Disability Federation of Ireland Newsletter September 2007
Issued on September 1 2007
Delivering the Commitment: Estimates and Budget Submission 2008
The Estimates and Budget 2008 is the first opportunity for the new Government to demonstrate their commitment to people with disabilities. DFI recognises that important steps have been made in the Programme for Government to progress the National Disability Strategy ( NDS) and to review the Cost of Disability Issue. This must now be converted into action and cannot take place without the allocation of adequate resources year on year.
In our submission, we have identified five priority actions to be progressed in the Estimates and Budget 2008.
They are:
- To set aside €20m to address the ongoing issue of core funding deficits among DFI membership organisations;
- To deliver the commitment that 'for each year of the Programme for Government, it will set out the objectives and outcomes to be reached in the NDS' (Government of Ireland, 2007:33);
- To establish clear budget lines in Estimates and Budget 2008 to identify funding directed to disability specific services and separately to mainstream services;
- To commit €5m to fund the establishment of a Resource Support Centre to build capacity of voluntary disability organisations.
- To progress the implementation of the Cost of Disability Payment.
The actions we have identified are the essential building blocks to commence the implementation of the NDS and to deliver the commitments made to people with disabilities in the Programme for Government. In Estimates and Budget 2008 we will state that 'it should be seen as central to the many submissions made by voluntary disability organisations'. I hope that you can attend the event and help to make it a success. This is also an important opportunity for your organisations to make contact with members of the Oireachtas either on the day or locally.
The launch of our Pre-Budget Submission 'Delivering the Commitment: Estimates and Budget 2008' will take place in Oak Room of the Dublin Mansion House on 3rd October 2007 at 12.00 noon.
John Dolan
Disability Federation of Ireland National Conference
- Date: 21st & 22nd November 2007
- Venue: The Portlaoise Heritage Hotel, Portlaoise
- "We Can't Opt Out Of The Future."
Voluntary disability organisations have been to the forefront of promoting the inclusion and wellbeing of people with disabilities. They have a critical role to play in assisting people with disabilities to gain access, as equal citizens to all aspects of Irish life; this includes the provision of specialist services and in enabling people with disabilities to access services available to members of the public.
The conference focuses on the continued importance and changing role of disability organisations in the new environment being shaped by the Government's commitments in the National Disability Strategy (NDS) and 'Towards 2016' to the mainstreaming of supports and services to people with disabilities. A key tool to achieving this goal will be the ability of all organisations both voluntary and statutory to work better together.
'Towards 2016' states that
"every person with a disability would …in conformity with their needs and abilities, have access to appropriate care, health, education, employment and training and social services…be supported to enable them, as far as possible, to lead full and independent lives, to participate in work and in society and to maximise their potential."
There are already many examples of joint working in the delivery of supports and services for people with disabilities. This conference aims to build upon this experience and to explore:
- the centrality of joint working to the delivery of the NDS;
- give an overview of different ways and means of joint working;
- discuss joint working in Irish context;
- identify what supports and what hinders joint working, and
- allow organisations a time to learn from one another's experiences and concerns in relation to joint working.
The NDS and 'Towards 2016' offers a roadmap for the future supports and services to people with disabilities. This conference will assist organisations to prepare for this future.
Who Should Attend?
Representatives from voluntary disability organisations or statutory agencies interested in delivery of supports and services to people with disabilities.
Further information and booking details to follow.
For queries please email: conference@disability-federation.ie.
Voluntary Disability Organisations Complaints Procedure
DFI recently attended a HSE meeting on the obligations of voluntary organisations under the Health Act 2004. According to the HSE, a voluntary organisation has obligations under Part 9 of the Act, which concerns the establishment of complaints procedures, if it:
- Received funding under Section 38 of the Act,
- Received funding under Section 39 of the Act, or
- Used HSE facilities, for example to hold meetings.
At this meeting with the HSE it was noted all organisations covered by Part 9 of the Health Act are obliged to ensure their complaints procedure is compliant with the Act. The HSE noted that it is expected that organisations covered under this Act will report annually on the complaints handled, commencing in 2007.
The HSE suggest that those organisations that already have a complaints system in place should submit information on this to the HSE [email nicolaj.williams@mailq.hse.ie] to confirm compliance with the requirements of the Act.
