Disability Federation of Ireland Newsletter September 2008

Issued on September 1 2008

Time for Government to demonstrate that disability is still a priority

We are operating in a challenging environment. Almost every day these challenges become more explicit - reports of job losses, speculation on the intensity and focus of public spending cut backs and all this on top of our experience over the past year with the HSE cut backs. There is no doubt that these challenges will continue to be felt as we try to keep up the current level of services when we know that there are huge areas of unmet needs that are simply preventing people and families from living a decent and dignified life.

At the same time we must be clear that these challenges in no way mirror our experience of the 1980s. We must keep the expectation that disability requires further sustained investment. We have got to work every day with that expectation so that we do not give out the message that cutbacks are inevitable. They are not inevitable as it is a matter for Government to prioritise its substantial resources.

In June of last year the Government stated that it was “determined to continue to prioritise the interests of people with disability over the next five years” (Programme for Government). We must not let them slip easily back from that position. The National Disability Strategy (NDS) is also embedded in the social partnership agreement and within the National Development Plan. Just as the economic situation is way different now from the 80”s so too is the political position of disability.

Government”s commitment to the NDS means that we are strategically well positioned. However, this alone will not ensure success. We must understand and ensure that the vision of an Ireland where people with disabilities have ready access to appropriate public and social services is delivered. We also need to progress with internal reform and readjustment within our organisations and at sector level as well as with our public service colleagues.

It is important for us all to give leadership and to instil confidence at this time. Too many people are depending on us for continual delivery of services and to enhance and develop new services. DFI will continue to press Government to ensure that disability remains a priority for them and we will vigorously resist any deceleration of that priority. Likewise we will continue to work with our member organisations to ensure that we all work in the most effective and efficient manner alongside our statutory colleagues to optimise outcomes for people with disabilities.

We are aware that all organisations whilst under pressure to maintain the existing level of services, must also at the same time secure much needed resources for new and enhanced services. These increased pressures are being exerted as we readjust how we do our business in a mainstreaming environment. Issues around governance, management, partnerships and collaboration need to be strongly advanced by us all.

John Dolan

National Council Meeting

As part of the process where the Board routinely reports to the National Council and following our AGM in May a meeting of the National Council will take place on Thursday 11th September at 9.15a.m. The purpose of the meeting is for the Board to report to the National Council on the mid year progress on the Annual Plan within the context of the current Operational and Strategic Plans, as agreed by the Board, and to hear any comments or observations which the National Council may have. The Board reported progress to the National Council at a meeting in March prior to the AGM and there will be a further such meeting in November.

The DFI Operational Plan 2008-2010 is available on our website www.disability-federation.ie


DFI Pre-Budget Submission 2009 Event at the Mansion House

DFI will facilitate a Pre-Budget Event at the Mansion House on Thursday the 2nd October 2008. Member organisations, members of the Oireachtas and the media will be invited to attend the event in order to discuss critical issues affecting people with disabilities. It will be an excellent opportunity for disability organisations to meet with politicians and the media and to outline their own priorities for Budget 2009. The DFI Pre-Budget Submission is available online at www.disability-federation.ie . Members looking for assistance in compiling their own submission should contact their local Support Officer at DFI.


Training for Complaints Officers

Under the Health Act 2004 voluntary organisations may have obligations under Part 9 of the Act regarding the establishment of complaints procedures. An organisation is obliged to comply with the Act if

  • it receives funding under Section 38 of the Act
  • it receives funding under Section 39 of the Act or
  • it uses HSE facilities, for example to hold meetings.

Under Part 9 of the Act, voluntary organisations are obliged to ensure that their complaints procedure is compliant with the Act. This can be done by e-mailing your complaints procedure to nicolaj.williams@mailq.hse.ie . Information regarding the development of a complaints procedure can be found on the DFI website http://www.disability-federation.ie/information_complaints.htm .
Organisations must have a nominated person to manage complaints, the Complaints Officer. The Complaints Officer is a person who is designated by the organisation for the purpose of dealing with complaints made to it in compliance with the Complaints Procedures established under the Act. The HSE is now undertaking training for Complaints Officers in organisations. The HSE are running a session for DFI member organisations on Thursday 25th September from 10am until 5:30pm in Boardroom 2, HSE Offices, Block 4 Central Business Park, Clonminch, Tullamore . As places are limited, if you plan to send your Complaints Officer to the meeting please e-mail jacquelinethomson@disability-federation.ie stating the name of the person attending, with Complaints Officer Training in the subject line. Please contact Jacqueline Thomson, DFI Support Officer, on 01 454 7978 if you have any questions.

