: 16th April 2007
Venue: Cork City.
Contact: Alison Ryan (Cork)
Date: 17th April 2007
Venue: Adare, Co. Limerick
Contact: Toni Gleeson
Date: 20th April 2007
Venue: Ballinode, Sligo
Contact: Marcus Hufsky.
Date: 27th April 2007
Venue: Letterkenny, Co. Donegal
Contact: Marcus Hufsky.
Date: 31st April 2007
Venue: Cootehill, Co Cavan
Contact: Joan O'Donnell.
For further information please contact your Support Officer.
DFI Website News
Over the last number of months we have been working to make our site more accessible and also to have more relevant information on the site. DFI are delighted to announce that our website is now AAA accessible.
Having our site AAA accessible essentially means that the site is more accessible to more people with a wider variety of disabilities.
We will continue to grow and change our site as often as we can and would also welcome feedback about our site. Thank you to everyone who has given feedback to date, it has been a great help. Please visit us at www.disability-federation.ie
Useful links:
Disability Federation of Ireland
Website Supplier: ilikecake Limited
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
For further information please contact:
Denis Cadogan, ICT Manager,
DFI Dublin Office
DFI / Comhairle Study on Housing and Accommodation Needs of People with Disabilities
The study of the Housing and Accommodation Needs of People with Disabilities being undertaken jointly with the Citizens Information Board (formerly Comhairle ) is in its final stages. Responses to the questionnaire that was sent to voluntary disability organisations and discussions at five focus groups are being analysed. Consultations on the research findings with key stakeholder organisations, including DFI's Housing Subgroup, are taking place in May along with gathering together case studies to illustrate those findings. The final report will be an important resource for the sector during the development of the National Housing Strategy for people with disabilities, a commitment in 'Towards 2016.'
For more information please contact:
Lillian Buchanan
(Dublin Office)
Support Officer - Policy and Research,
E: lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie
Primary Care Engagement is Critical
The current proposed development in primary care is based on the Primary Care Strategy 'Primary Care - A New Direction 2001.' This document notes 'a properly integrated primary care service can lead to better outcomes, better health status and better cost-effectiveness and should be available to all'. The Health Strategy 2001 'Quality and Fairness', called for improvement in services in the community.
There is a broad focus for primary care services:
- The primary care team will work to identify health and social needs within the local population;
- The concept of primary care envisions a quality and responsive primary care service within a specific geographic community; the GP is the focal point of that care team working together with multi-disciplinary personnel to enhance access to services locally;
- It will also provide appropriate responses in areas such as mental health, elderly care, drug misuse, disabilities, family support and child health, and
- The early uptake of screening, immunisation and early intervention initiatives will be encouraged, and cross-sectoral activities which can promote and protect health will be expanded.
The planned advantages for consumers and patients will be improved access to primary care services in a one-stop setting, an increased range of services and supports, and greater availability of GPs, which will allow for increased consultation time to the benefit of both patient and doctor.
In its recently published transformation programme, the HSE committed to develop 100 primary care teams across the country during 2007; this is also a key commitment contained within the new partnership document 'Towards 2016'.
It is crucial that the importance and relevance of specialist and support organisations for people with disabilities forms a part of the consultative process for the development of these teams and services from the beginning. This development requires that DFI and it's members take active steps to become familiar with the primary care developments as they progress in local and regional areas where members are currently providing and developing services.
To that end DFI proposes to make formal contact with Local Health Managers and Development Officers for primary care implementation plans with a view to creating a relationship that will facilitate the development of a disability proofed and responsive service from the outset.
For further information, please contact your local HSE Personnel and DFI Support Officer for information on further developments in this area.
Implementation of DoEHLG Sectoral Plan
On January 16th 2007, the DoEHLG (Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government) circular 02 / 07 was distributed to each Director of Community and Enterprise and was entitled, 'Implementation of the Sectoral Plan under the Disability Act 2005'.