For organisations that do not yet have a complaints system the HSE offer information sessions where HSE officers will explain the implications of Part 9 of the Health Act for the voluntary sector.
Each session will cover the key complaints provisions in the Health Act, the HSE's complaints policy and procedures, issues relevant to voluntary organisations and requirements for recording and reporting complaints. There will be time for questions and answers.
Five information sessions are scheduled to take place in a variety of locations:
- Tuesday 25th September: Stewart's Hospital, Palmerstown at 11.00 am
- Tuesday 25th September: Stewart's Hospital, Palmerstown at 2 pm
- Thursday 27th September: Maternity Unit, University College, New Castle Road, Galway at 11.00 am
- Monday 1st October: Cork, venue TBC , Time: 11.00 am
- Tuesday 16th October: DFI, Fumbally Court, Dublin 8 at 11.00 am
- Thursday 29th November: Clarion Hotel, Sligo, Time: TBC
If an organisation plans to send someone to an information meeting, please email with the subject line 'Complaints Procedure' to info@disability-federation.ie by Friday 21st September, indicating the name of the person attending and their first and second preference amongst the five sessions.
Please contact Lillian Buchanan, Support officer at DFI, (01 4250127) if you have any questions.
Independent Needs Assessment Update
Independent Needs Assessment (INA) National Implementation group (0-5 year) has held three meetings to date.
The group comprises key HSE personnel, two Lead Local Health Managers for Disability and Patricia McLarty from James O'Grady's staff, representatives from Federation of Voluntary Bodies, Inclusion Ireland, Not For Profit Business Association (Enable Ireland & CRC ), PwDI and DFI (Toni Gleeson, SO and Catherine Byrne, KARE.
This group has been convened to:
- Provide a national over-view and direction to support the cohesive and effective delivery of the provisions of the Disability Act in each LHO;
- Focus on the key issues and approaches taking a high level view of what needs to be achieved, and
- The initial focus will be on children under five.
The remit of the group will include the following:
- To support each LHO in putting in place arrangements to deliver on the requirement under the Disability Act to provide an Assessment of Need for all children regardless of address or presentation;
- To ensure that a consistent process of engagement is put in place at LHO level or where transitional arrangements apply at former Health Board Area levels, which include all service providers in a partnership format, to agree local plans to meet the requirements of the Disability Act;
- To ensure consistency in the way the requirements of the Act are delivered across 32 LHOs;
- To ensure that the legal requirements under the Disability Act are realised in the context of an Assessment of Need as part of a continuum leading on to effective high quality and timely interventions;
- To endeavour to ensure that the requirement to provide Assessments of Need within clear timeframes does not impact negatively on the timely provision of effective high quality interventions, and
- To support the reconfiguration of statutory and non-statutory services to align with Primary Care Teams and Primary and Social Care networks and with the aims of the PCCC Transformation Programme.
To date the group has received and discussed the eligibility criteria for assessment of need as developed by new Assessment Officers;
The IT (Information technology) requirement to accommodate and report on the assessment process is currently being developed. An interim system that allows for reporting of the numbers of people accessing assessment and their stage within the process in already in place
If you have any comment or query about the INA or the work of the National Implementation Group please contact Toni Gleeson, SO, at tonigleeson@disability-federation.ie
Children's Steering Group Update
The Department of Health and Children (DoHC) and HSE has provided key information points regarding the work of the Steering Group on social policy reviewing children.
On the health side, these included issues around access and transition to independent living for young people with disabilities, health promotion and nutrition policy, child and adolescent mental health teams, research on children as carers, databases of obesity trends and secondary paediatric services outside of Dublin.
The following is an update on the progress in these areas.
Independent living for young people with disabilities
The HSE currently provides a range of services for young people with disabilities to assist their transition to independent living. These are provided in conjunction with other Government Departments such as Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, the Department of Social and Family Affairs, the Department of Arts, Culture and Gaeltacht and the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. The services include, but are not limited to: assisted living skills, home support and personal assistance services, advocacy and mentoring services and respite care services.