HIQA Standards for Residential Services for People with Disabilities

The draft standards for residential service for people with disabilities will be going out for public consultation shortly. The consultation process will include focus groups and individual interviews with service users, focus groups with family members and front line staff and a public consultation.

These standards will have a number of functions – they are intended to ensure that all those who live in residential centres live in a safe environment, they define an agreed level of quality that must be maintained in all residential services and they are their to help service providers improve their services. The standards also set out an agenda of change for residential services in Ireland and set a benchmark against which current practice can be assessed. The standards reflect relevant legislation and are informed by existing standards and guidelines, research findings and best practice.
If you wish further information about this process, or the impact that these standards will have on your service, please contact Jacqueline Thomson, Support Officer, at jacquelinethomson@disability-federation.ie .

NPSDD - Disability Prevalence Figures

The National Physical and Sensory Disability Database team are currently trying to compile a list of prevalence figures for each of the diagnoses on the database. This is part of an exercise to address the discrepancy in Database figures and being more explicit about the differences and why these differences exist. There is a possibility that the HRB may report on these in future Annual Reports. Can you please forward prevalence figures for any conditions that you work with to Mary-Ann O”Donovan at modonovan@hrb.ie by Friday 19th September.

Public Consultation on the Health Information Bill

As part of the Health Reform Programme, the Department of Health and Children is preparing new legislation on the collection, use, sharing, storage, disclosure and transfer of personal health information as well as ensuring that the privacy of such information is appropriately respected.

The main objectives of the Health Information Bill are:

  • to establish a legislative framework to enable information –in whatever form- to be used to best effect to enhance medical care and patient safety throughout the health system,
  • to facilitate the greater use of information technologies for better delivery of patient services, and
  • to underpin an effective information governance structure for the health system generally.

The Minister for Health and Children, Mary Harney TD, has invited the public and interested parties to submit their views on the proposed Bill.

Accordingly, a Discussion Document on the Bill and an accompanying Audit Paper setting out relevant key international instruments, national laws and guidelines relating to health information for Ireland and selected other countries have been prepared. You can find these documents at http://www.dohc.ie/issues/hib// .
The Department of Health and Children are now welcoming written responses by individuals, groups or organisations and these should be sent:

By E-mail to: hibconsultation@health.gov.ie
By Post to: Health Information Bill Consultation, Legislation Unit, Department of Health and Children, Hawkins House, Dublin 2

Latest date for receipt of responses is Thursday, 11th September 2008
Please note that all submissions received will be subject to the Freedom of Information Acts 1997 and 2003.

MAP Bulletin Presentation – Neurological Conditions: New Date

The HRB will be presenting their latest MAP Bulletin in the DFI offices on Friday 10th October at 11am .

The MAP data is useful as it offers a holistic view of disability by measuring the barriers and challenges experienced in participating in life activities and provides an overview of functional ability. This data can also be used to measure the effectiveness of service use and their impact on individuals” participation. This bulletin explores the difficulties in participating experienced by people with a neurological condition. The basic premise behind the MAP tool is to provide information on the services to people with disabilities in order to improve their level of participation in those areas of life from which they feel wholly or partially excluded. The data has shown that the impact of PA services is clearly significant. This bulletin is available to download from the HRB website www.hrb.ie .

If you would like to attend this presentation, or for further information, please email events@disability-federation.ie with MAP Presentation in the subject line or call 01 454 7978.


Towards 2016 Agreement Update

A formal review of the social partnership agreement, Towards 2016 , commenced in the spring. DFI contributed to the work of the Community and Voluntary Pillar by reviewing experience to date and proposing developments essential to achieving the long term goals set out in the agreement. Areas of concern that have been fed into the Review process include:

  • project management of the implementation of the NDS to achieve the long term goals as set out in Towards 2016
  • implementation of Part 2 of the Disability Act and the Independent Assessment of Needs
  • provision of housing and supports appropriate to people with a disability
  • development of a multi-annual investment programme for disability, post 2009.

Negotiations on the Review are continuing, and DFI is working to ensure that the disability priorities are central to the renewed partnership agenda.
The renegotiation of the pay talks element of the agreement was suspended until September when it proved impossible to conclude them by August 2nd. However, the Taoiseach, Mr Brian Cowen TD, and the Tánaiste, Ms Mary Coughlan TD, stated on that day,

“The review of the wider provisions of the Towards 2016 Agreement is continuing and is expected to conclude in the near future.”