This circular requests Directors to 'adopt disability as a key theme and to actively engage in promoting co-ordination between the relevant service providers in their area with regard to services for persons with a disability. It further requests that, CDB's (City Development Boards) put suitable arrangements in place, to enable representatives of People with Disabilities to inform CDBs in their area of their requirements'. Section 4.17.2 of the Department Sectoral Plan is inserted on the second page of the circular and identifies both the CDB and the Social Inclusion Measures Groups as the vehicle through which Directors will do so 'with the active support of their relevant member agencies at local and national level.'
The importance of this circular should not be underestimated. This is a direct instruction to all the Directors in each county and city to utilise the CDB and the SIM (Social Inclusion Measures) groups to implement the Department's Sectoral Plan locally.
DFI welcomes this circular as a tangible step by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to the implementation. However the Department and Local Authorities to pay due consideration to the project planning of the implementation process of it's sectoral plan to ensure that it's rush to implementation is co-ordinated across the country.
For Further information please contact:
PJ Cleere,
Support Officer
Tel: 059 9158111,
Mobile: 086 3811064
E: pjcleere@disability-federation.ie
New Disability Plans: What they mean for you and your family (NDA Publication)
The National Disability Strategy, launched in September 2004, aims to improve the lives of people with disabilities in Ireland. The Disability Act 2005 and the six sectoral plans are part of this strategy. This May, every house in the country received a copy of the NDA booklet 'New Disability Plans', outlining what the changes planned and underway will mean for individuals with disabilities.
The booklet covers a range of changes in public services that have happened or are on the way. It describes how public bodies are obliged to facilitate people with disabilities to use their services, outlining changes happening in health, education, transport, accessibility of streets and buildings, social welfare, communications and broadcasting. The booklet provides useful contact details for departments and agencies and information on the complaints procedures built into the NDS
For copies of this booklet, contact:
National Disability Authority
25 Clyde Road, Dublin 4
Lo Call 1890 632 63,
Fax (01) 660 9935
Email nda@nda.ie
Reform of Charity Sector
A three-tiered process that will radically alter the legislative and regulatory environment that the voluntary sector operates in is now in motion.
- The Charities Legislation Bill 2007
- Regulation of Fundraising by Charities through Legislation and Codes of Good Practice
- The Law Reform Commission Consultation on Legal Structures for Charities
The Charities Legislation Bill 2007
The Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs published the Charities Legislation Bill on the 17th April 2007.
The purpose of the Bill is to reform the law relating to charities in order to ensure accountability and to protect against abuse of charitable status and fraud. It also aims to enhance public trust and confidence in charities and increase transparency in the sector. The Bill, together with the Charities Acts 1961 and 1973, and the Street and House to House Collections Act 1962, will provide for a composite regulatory framework for charities through a combination of new legislative provisions and retention of existing charities legislation, with updating, where appropriate. The text of the Bill as well as a synopsis can be downloaded at www.pobail.ie .
Regulation of Fundraising by Charities through Legislation and Codes of Good Practice.
As part of the Bill, provision is being made for the regulation of fundraising practice. The Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs have engaged Irish Charities Tax Research Ltd (ICTR) to conduct a consultation process around the introduction of Codes of Good Practice. Draft proposals for a scheme to develop and monitor Codes of Good Practice on the operational aspects of charitable fundraising have been developed by Irish Charities Tax Research Group Ltd, following feedback from the first round of consultation between October and December 2006. These proposals can be downloaded from http://www.ictr.ie/news/130407.html
This is the last phase of consultation before the proposals are finalised and a report is submitted to the Dept. of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs in June. Organisations are invited to submit feedback on these proposals before 31st May 2007. DFI encourages all organisations to consider the implications of codes of Good Practice for their organisation and to respond to the ICTR document.
ICTR Ltd. seminar on Draft Codes of Good Practice in Fundraising
ICTR Ltd is organising a seminar to consider the Draft Proposals at the Gresham Hotel, Dublin, on Thursday 17th May 2007 from 9.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. followed by a light lunch.
For booking for the Consultation Seminar in The Gresham on 17th May 2007 at http://www.ictr.ie/seminars .