Health Promotion and Nutrition Policies
After significant deliberation in terms of how best to approach the development of a new health promotion policy, it has been decided that an inter-Departmental approach is the most appropriate way of ensuring that health promotion policy will adequately address the full complexity of health determinants, many of which lie outside the remit of the health sector. Accordingly the development of policy in this area will be progressed in the context of the inter-sectoral work on chronic disease prevention that has recently been tasked by the Government to the Senior Officials Group on Social Inclusion. The Department will shortly bring proposals to the Senior Officials Group on Social Inclusion on how best to proceed with this inter-sectoral work.
The DoHC is continuing work on the drafting of its Nutrition Policy with a view to publication in the latter part of this year.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Teams
Concerning the issue of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Teams and their position in the roll-out of Primary Care Teams (PCTs), it is envisaged a key worker from the PCT will act as the link person between the services. Child and adolescent mental health services will be provided at a network level, providing services and support to a number of PCTs within a given area.
Children as carers
The Office of the Minister for Children is committed to delivering a study of children as carers.
Database of obesity trends
The development of a database to monitor childhood obesity trends will be put to public tender by the Department in the coming weeks. It is envisaged that this childhood obesity database will be an ongoing surveillance initiative and that it will be linked into a multi - country World Health Organisation (WHO) Europe project.
Review of secondary paediatric services outside Dublin
Following publication of the 'Children's Health First' report the HSE has identified the need to develop policy and a model of care for secondary paediatric services. The Executive's primary focus to date this year has been the completion of the work of the Transition Group overseeing the development of the new National Paediatric Hospital and, in particular, the development of a High Level Framework Brief for the new hospital. However the Executive also plans to progress consideration of secondary paediatric service requirements nationally during the remainder of 2007. This review will be informed by the 'Children's Health First' provisions and by the High Level Framework Brief for the new National Paediatric Hospital. In common with the approach taken in other recent service reviews, it is likely that there will be provision for stakeholder engagement regarding progression of this review.
Garda Vetting Update
Over thepast months DFI members were asked to participate in a needs analysis with regards to their future Garda vetting requirement. We will meet with the Garda in October to discuss the outcome of our research. Following that we will communicatewith DFI organisations how we can progress this important issue.
For further information, please contact Marcus Hufsky, DFI Support Officer (contact details on back page).
Review of Department of Health and Children's Sectoral Plan DFI Submission
Government has committed to a review of the current Department of Health and Children's Sectoral Plan in 2007. DFI is preparing a Submission to the Review process which will be sent to the DoHC shortly.
An important point to note for the review process is that, in its current form, the Sectoral Plan relates to disability specific services and developments. The new Sectoral Plan must reflect current Government policy of population health. This policy was acknowledged by the Minister for Health and Children in her Foreword to the current Sectoral Plan, where she noted that:
"The overall goal of the health services is to maintain and improve the health of the entire population, including people with disabilities………………the development of this Sectoral Plan [is] an important opportunity to ensure that the needs of people with disabilities are considered in all health policy planning and service delivery processes."
This must be to ensure that the relationship between current Government policy of mainstreaming services, in the context of primary, community and continuing care. To date this has not happened, and DFI would expect that the reviewed plan will set out details mapping the roll out of the Sectoral Plan with the roll-out of primary, continuing and community care, and that procedures will be put in place in the review to ensure that, amongst other issues, the broader health issues for people with disabilities will be addressed. DFI's Submission will set out these and other concerns in relation to the current Plan.
National Disability Strategy Developments
Analysis of NDS Commitments
The Disability Stakeholders Group (DSG), which meets senior Government Officials twice a year to monitor progress implementing the National Disability Strategy, contracted with Ralaheen Ltd. to conduct some research. Ralaheen's analysis, including a listing of specific commitments by each of the six Government Departments is presented in five briefings:
- Introductory Note
- Sectoral Plans Commitments
- Listing of Agencies and Officials
- Commentary of Gaps and Timescales
- Monitoring and Tracking Observations
Voluntary organisations may find the Rahaleen material useful for identifying and then tracking specific items of concern to their members as well as for the commentary about gaps in the plans and about monitoring implementation of the commitments.
A copy of the Ralaheen document has been sent to DFI member organisations. We welcome any comment on it to: info@disability-federation.ie with 'Ralaheen' in the subject line.
Progress in Implementing NDS
DFI is evaluating the second Progress Report on implementing the National Disability Strategy submitted to the National Disability Strategy Stakeholder Monitoring Group in July as well as the more detailed documents provided by the each six Government Departments. The aim is to measure the pace and scope of change and identify any barriers that need to be addressed.