It is clear that the Government and all the partners support the social framework. Indeed it is now widely recognised that the social side of the agreement helps to sustain the social partnership process during this time of economic uncertainty.

C&V Pillar Bilateral Meetings for the Review of Towards 2016

The Community and Voluntary Pillar of Social Partnership, of which DFI is a member, is holding bilateral meetings with a number of Government Departments. At these meetings DFI is raising a number of issues that relate to actions and goals committed to in Towards 2016 and the National Disability Strategy and these Departments specifically. For further information on these Bilateral meetings please contact Lillian Buchanan, DFI, on 01-4547978 or on lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie .

To date meetings have been held with the Department of Education and Science, the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Department of Social and Family Affairs and the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government (on housing issues). Reports of these meetings are contained in the July and August Newsletters.

Further meetings between representatives of the Community and Voluntary Pillar and senior government officials are scheduled in September, with the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform (DEJLR) and the Office of the Minister on Children and Youth Affairs (OMCYA).

DFI will highlight the necessity of effectively monitoring the implementation of the National Disability Strategy with the DEJLR, while a range of issues, on health and personal supports, access to preschool and disability-proofing social policy initiatives will be raised at the OMCYA meeting. A report of the meetings will be included in a subsequent Newsletter.

NESF Project Team on Ageing and Home Care Supports

DFI has been invited by the National Economic and Social Forum (NESF) to appoint a representative to the above Project Team, the first meeting of which will take place on September 9th. NESF is a social partnership organisation; its members bring diverse experiences and interests to the evaluation of named policy areas. Its remit is to advise the Taoiseach on the policies required to achieve greater equality and social inclusion in the context of social partnership by analysing, monitoring and evaluating relevant programmes and policies. The NESF is commencing a study on “Ageing and Home Care Supports” as part of its current work programme. Organisations with an expertise and interest in this area who would like to participate on the NESF Project Team were invited to nominate a person to represent DFI on the Project Team and the DFI representative will be named over the coming weeks. If you would like further information on this new project, and like to be kept updated on its progress, please contact Joan O”Donnell, joanodonnell@disability-federatiaon.ie


Briefing on the Digital Television switchover and the threat of social exclusion of older people and people with disabilities

With the impending switch-off of analogue television in 2012, every person in Ireland who wishes to continue watching television will have to purchase, install and use new digital equipment and services.If these are not fully accessible and affordable, significant barriers will arise for older people and people with disabilities, many of whom are on low incomes, resulting in a serious risk of social exclusion.

Several organisations have come together to highlight this issue and ensure that no one is left behind when this change over occurs These organisations include National Council for the Blind of Ireland, DFI, Central Remedial Clinic, Irish Deaf Society, DeafHear.ie, Age Action Ireland, Saint Vincent de Paul, People with Disabilities in Ireland and Enable Ireland

Television is one of the main sources of information, education and entertainment for people in Ireland, particularly for older or disabled people who may be physically and socially isolated.
Television is particularly important for people who are vision impaired, deaf or hard of hearing and face difficulties accessing printed or spoken media.

The European Parliament has described access to television as a “fundamental right” and “of fundamental importance for democracy, freedom of expression and cultural pluralism”. The accessibility and affordability of television is therefore a basic requirement for the social inclusion of older people and people with disabilities.

The requirements for television to be fully accessible and affordable are:

  • Digital television equipment such as “set top boxes” and remote controls must be fully accessible and easy to use. They should provide access to subtitles, audio description and Irish Sign Language when included with programmes. To facilitate people with vision impairments they should provide spoken output and control over the size and colour of on-screen text, including menus, subtitles and Electronic Programme Guides (EPGs).
  • Broadcasters should provide more subtitling, audio description and Irish Sign Language. Currently only 1% of programmes on RTE 1&2 are required to carry audio description or Irish Sign Language. Digital television makes it easy to include these services, allowing individual viewers to switch them on or off.
  • Information about the digital switchover scheme should be communicated in a wide range of accessible and easy to understand formats, including large print, Braille, audio and Plain English.
  • Older people, people with disabilities and people on low incomes should be provided with financial help and installation assistance to make the switchover to digital. A scheme similar to the UK Digital Switchover Help Scheme would be appropriate.
  • Consultation and representation

In order to ensure that these issues are being properly addressed and that progress is made towards fully inclusive television services, older people, people with disabilities and their representatives and experts in digital television accessibility should be included and consulted in all developments, regulation and legislation related to television. For further information please contact joanodonnell@disability-federation.ie .