The Law Reform Commission Consultation
The Law Reform Commission Consultation on Legal Structures for Charities: The Commission has published its Report on Charitable Trusts and Legal Structures for Charities.The main recommendation is to introduce a new legal structure for charities, called a Charitable Incorporated Organisation. They advise that the new legal structure should be incorporated in the new Charities Bill and CIOs should be subject to regulation only by the Charities Regulator. Existing charitable trusts, unincorporated associations and industrial / provident societies should be given the option of converting and that the CIO structure should be an additional option for charities that are already incorporated under company law (i.e. companies limited by guarantee). Charities that carry on trading activities that satisfy the legislative requirements for tax exemption should be allowed to avail of the proposed CIO structure. In addition, The Commission recommends that all charities, regardless of the legal structure they assume, should be subject to overview only by the proposed Charities Regulator (as regards registration, accounts, audit, annual returns and regulation). The full report is available at www.lawreform.ie
The Wheel is also a valuable source of information: www.wheel.ie . You can also register with the Wheel's network of interest by emailing ivan@wheel.ie to be kept up to date with progress of the Bill.
For further information, you can also contact:
Joan O'Donnell, Support Officer
Tel: 01 425 0122 or email joanodonnell@disability-federation.ie .
Review of the Irish Public Service
The Government has asked the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-Operation & Development) to undertake a major review of the Irish Public Service. Its purpose is to benchmark the Public Service in Ireland against other comparable countries and to make recommendations as to future directions for Public Service reform.
The Review is due to be completed by the end of 2007. The findings will help to shape the Irish Public Service of the future and will provide useful information regarding how we compare with other countries. The OECD welcome your views and comments on the Public Service and they will be an important contribution to the Review process.
The closing date for receipt of submissions is 1st June 2007. For further information please check: www.bettergov.ie .
Irish Wheelchair Association's Manifesto, General Election 2007
The Irish Wheelchair Association (IWA) calls on the next Irish Government to advance the rights of people with disabilities to allow them to live with dignity and respect as equal members of society with the opportunity to contribute to the economic and social development of Ireland.
The IWA manifesto identifies six main issues which they are asking potential Government Parties to adopt as part of their programme for Government in a commitment to address these vital issues for people with disabilities.
Social vision for Ireland's next Government must include:
- Commitment to core fund health related Community Employment Schemes
- Continued investment in Personal Assistants
- Commitment to ensure equal access to employment for all
- Implementation of a 'Cost of Living' disability payment
- Enforcement of Part M building regulations
- Housing requirements for people with disabilities
For further information, please contact
The Irish Wheelchair Association,
Áras Chúchulainn , Blackheath Drive, Clontarf, Dublin 3.
Tel: 01 8186 400, Fax: 01 8333 873
Email: info@iwa.ie , Web: www.iwa.ie
The Wheel's Manifesto General Election 2007
The manifesto is directed at political parties and politicians in advance of the election.
The manifesto outlines in detail:
- the supports that the next Government must provide for the sector - supports similar to those now available to Irish businesses.
- the need for the Government to provide a space to discuss issues relating to the sector.
- the need to provide a secure environment for charities by enacting regulatory legislation.
- the need to establish a new framework for funding the sector to make sure that all State funds are provided on a multi-annual basis and that they are index linked to the pay commitments in the national agreement so that organisations can pay their staff fairly.
For further information, please contact
The Wheel, Irish Social Finance Centre,
10 Grattan Crescent, Inchicore, Dublin 8.
Tel 353-1- 454 8727, Fax 353-1- 454 8649
E-mail: info@wheel.ie , Web: www.wheel.ie
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland Dementia Manifesto 2007 - 2009
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland calls on the Government to recognise and designate dementia as a national health priority. One of the key ways to achieve this begins with the full and accelerated implementation of an Action Plan for Dementia (APD). The Alzheimer Society's Dementia manifesto is a further refinement of the priorities set out in the three-year APD, based on consultation and research with a key range of stakeholders. In practical terms, the Alzheimer Society of Ireland wants the Government to support positive solutions to improve the quality of life for people with dementia and their carers. It seeks an investment in three main areas over the next three years:
- Enhanced and flexible community based services - €63m;
- Early diagnosis, intervention, awareness and education - €12m, and
- Medical and Social Research - €30m
The total financial investment required to achieve the implementation of this manifesto is €35m per annum for the next three years; €21m for service provision; €4m for awareness raising and €10m for research.