In addition this research will be used by DFI in tracking progress implementing commitments in the social partnership fora.
Some areas where progress has been reported that are of interest to the voluntary sector include:
- Commencement of the Independent Needs Assessment (INA) for children with disabilities under 5 years of age;
- Establishment of a 'Bridging Initiatives Working Group' for people with disabilities moving from rehabilitative training to vocational training;
- Extension of full Disability Allowance to 2,700 people resident in institutions;
- An Post programming work to ensure accessibility to the company's branch post offices;
- Local Authority NDS implementation plans to be published in 2007;
- Review of Part M of the Building Regulations (about access) well advanced;
- Announcement of the replacements for the Disabled Persons Grant.
A copy of the Progress Report document will be available shortly on the DFI website.
Assessment of Need Protocol between Housing Authorities and HSE
A protocol has been published that sets out the code of conduct governing the engagement process to be undertaken between local authority and HSE staff. It sets out how the staff will co-operate in relation to the services provided by housing authorities for persons with disabilities. The focus is on those aged less than five years who have been assessed by the HSE under the INA, and are identified as likely to require housing support. The protocol will be subject to periodic review in tandem with the extension of INA to all age groups.
The protocol seeks to ensure that, with the approval of the person with disabilities or their representative, that information about needs gets to the relevant authority who in turn is responsible for informing the person about the housing support options available. It does not address issues of eligibility or priority. Details of the protocol can be viewed at
DFI Review of Sectoral Plan Implementation by the Department of Health and Children
DFI is finalising its submission to the forthcoming review of the Department of Health and Children's Sectoral Plan under the Disability Act 2005 . When completed, the document will be placed on DFI's website.
National Housing Strategy for People with Disabilities
The Sectoral Plan of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government committed to develop a National Housing Strategy for People with Disabilities and this was reaffirmed in 'Towards 2016'.
The Strategy is
"to support the provision of tailored housing and housing supports for people with disabilities, including in particular having regard to adults with significant disabilities and people who experience mental illness."
According to the Sectoral Plan a National Group will progress this strategy. The Group will be headed by the Department and involve the DoHC, the HSE, social partners and other relevant stakeholders including the NDA.
The Department has asked the six members of the National Stakeholders Group to nominate representatives. Those members are DFI, Not for Profit, Mental Health Ireland, PWDI, Federation of Voluntary Bodies, Inclusion Ireland. Martin Naughton is DFI's nominee. In addition, the representative on behalf of the Community and Voluntary Pillar is Frank Goodwin of the Carers' Association. The first meeting will take place at the end of September.
Disability Support Service Guidelines for School Principals City of Dublin VEC
The Minister of State at the Department of Education and Science, Seán Haughey, TD, launched the City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee's (CDVEC) Disability Support Service Guidelines for school principals. The launch took place at Coláiste Dhúlaigh in Coolock.
The Guidelines aim to provide Principals and their staff with easily accessible information on the different aspects of the services provided to students with disabilities in a Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) setting. The Guidelines will be available on the CDVEC website shortly.
Women's Health Council Annual Report 2006
The Women's Health Council (WHC), a state agency to promote health and social gain for women, has renewed a call for the incorporation of a gender perspective into mainstream health policy and the implementation of positive action measures to ensure that the health of women in this country is promoted and protected in line with the objectives of the National Women's Strategy 2007-2016.
The full text of the Women's Health Council's annual report is available on the website:
Grants for Physical Activity and Sport for Older People
Go for Life is the national programme for sport and physical activity for older people and is an Age & Opportunity initiative funded by the Irish Sports Council. Any local group seeking to provide increased opportunities for older people to participate in sport and physical activity may apply for a grant.
Grants range from €500 - €3,000 and are typically used by groups to purchase equipment or so that members may explore a new sporting activity.
Application Forms are now available from:
Go for Life
c/o Age & Opportunity
Marino Institute of Education
Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9.
Tel: 01 805 7733 or email gfl@mie.ie.
Details and Application Forms are also available from Age & Opportunity at
www.olderinireland.ie and from the Irish Sports Council www.irishsportscouncil.ie.
Closing date for receipt of applications is 5.00pm on Thursday 18th October, 2007.