SKILL stands for Securing Knowledge Intra Lifelong Learning. The aim of SKILL is to "Educate, develop and train support staff in the health services to the optimum of their abilities in order to enhance their role in the quality of service to patients/clients." 591 staff from twenty four DFI member organisations currently participate on SKILL Programme training. The majority of staff are completing training in the FETAC Level 5 Programme for Support Staff.

As a participating DFI member organisation, the Alzheimer Society of Ireland (ASI) currently has 92 staff undergoing SKILL Programme training. To get an insight into the impact of SKILL for staff on the ground, DFI recently visited the ASI Day Care Centre in Garryowen, Limerick city where five staff members are in the process of or have competed Level 5 SKILL Programme training.

Marion Keane, Nuala Fitzgerald, Grainne Nihill, Maura Kingly, Margaret Kett, all care workers with the Alzheimer Society in Limerick city and participants of the SKILL Programme training programme.

In the opinion of staff, SKILL Programme has been helpful in “every aspect” of their work in the ASI centre where day to day specialist day care is provided to people with dementia. For some staff who may have left school at an early age, the idea of going into education was a tough decision to make but the right one in the end, with learning described as an “eye opener”. SKILL Programme has given people a chance to recognise their own talents and experience. [Before SKILL Programme]

I would have had no confidence whatsoever in a group, now I would”.

There was also a great sense of enthusiasm from all staff for how they brought shared knowledge back into the work place. “Training together has helped us understand one another as well; I learned about other people”s gifts… their other talents came out as well”.

Support of tutors through SKILL Programme has also opened the door to further education for two staff in this centre, who are now planning to continue onto a course in palliative care.
In conclusion Jane Howlett, Regional Manager to ASI for the Mid West summed up what SKILL Programme has meant in real terms in describing how

It”s important that we can highlight that fully qualified staff are working in the centre to client families We are also confident that trained carers are using best practice in their everyday work”.

SKILL Programme continues to have top level government commitment going forward, with finance provided through a discrete training fund approved by the Department of Finance. DFI continues to support participating member organisations on the SKILL Programme. Full information on the project is available from www.skillprogramme.ie / www.disability-federation.ie . For all enquires please contact Cathy McGrath of DFI: cathymcgrath@disability-federation.ie / 01 4547978.

The September issue of the SKILL Newsletter is now available to download http://www.skillprogramme.ie/publications/news61.pdf . This issue contains two articles highlighting the role of DFI and participating DFI member organisations within SKILL.


Citizens Information Board's National Calendar of Training Events (September-December)

The Citizens Information Board provides training services nationwide to Citizens Information Services, the Citizens Information Phone Service and other voluntary and statutory bodies. The aim of these training services is to enhance information-provision capabilities of these organisations. Central training services establish standards in training design, delivery and content.
The training programme contains a range of training events aimed at those providing information, advice and advocacy services to the public. The courses / events will help to develop knowledge, interpersonal skills and management/organisational skills.

The calendar includes 35 training events, taking place throughout the country in the period September to December 2008. Download full programme / application form www.activelink.ie/downl08/training_programme_sept_to_dec_2008.pdf .

For more information check: www.citizensinformationboard.ie/services/training/ .

The Carmichael Centre for Voluntary Groups Training & Support Service MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAMME September-October 2008

The Carmichael Centre provides an annual training programme targeting the unique needs of all those working within the community & voluntary sector, in both a volunteer and paid capacity. The Centre aims to develop the strength of the sector by enhancing present successful work with current management methods to ensure sustainable progress of organisations into the long term.

Course Title Date

NDA Research Conference 2008

The NDA are holding their annual research conference on Monday 13th October 2008 in the Croke Park Conference Centre. The aim of this year”s conference is to demonstrate effective interventions from national or international best practice on how to best support people with mental health difficulties within our criminal justice system . It is hoped that evidence can be identified and shared on good practice interventions that respond effectively to people with mental health difficulties who are in the criminal justice system as perpetrators or alleged perpetrators.

The conference should be attended by:

  • Researchers and policy makers in statutory and non-statutory bodies
  • Professionals working in the area, including service providers
  • Academics
  • Disability advocates and representative bodies
  • People with disabilities, their families, carers or advocates

Admission is free but advance booking is essential.
For further information please contact: Louise McCulloch, National Disability Authority,
25 Clyde Road, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 608 0405 Fax: 01 660 9935 Email: lmcculloch@nda.ie
Or look at the NDA website at www.nda.ie .