For further information please contact:
The Alzheimer Society of Ireland,
Alzheimer House,
43 Northumberland Avenue,
Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin
Tel: (01) 284 6616, Fax: (01) 284 6030
E-mail: info@alzheimer.ie ,
Web: www.alzheimer.ie
Citizens Information Act 2007
The Citizens Information Act amends the Comhairle Act, 2000. These Regulations come into effect from 30th March. It enhances the functions of the statutory body (Citizens Information Act) by supporting the development of advocacy services for people with disabilities. Specifically, the Act provides for the introduction of a Personal Advocacy Service (PAS) for certain people with disabilities, who would otherwise have difficulty in getting access to those services. The Act changes the name of Comhairle to the Citizens Information Board. It also provides for enhanced functions for the Board to support and develop the provision of information on social services, and the work of the Citizen Information Centres, and other voluntary bodies throughout the country.
The Act also proposes that the Board must, subject to the approval of the Minister for Social and Family Affairs, decide the terms and conditions under which it may support the provision of information, advice or advocacy services and provide financial or other resources to a voluntary body or to a body specified by the Minister. When deciding these terms and conditions, the Board must have regard to its aim of promoting the provision of an integrated, reliable and comprehensive information service of the highest quality and of the need for it to co-operate with statutory and voluntary bodies.
For more information see www.citizensinformationboard.ie
Taskforce on Active Citizenship
The Taoiseach established the Taskforce on Active Citizenship to examine the extent to which citizens engage in the issues that affect them and their communities. The final Report is now published.
In terms of public policy recommendations, the focus of the Report is on the following broad themes:
- Community engagement / sense of community;
- The role of formal and non-formal education at all levels;
- Participation in the democratic process;
- Public sector working with communities;
- Diversity and inclusion of newcomers, and
- Structures, both locally and nationally.
For further information or copies of back documents please contact:
Secretariat of the Taskforce on Active Citizenship,
2-4 Merrion Row, Dublin 2
Tel: (01) 619 4520
Email: info@activecitizen.ie
Website: www.activecitizen.ie
€13m Dormant Accounts Funding
On 16th April 2007, Dept. of Community, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs announced an allocation of €13,122,188 from the Dormant Accounts Fund to 58 projects supporting people with disabilities.
Individual grants range from €10,000 for small scale building work to €600,000 for purchase of community care property.
Disbursements from the Dormant Accounts Fund target three broad categories of persons:
- those affected by economic and social disadvantage;
- those affected by educational disadvantage; and
- persons with a disability.
Further announcements are anticipated in this category over the coming months.
For further information please contact:
Press & Information Office,
Dept. of Community, Rural &
Gaeltacht Affairs
Tel: 01 647 3130, Fax: 01 667 0826
Email: eolas@pobail.ie ,
Web: www.pobail.ie
Funding For Advocacy Services For People With Disabilities
The Citizens Information Board seeks applications from community and voluntary organisations to set up advocacy services in Counties Dublin, Cork, Tipperary, Wexford, Limerick, Meath, Louth, Kildare and Leitrim.
The CIB invites applications from interested community and voluntary organisations and / or broader partnerships, which can provide an advocacy service to people with disabilities. Any partnership structure needs to be able to employ an advocate independent of disability service providers.
Applications Forms are available from
CIB, 7th Floor, Hume House, Dublin 4, or download from www.citizensinformationboard.ie or via email from rachel.downes@ciboard.ie.
Full applications should be marked Disability Advocacy Programme and submitted by Friday May 25th 2007.
Vodafone Ireland Foundation Grant Funding Applications
The Foundation will consider applications, for level 2 and level 3 grants. Awards will be made on the basis of yearly to three yearly grants. Most grantees will be invited to submit a proposal; however the Foundation is also open to receiving "applications of interest" from charities whose projects meet the designated criteria.