The Community Foundation for Ireland's grant making process
The Community Foundation for Ireland's grant making process is one step in a cycle of philanthropy that exists to assist and complement the work of charitable organisations in Ireland. During the period 1999-2005 circa €1,000,000 was awarded in grants to almost five hundred community & voluntary groups throughout Ireland. In 2006, almost 300 groups have benefited from the support of the Foundation and its donors.
Many community or voluntary group could qualify for grant support. Read the "Grant Making Policy and Guidelines" on www.communityfoundation.ie/grants to see if you qualify to apply for a grant.
Grant information and application guidelines are also available from The Community Foundation for Ireland's office at (01) 8747354.
The final 2007 closing date for receipt of grant applications is November 30th.
The Community Foundation for Ireland
32 Lower O'Connell Street
Dublin 1
CHY 13967
Tel: +353 (0) 1 874 7354
Fax: +353 (0) 1 874 7637
Email: admin@foundation.ie
Visit our website: www.communityfoundation.ie
Diversifying your Funding
The Wheel has organised a workshop on funding. It is an opportunity to learn from the experience of others and adopt or adapt their ideas to your own organisation. The workshop will be as interactive as possible, combining the sharing of experiences and learning with information about new ideas to try.
- Date: 17th October
- Time: 9.30 am - 1.00 pm
- Venue: Carmelite Community Centre, Aungier Street, Dublin 2.
- Fees: Members of The Wheel: €35; Non-members: €70.
- Places at this workshop will be limited so early registration is necessary.
For further information, please contact:
The Wheel,
Irish Social Finance Centre,
10 Grattan Crescent,
Dublin 8
Tel: (01) 454 8727
Email: info@wheel.ie
Web: www.wheel.ie
Access Expertise
Meet with two of the Wheel's senior managers and seize this opportunity to raise issues of governance, legislation or operations. Ask questions, get answers!
This member briefing will also be an opportunity to provide feedback to The Wheel on its membership services and to help determine new developments to meet needs in Dublin.
Events will be held on the following dates from 6 pm to 7.30 pm:
- Galway 26th September
- Dublin 2nd October
- Kilkenny 9th October
- Sligo 7th November
- Cork 21st November
- Letterkenny 11th December
These members only briefings are free but registration is essential.
For further information, please contact:
The Wheel,
Irish Social Finance Centre,
10 Grattan Crescent,
Dublin 8
Tel: (01) 454 8727,
Email: info@wheel.ie
Web: www.wheel.ie
General Information
Cork Service Directory
The new edition of the Green Book, a directory of statutory, community & voluntary sector services in Cork, is now available. For copies, please contact the Department of Social & Family Affairs (021) 4270055
Centre for Excellence in Universal Design
The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD) was established by the National Disability Authority (NDA) in January 2007. The Centre is dedicated to the principle of universal access, enabling people in Ireland to participate in a society that takes account of human difference and to interact with their environment to the best of their ability.
For further information, please contact:
Centre for Excellence in Universal Design
National Disability Authority
25 Clyde Road
Dublin 4
Tel: (01) 608 0456
Fax: (01) 660 9935
Email: info@ceud.ie
PPR Project Website Launch
The Participation and the Practice of Rights (PPR) Project website has been launched. It contains information about the human rights based approach, progress of the PPR Project's work in North Belfast and North Dublin, keep up to date with conferences and events and access a wealth of information and resources. The web address is: www.pprproject.org.
Irish Sign Language Awareness Week
Irish Sign Language Awareness week will take place from the 22nd - 28t h of Sept 2007. The Irish Deaf Society is organising a range of activities including an ISL Parade, ISL Cultural Evening, Coffee morning and opportunities to learn ISL. For more information, go to www.deaf.ie
Irish Council for Social Housing Recruitment Service
The Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH ) has recently started to offer a recruitment service whereby housing associations and other organisations in the social housing and voluntary sector can place job advertisements on the newly re-launched ICSH website: www.icsh.ie. The cost of this service is €100 to ICSH affiliated members of the ICSH and €150 to non-ICSH affiliated members.