NDA Research Promotion Scheme 2009-2011 Application Guidelines

The National Disability Authority (NDA) is an independent statutory body which was established to provide evidence-based expert advice to the Government on disability policy and practice.
The NDA”s Research Promotion Scheme aims to promote quality new research on specific themes aligned to the NDA's strategic priorities, through the provision of funding. The NDA is now inviting proposals for research, for projects of up to three years duration, from research institutions, service providers, organisations of persons with disabilities and disability advocacy groups under the Scheme for 2009 to 2011 on the following theme : “ Promoting independent and community living for people with disabilities”.

The NDA would like to receive research proposals dealing with any of the aspects that promote independent and community living for people with disabilities. In particular NDA would welcome research proposals that involve monitoring and tracking success factors in transitions to independent living and research proposals evaluating the co-ordination of different services (health, transport, employment, housing, day services, care supports) for people with disabilities in relation to independent and community living. The NDA would also welcome evaluations of good practice models and research on independent living and community living models for people with high support needs.

Completed applications should be returned by Friday, 3 October 2008 .

For further information contact Cliona Doherty, Research Department, National Disability Authority, 25 Clyde Road , Dublin 4, Tel. 01 - 608 0460, Email: cdoherty@nda.ie .

Mobility Aids Housing Adaptation Grant Scheme

It is important that people with a disability and their families are aware of the fast track housing adaptation grant scheme in operation since November 2007. The scheme relates to works such as grab-rails, access ramps, level access showers. Prioritisation of applications is based on medical need, with special consideration given if an adaptation is required for the applicant to return home from hospital, for example.

Fast track features include the requirement of only one written itemised quotation from a contractor, and a report from the applicant”s GP, although on occasion an assessment by an occupational therapist will be deemed necessary. The grant may cover 100% of the cost of works.

Eligibility is means tested; households with a gross annual household income (after disregards) up to €30,000 can claim the maximum grant available of €6,000. The Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government reported that local authorities have approved 469 grants under the Scheme to date.

Anyone wishing to obtain more information or to apply under the scheme should contact their local authority. The contact details are provided at http://www.environ.ie/en/LocalGovernment

Combat Poverty Agency & the Health Service Executive invite applications to Com munity Participation in Primary Health Care Initiative

This is a joint demonstration initiative between the CPA and the HSE, the purpose of which is to support and enable disadvantaged communities and groups to participate in local primary care teams and networks. The funding is open to local community development/anti-poverty groups who have a focus on health and the closing date for applications is 15th September 2008.
Application form and explanatory brochure available to download at www.combatpoverty.ie/health
Further information from:

Programmes of Grants for Community and Voluntary Organisations.

Don”t forget the Programmes of Grants for Community and Voluntary Organisations for which Pobal, on behalf of The Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, is inviting applications. Community and Voluntary organisations with income of under €100,000 p.a. for funding under two Programmes of Grants for Community and Voluntary Organisations.

Programme 1. Offers two schemes of once-off grants:

  • Scheme of Refurbishment Grants
  • Scheme of Equipment Grants

Programme 2.

Financial Supports for Community & Voluntary Groups 2008

Pobal on behalf of The Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs is now inviting applications from Community and Voluntary organisations for funding under two Programmes of Grants for Community and Voluntary Organisations.

Programme 1. Offers two schemes of once-off grants:

  • Scheme of Refurbishment Grants - Grants will be made to a range of local community and voluntary organisations with a focus on addressing disadvantage or where evidence of need has been clearly identified in their communities.
  • Scheme of Equipment Grants - The objective of this scheme is to support the activities of local community and voluntary organisations that are addressing disadvantage in their communities

Programme 2.

  • Scheme of Training Grants

The aim of the Programme is to support or enhance the activities of community and voluntary groups both national and local or community based. Priority will be given to applications that address disadvantage.

  • Applications will be accepted on the official forms only, which can be downloaded from the Pobal website - www.pobal.ie
  • Hardcopies will be available in the near future from: Pobal, Holbrook House, Holles Street, Dublin 2. Telephone: (01) 4484888.
  • Application forms and further details can be found on www.pobal.ie/live/smallgrants

The Community Foundation for Ireland's Small Grants Scheme

The Community Foundation makes grants to not-for-profit and voluntary groups working in communities throughout the Republic of Ireland. The Community Foundation will favour projects leading to the social inclusion of people and communities who are excluded by reason of geography, race, age, disability, family circumstances, poverty, gender or race.

2008 deadlines for applications: · 25th August · 31st October

It is essential that applicants consult the full criteria, available on the Community Foundation's website prior to submitting a grant application: www.communityfoundation.ie/grants/
Please note that the application form can now be submitted by email, and also that the Grant-making Guidelines have been altered.

Contact: Helen Beatty, Grants Officer at hbeatty@foundation.ie
The Community Foundation for Ireland, 32 Lower O'Connell Street, Dublin 1 Ph. 01 874 73 54

Music Capital Scheme and Research Project

The Arts Council, The IRMA Trust and Music Network recently announced details of the Music Capital Scheme and Research Project, an action-research initiative designed to provide support for the purchase of musical instruments in 2008. The scheme and research project will be operated on a pilot basis in 2008 and will be designed to recommend formalised structures for ongoing support in this area beyond 2008. There are three categories of support under the Music Capital Scheme as follows: Stream 1: For non-professional performing groups/ensembles. Stream 2: For highly skilled performing artists - support for the purchase of high quality musical instruments for highly skilled individual performers playing at a professional level Stream 3: For people working in youth or community organisations supporting musical practice. Deadline for Applications: 5.30pm, Monday, September 29, 2008 For further information visit www.musicnetwork.ie or contact The Music Capital Scheme Manager, Music Network, Tel. 01 6719429 or email capitalscheme@musicnetwork.ie .


National Council for Special Education (NCSE) Consultation on the National Council for Special Education Research Framework.

The National Council for Special Education (NCSE) is an independent statutory body set up to improve educational services to persons with special educational needs arising from disabilities, with particular emphasis on children. Conducting research is one of the Council”s key functions. The Council are currently preparing a Research Framework which will outline priority areas for research for the period 2009-10.

To inform the preparation of the Framework your views on potential research themes are welcome. Your suggestions should be given in broad terms; highlight why research in these areas is necessary; and indicate briefly how these themes relate to the NCSE aims and functions.

You can submit your suggestions in writing, on video/DVD or cassette tape no later than 5pm on Friday September 19th 2008 to: Research and Development, National Council for Special Education, 1-2 Mill Street, Trim, Co. Meath. They can also be emailed to info@ncse.ie . Further information about the NCSE is available at www.ncse.ie

Ag saothrú chun uas-seirbhís a sholáthar san oideachas speisialta

Neurological Alliance of Ireland Regional Forums Upcoming

NAI regional forum in Cork on 11th November 2008 :

All stakeholders involved in the provision of services to people with neurological conditions in the region will be invited to participate in a workshop to highlight gaps in services and discuss the recent review of neurology services that the NAI was involved in. The venue and further details will be announced in upcoming newsletters.

Neurological Alliance of Ireland Conference :

“The Rehabilitation and Long Term Management of Neurological Conditions in the Community” .The Conference will be held on the 2nd December 2008 in Dublin. The venue and further details are to be confirmed.

For more information on both of these events please contact Mags Rogers, NAI on 01 8724120 or at naiireland@eircom.net

September 2008 World Suicide Prevention Week Candlelight Vigils

  • Approximately 600 people die by suicide annually in Ireland.
  • It is a tragedy that devastates families and touches every community. Everybody knows somebody and so many loved somebody.
  • For the last 4 years, the 3Ts has held a Candlelight Vigil in Dublin to mark World Suicide Prevention Day and last year they expanded this to other centres around the Country. For 2008, they are delighted to announce Vigils in Dublin, Galway, and Wexford.
  • Suicide Prevention Candlelight Vigils are for all who have lost family, colleagues and friends through suicide, to gather, to light a candle and remember lost loved ones. The vigils also serve to highlight the support of the wider community with special guest speakers, music and a minute”s silence.
  • 3Ts invite you to join them at a choice of venues around the country:

World Suicide Prevention Day Monday

  • Wednesday 10th September 2008 Dublin: Bank of Ireland (Forecourt), College Green, Dublin 2 8.00pm to 9.00pm
  • Wednesday, 17th September 2008 Wexford : The Bull Ring, Wexford 8.00pm to 9.00pm
  • Date To be Confirmed September : Galway, St Nicholas” Collegiate Church, Market Street, Galway 8.00pm to 9.00pm
  • Admission is free and all are welcome. Candles are supplied.

Migraine Association of Ireland Seminars European Migraine Day of Action Launch

“Medication Overuse headache – When the CURE becomes the CAUSE”
Date: Friday, September 12th 2008
Venue: The Atrium, Trinity College Dublin
Time: 12.30 – 2.30p.m.

Admission: FREE

Buffet Lunch from: 10.00p.m. Places limited and must be booked in advance.
To reserve your place call: 1850 200 378 or Email info@migraine.ie

Migraine Management

Date: Sunday 14th September
Venue: Fels Point Hotel, Tralee
Time: 3.00 – 6.00p.m.
Admission: Members: €7, Non – members: €10 Children and Partners: FREE
Date: Tuesday 23rd September
For more information or to reserve your place call: 1850 200 378 or Email info@migraine.ie

Blanchardstown Center f or Independent Living Training & Employment Seminar f or People with Disabilities

Venue: The Park Plaza Hotel Tyrrellstown
Time: 7.00 -9.00p.m. Refreshments served
Speakers from – Work4U, FÁS, AHEAD, Adult Education
To attend please Contact Micheline Clancy or Aisling Colmey Ph: 018270609
Email: bcil@dublincil.org
REMEMBER Independent living “”Your life ...Your Choice”

For information please contact the relevant organisation directly.

Ability - Newsletter of the Irish Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus, Tel: 01 4572329, E-mail: info@iasbah.ie

Arthritis Ireland - Newsletter—Tel: 01 661 8188 E-mail: info@arthritisireland.ie

Aspire - Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland. 01-8780027/9, E-mail: admin@aspire-irl.org

Asthma Society News - Tel: 01-8788511, E-mail: office@asthmasociety.ie

Brainstorm - Migraine Association of Ireland, Tel: 01-8064121, E-mail: info@migraine.ie

Brainwave - Quarterly Newsletter, Tel: 01 4557500, E-mail: info@epilepsy.ie

Care Alliance Ireland - E-mail: ndo@carealliance.ie

Clar na nÓg - National Youth Council of Ireland Tel: 01-4784122 E-mail: info@nyci.ie

Cleft Lip and Palate Association of Ireland - www.cleft.ie/newsletter , Tel: (01) 2848227, E-mail: georginawade@cleft.ie

Community Exchange Newsletter, E-mail: info@activelink.ie , Tel: +1 667 7326

Connect - Irish Motor Neuron Disease Association. E-mail: info@imnda.ie , Freefone 1800 403 403

Community Workers” Co-operative – Community Work News. E-mail: info@cwc.ie , Tel: +353 (0) 91 779 030

Cornerstone - Homeless Agency - http://www.homelessagency.ie/research/cornerstone.asp , Tel: 01 7036100 , E-mail: homeless@dublincity.ie

Cumhacht - People with Disabilities in Ireland http://www.pwdi.ie/news_events/newsletter , E-mail: info@pwdi.ie , Tel: 01-8721744

Debra Ireland Newsletter, Tel: 01 678 5044, E-mail: info@debraireland.org

Down Syndrome Ireland - Tel: 01-8730999, E-mail: info@downsyndrome.ie

Enable Ireland - Newsletter—Tel: 1850 204 304 E-mail: communications@enableireland.ie

Equality News - Tel: 01-4173333, E-mail:: info@equality.ie

E-Info Deaf Source— E-mail:: info@irishdeafsociety.ie . Tel: +353 1860 1878

Féach - Support to parents of blind and visually impaired children. Tel: 01 493 1896, E-mail:: info@feach.ie

Fighting Blindness - Tel: 01 7093050, E-mail: avril.daly@fightingblindness.ie

Frontline of Learning Disability -Tel: 01-2862649. E-mail: frontline@indigo.ie

GROWing - Information on Mental Health, Tel: 1890 474 474, E-mail: info@grow.ie

Guidelines - Irish Guide Dogs Association. Tel: 021 4878200 E-mail: info@guidedogs.ie

Headway Ireland - National Association for Acquired Brain Injury -“Making Headway”, Tel: 01-8102066, E-mail: info@headway.ie

Heart News: - Newsletter of Irish Heart Foundation. Tel: 01 668 5001 E-mail:: info@irishheart.ie .

Heartstrings - Newsletter of Heart Children Ireland, published quarterly, Tel: 1850 217017 E-mail: heartchildren@eircom.net

Heatwave - Irish Raynauds Scleroderma Society, E-mail: info@irishraynauds.com , Tel: 01 2020184

HOPE - Huntington”s Disease Association of Ireland. Tel: 01-872 1303, E-mail: hdai@indigo.ie

Inclusion Ireland - Tel: 01 8559891, E-mail: info@inclusionireland.ie

Irish Deaf News - Irish Deaf Society. Minicom: 01-8601910; 01-8601878; E-mail: info@irishdeafsociety.ie

Irish Wheelchair Association - “Spokeout” , Tel: 01-8186 400, E-mail: Joanna.marsden@iwa.ie

Kerry Network of People with Disabilities - Network News 066-7180611, E-mail: kerrypwdi@eircom.net

MS News—Newsletter of MS Ireland. Tel: 01 6781600, E-mail: info@ms-society.ie

Muscular Dystrophy Ireland - MDI News Update Tel: 01-8721501, E-mail: info@mdi.ie

DeafHear.ie - Link Magazine - Tel: 01 8723800, E-mail: info@deafhear.ie , Minicom: (01) 817 5777

NCBI News - Newsletter of the National Council for the Blind of Ireland, Tel: 01 8307033, E-mail:: press@ncbi.ie , www.ncbi.ie

Neuro News - Neurofibromatosis Association of Ireland, Tel: 01-8726338, E-mail: nfaireland@eircom.net

People First - Central Remedial Clinic Tel: 01-8057400 E-mail: vmmcutch@crc.ie

Post Polio Support Group - Newsletter, Tel: 071 64791 E-mail: newsletter@ppsg.ie

Poverty Today - Combat Poverty Agency. Tel:01-670 6746

Rehab News -Tel: 01-2057200 E-mail: dara.duffy@rehab.ie

Simon News - Simon Community, Tel: 01-6711606 E-mail: info@simoncommunity.com

SI News - Schizophrenia Ireland, Tel: (0)1 8601620 E-mail: info@sirl.ie

Social Housing - Irish Council for Social Housing Tel: 01-6618334; E-mail: info@icsh.ie

Speaking up for Advocacy - Comhairle Newsletter on advocacy. Tel: 01 6059035, E-mail: mairide.woods@comhairle.ie or davin.roche@comhairle.ie

Volunteer Stroke Scheme News- Tel: 01-4559036. E-mail:: info@strokescheme.ie

Wheel E-Bulletin Tel:01- 454 8727, E-mail: info@wheel.ie .


Disability Federation of Ireland is a national support and representation mechanism for voluntary disability sector organisations, covering all areas of disability and disabling conditions. There are currently over 100 voluntary disability organisations in the DFI Membership.

Fumbally Court
Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8
Tel: 01 454 7978
Fax: 01 494 7981
E: info@disability-federation.ie

Dublin Mid-Leinster
Lillian Buchanan
Support Officer – Policy and Research (Dublin Office)
Tel: 01 424 0127
E: lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie

Dermot O” Donnell
Support Officer- Support for Organisations
Tel: 01 4250125 (Dublin Office)
E: dermotodonnell@disability-federation.ie

Anthony Carrick
Dun Laoghaire, Dublin South East, Wicklow (Dublin Office),
Tel: 01 708 0105
Mobile: 086 8206736
E: anthonycarrick@disability-federation.ie

Louise McCann
Dublin South City, Dublin South West, Dublin West, Kildare, West Wicklow (Dublin Office)
Mobile: 086 9189750
E: louisemccann@disability-federation.ie

Jacqueline Thomson
Laois, Offaly, Longford, Westmeath (Dublin Office)
Mobile: 086 3882600
E: jacquelinethomson@disability-federation.ie

Dublin North-East
Joan O”Donnell
Meath, Louth, Cavan, Monaghan (Dublin Office)
Mobile: 086 3834587
E: joanodonnell@disability-federation.ie

Martin Naughton
Dublin North Central, Dublin North West, Dublin North
E: martinnaughton@disability-federation.ie
Mobile: 086 8207196

Michael Corbett,
Galway, Mayo, Roscommon
C/O DFI, Acres, Newport, Co. Mayo,
Tel: 098 41919,
Mobile: 086 3804750,
Fax: 098 41065,
E: michaelcorbett@disability-federation.ie

Marcus Hufsky,
Sligo, Leitrim, Donegal
DFI, NRC, Forthill, Sligo,
Tel: 071 9144614,
Mobile: 086 3811261,
E: marcushufsky@disability-federation.ie

Toni Gleeson,
Limerick, North Tipperary, East Limerick, Clare
DFI, The Forge, Croke St. Thurles, Co Tipperary
Mobile: 086 6004526
E: tonigleeson@disability-federation.ie

P.J. Cleere
Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford
DFI, Tinryland, Carlow
Tel: 059 9179431
Mobile: 086 3811064
E: pjcleere@disability-federation.ie

Alison Ryan
101 North Main Street, Cork
Cork, Kerry
Tel: 021 4271752 Mobile 086 3816323
E: a.ryan@disability-federation.ie