These charities must hold a current CHY number with the Irish Revenue Commissioners.
Please review the current Grant criteria and complete the online application at www.vodafoneirelandfoundation.ie for the appropriate level of funding.
Closing Date for applications: 6th June 2007
For more information please contact:
Anne-Marie Moran - Vodafone Ireland Foundation Officer
e-mail: anne-marie.moran@vodafone.com
Tel: 087 9310200
Vodafone Ireland Foundation
Leopardstown, Dublin 18
St Stephen's Green Trust Grants Scheme
St Stephen's Green Trust has re-launched its grants scheme.
It now has 4 Grant Focus areas:
- Specific areas of disability (Autistic Spectrum Disorder; Hearing Impairment);
- Development and Integration (Older people in isolation; New Communities; Travellers);
- Breaking the Link (Homelessness; Offenders), and
- Christian Values and Social Change.
Deadlines for 2007:
- 17th August
- 26th October
For guidelines on the new areas and other criteria, please contact:
Orla O'Neill
Grants & Development Director
St Stephen's Green Trust
PO Box 950, Naas, Co Kildare
Website: www.ssgt.ie
Email: info@ssgt.ie
Tel: 045 480 666.
Voluntary Groups Management Training Programme
Carmichael Centre for Voluntary Groups has limited places available on the following courses from their Spring Training Programme 2007:
- Developing Policies & Procedures, 16th May.
- Managing Successful Fundraising Events, 24th May.
- Producing an Annual Report, 30th May.
- Stress Management, 13th June.
- Training Design & Delivery; 19th, 20th, 21st June.
Further details are available from
www.carmichaelcentre.ie or from Danielle at telephone 01-8735285.
General Notices
RTE to expand its subtitling services
Following the continued negotiation between the Irish Deaf Society and RTE, we are pleased to announce that RTE is extending its commitment with subtitling services on Sports, News and the General Election.
If you would like any further information, please contact IDS or RTE.
IDS: info@irishdeafsociety.ie
RTE: info@rte.ie or Isabel.Charleton@rte.ie
NDA Disability Research Conference 2007 - Evidence Based Practice in Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities Aged 0-6
The National Disability Authority (NDA) will host its 6th Annual Disability Research Conference at O'Reilly Hall in University College Dublin on Wednesday 14th November 2007.
The focus of the Conference this year is 'Evidence Based Practice in Early Intervention for Children with Disabilities Aged 0-6'. The NDA is keen to receive abstracts for research papers on this theme, with a particular focus on one or more of the follow areas of Early Intervention: Health, Education, Social and Family Services. Papers with a predominantly clinical, biomedical or technical focus will not be considered.
Abstracts and CVs should be submitted by e-mail only to Ms. Emma Doyle edoyle@nda.ie , no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday 30th May 2007.
If you have any queries on the conference please contact
Mr. Darren McCausland on 01-6080400 or dmccausland@nda.ie
Irish Red Cross Helping You to Care Handbook
The Helping You to Care Handbook costs €14.99 and is available from the Irish Red Cross at Lo call 1850 650 651, Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Easons and bookshops nationwide.
Public Service Delivery
The Institute of Public Administration (IPA) are holding a Seminar entitled 'Managing to Meeting Expectations in Public Service Delivery'.
Date: 18th May 2007
Time: 8.30 a.m. - 10.30 a.m.
Venue: IPA Headquarters, 57-61 Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4
This Seminar will examine and discuss ways in which the public service can meet these growing expectations in the new service economy.
For more information and to book contact
Karen Henry or Róisin nic Cóil,
Central Bookings Office,
Training and Development Division,
Institute of Public Administration,
57-61 Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4
Tel: (01) 240 3666 / 240 3665
Email: training@ipa.ie
National Service User Conference
Enable Ireland are holding a National Service User Conference on June 29th, 2007 at the Heritage Hotel in Portlaoise, from 11.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.. The Conference will be a celebration of achievements to date with local service displays, workshops and the sharing of stories and experiences around the themes of communications, disability and equality. The Conference will focus on supported living and PA requirements.
For further information please contact:
Fidelma Murphy, Tel: 087 417 1445
email: fmurphy@enableireland.ie
Keith Hayes, Tel: 087 986 3982
email: khayes@enableireland.ie
Acquired Brain Injury Peter Bradley Foundation and BRÍ Information & Education Events
The Peter Bradley Foundation and BRÍ are continuing their series of information & education events across the country about acquired brain injury.
The upcoming events are:
- 16th May, Muckross Park Hotel, Killarney
- 27th June, Trim Castle, Co. Meath
- 22nd August, Cork Radisson SAS Hotel
- 10th October, Sligo Radisson SAS Hotel
- 27th & 28th November, Radisson SAS Royal Hotel, Dublin.
For further information on these events please contact:
Karen Cahill, Tel: 01-280 4164,
Mobile: 086 3868851,
e-mail: kcahill@peterbradleyfoundation.ie or
Contact Joe / Geraldine at BRÍ,
Tel: 01-2355501.
Personal Assistant Services Conference 2007
Independent Living 2007 Conference presents a unique and exciting opportunity for you to participate in a two-day Conference lead by experts on Personal Assistant Services from Europe, Britain and Ireland. Issues at the cutting edge of independent living will be addressed by speakers. Conference will take place on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th of June, Mezzanine Suite, Croke Park Conference Centre, Dublin 3.
For further information please contact:
Center for Independent Living, Carmichael House, North Brunswick St., Dublin 7.
Tel. 01 8730455 / 01 8730986
Fax: 01 8730998
Email: info@dublincil.org
Business Mentorship Programme
NetWORKS is an initiative of UCIT (Ulster Community Investment Trust) Ltd. in association with, Ardee Community Development Group and Tuath - Donegal Community & Local Development Centre. The initiative which has been in operation for three years is now entering its fourth and final programme within its current phase of funding.
Application call for NetWORKS are now invited for the final year of the programme which will commence in September 2007.
Applications forms may be obtained by contacting:
Donal Traynor, Programme Manager,
Tel: 003535 41 6858637
Email: donal@crossbordernetworks.com .
Forms should be returned no later than Friday June 29th 2007.
DIRT Exempt Accounts
The Revenue.ie website contains an application form and explanatory leaflet for Permanently Incapacitated Persons who are interested in having Deposit Interest Retention Tax (DIRT) Exempt Accounts with their financial institutions:
If you require a supply of paper copies of the Forms & Leaflet please contact:
Cáit Ní Chadhain,
Office of the Revenue Commissioners,
Customer Service Policy Unit,
Ardilaun House,
St. Stephen's Green West, Dublin 2.
Tel: 01-6445665, Fax: 01-6445560
Migraine Association of Ireland Dublin Information Day
Date: May 20th 2007
Time: 2 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Venue: Clarion Hotel, Liffey Valley
Migraine Association of Ireland (MAI) Members: €7, Non-Members: €10
Children / partners: Free
The MAI's AGM will be held after the Seminar at 5:00pm.
For more information please contact the MAI Helpline at 1850 200 378 or at info@migraine.ie
Good Practice Workshops for Community and Voluntary Organisations
The Wheel is running its successful series of 'good practice' workshops in Limerick, Kilkenny, Sligo and Letterkenny in May 2007 to:
- provide the latest 'good practice' information for community and voluntary organisations based on its new resource guide for building strong and effective community and voluntary organisations - Solid Foundations.
- provide information on Charity Regulation, Fundraising Standards and how your organisation can prepare for the forthcoming changes, following the publication of the Charities Regulation Bill 2007.
These Workshops are free to members of The Wheel and €40 to non-members but registration in advance is a 'must'. All pre-registered participants will receive a free copy of the new guide, Solid Foundations (normal price, €20).
To register for one of these Workshops contact Danielle Byrne at register@wheel.ie or fill out the registration form on the website: www.wheel.ie .
Solid Foundations
Solid Foundations is a unique new publication for anyone working in community / voluntary / charitable organisations in Ireland that very simply explains what you must do by law, what you ought to do, and what you could aspire to do, in terms of good practice, when setting up and running your group or organisation.
Solid Foundations is available in hard copy from The Wheel at a cost of €20 + €1.50 postage and packaging.
If you would like to order a copy, contact
Danielle Byrne
email: danielle@wheel.ie
Tel: 01- 454 8727
The Wheel, ISFC, 10 Grattan Crescent,
Inchicore, Dublin 8.
Entitlements and Work Options
The Citizens Information Board are organising a Seminar entitled 'Disability Payment: Entitlements and Work Options'.
Date: Thursday, 7th June
Venue: Macro Centre, 1 Green Street, Dublin 7.
Time: 10.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.
Presenters: Ciara Murray, Public Information Consultant
Its aim is to provide participants with an overview of the legislative and administrative frameworks that govern illness and disability payments. The course will use practical case studies to explore relevant work options and eligibility criteria.
For further information contact:
Anne Flynn, Citizens Information Board,
4 Long Walk, Dundalk, Co. Louth
Tel: 042 9332913,
email: anne.rlynn@ciboard.ie
Renee Hayes, Citizens Information Board,
Elm House, Cootehill Road, Cavan.
Tel: 049 4362533,
email: renee.hayes@ciboard.ie
Non-Governmental Organisations Forum
As part of the European Year strategy, the Equality Authority invites participation from the representative organisations of groups that experience inequality from across the nine grounds NGO forum for the European Year of Equal Opportunities for all 2007
Venue: The Coach House, Dublin Castle
Date: Wednesday May 30th 2007
Time: 11 a.m. - 2.15 p.m.
For further information please contact:
Amanda McCrudden,
email: amccrudden@equality.ie
or Tel: 01-4173362 by Friday 25th May
Human Rights and Students with Special Educational Needs
The National Institute for Intellectual Disability is organising a seminar on Building Capacity in Ireland
Date: Wednesday, 16th May
Time: 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Venue: The National Institute for Intellectual Disability, Trinity College Dublin, 4th Floor, 3 College Green, Dublin 2
For more information please contact:
Ailish Kennedy
National Institute for Intellectual Disability, Trinity College Dublin
4th floor, 3 College Green, Dublin 2
Tel: 01 896 3885, Fax: 01 677 9131
Email: akenned@tcd.ie
Arthritis Ireland Programme Administrator
To take overall responsibility for the administration of the organisation's expanding range of programmes.
Please send CV and covering letter to:
Gráinne O'Leary,
Arthritis Ireland, 1 Clanwilliam Square, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2
Tel: 01-661 8188, Fax: 01-661 8261
You may email your application to: goleary@arthritisireland.ie
Closing date: Monday 21st May 2006
Citizens Information Board Manager, Information Production
Reporting to the Senior Manager, he/she will lead a team developing the Board's information capability to meet customer needs in the context of e-Government. He/she will be responsible for
Manager, Information & Communications Technology
Reporting to the Senior Manger he/she will lead a team responsible for the management and ongoing development of the Citizens Information Board's ICT function in an e-Government context.
Latest date for receipt of completed application forms, available on www.citizensinformationboard.ie is 5 p.m. Friday 18th May 2007.
For further information please contact:
7th Floor, Hume House,
Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Tel: 01 605 9000
Fax: 01 605 9099, Email: jobs@ciboard.ie
Director of Services
To be responsible for the provision of all Brainwave's services to its members and other stakeholders.
Key Responsibilities include:
- The delivery of all Brainwave's services through the motivation of its service provider staff and in line with the organisation's strategic objectives.
- Making representations for Brainwave's members to HSE, government departments, disability and appropriate regional structures and also ensuring appropriate funding is received.
- Development and coordination of all information, education, awareness raising, advocacy, training, outreach and support services
Principal qualifications required
Educated to at least primary degree level, a post-degree qualification in a disability field or a relevant business area would be an advantage. A minimum of 3-5 years work experience in the disability or voluntary sector is required.
Letter of application accompanied by CV to be sent to
Chief Executive,
The Irish Epilepsy Association,
249 Crumlin Road, Dublin 12.
Closing date for applications 25th May 2007.