Should you have any further queries please contact:
Catherine McGillycuddy,
Membership Support Officer
Irish Council for Social Housing
50 Merrion Square East
Dublin 2
Tel: 01 6618334
Fax: 01 6610320
Web: www.icsh.ie
Researching Children's Worlds Conference Sharing Knowledge to Improve Action
The HSE Population Health: Children and Young People's Team in association with the HRB, NUIG, and UCD are pleased to announce the Researching Children's Worlds Conference. The conference topic is 'Sharing Knowledge to Improve Action'.
- Date: 6th & 7th November 2007
- Venue: Ardilaun Hotel, Taylor's Hill, Galway
Who should attend?
This conference is for researchers and those commissioning and implementing research on children.
Please visit www.researchingchildrensworlds.com for further information.
Innovation in Services & Supports for People with Intellectual Disability
The National Federation of Voluntary Bodies has organised a two day conference which will reflect on innovative practice in services and supports to people with intellectual disability in contemporary Ireland. It will showcase many excellent examples of innovative practice in Ireland while also drawing on the experience of a range of top class international contributors.
- Dates: Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th October 2007
- Venue: Hotel Kilkenny, Kilkenny
- Keynote Speaker: Dr. John O'Brien, Inclusion Associates, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Any queries can be made to Caroline Looney or Mary Barrett at caroline.looney@fedvol.ie or mary.barrett@fedvol.ie or by telephone 091 792316
Understanding, Working And Living With The Spectrum Of Autism
The Centre for the Development of Autism Practice (CDAP) is holding a one day seminar. The seminar will explore the range of difficulties, differences and strengths associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In particular it will focus on differences in thinking and sensory processing, with practical strategies to accommodate these differences in the home, school or workplace.
- Date: 25th September 2007
- Time: 9.30 - 4.30
- Venue: Jury's Cork Hotel
Although there is a designated fee for parents this can be negotiated, based on individual circumstances, as CDAP is committed to supporting families. For full details, please check www.aspire-irl.org
St. Michael's House National Conference
St. Michael's House are organising, 'Are We Delivering Outcomes?' A National Conference'
This Conference will highlight the work of the Delivering Outcomes to People Project, and will take place on 27th & 28 November 2007, at the Tullamore Court Hotel. Please, put this date in your diaries now! It will hopefully be an opportunity for all the agencies being accredited during 2007 to celebrate the good work being done by their services.
For further information, please contact: Oonagh Hayes on 01-8086411 or email oonagh.hayes@smh.ie
Margaret Farrell on 01-8086402 or margaretfarrell@smh.ie
The final programme will soon be available on www.outcomestopeople.ie
Life Choices Seminar 2007 Organised by IASBAH
A Multidisciplinary Approach to the transition from Paediatric to Adult Medical Services
- Venue: Mullingar Park Hotel
- Date: 12th & 13th October
- Time: 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
To establish 'Best Practice' procedures in the transition from paediatrics to adult medical services.
Addresses will be given by national and international experts in the field, followed by round table discussions.
Day One will centre on the problems encountered by professionals and those involved in health management in the disability sector.
Day two will centre on the problems encountered by parents and individuals who have or will be transferring from paediatric to adult medical services.
For more information contact IASBAH at 01 457 2329
Early Childhood Intervention Conference
The National Institute for Intellectual Disability, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Sunfield Training and University of Limerick present the Early Childhood Intervention Conference
Speakers include:
Professor Barry Carpenter, CEO, Sunfield, UK
Dr. Patricia Champion, Champion Centre, Christchurch, New Zealand
- Date: Thursday, 25th October
- Time: 9.30 am to 4.00 pm
- Venue: The National Institute for Intellectual Disability, Trinity College Dublin
4th Floor, 3 College Green, Dublin 2 - Cost: €100, unwaged participants €20
For booking ph: 01 8963885 or email akenned@tcd.ie
Lisa Bassett Memorial Walk Brainwave— The Irish Epilepsy Association
- Venue: Tullamore
- Date: Sunday 30th September 2007
- Time: 2.00 pm
Lisa died on 1st June 2005 from SUDEP [Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy]. The walk will highlight epilepsy and help raise much needed funds for Brainwave The Irish Epilepsy Association. Funds raised will go towards the production of an epilepsy booklet specifically for children.
For Sponsorship cards and more details please ring Margaret Bassett on 057 9328631 or 086 4022518
DFI Newsletter Information
DFI Newsletters are available for download from our website:
Send newsletter submissions by e-email to:
Send newsletter subscription requests by e-email to: