National Disability Strategy Recession Implementation Charter

Issued on October 8 2009

The National Disability Strategy, (NDS), as set out in "Towards 2016" and the "Agreed Programme for Government", embodies the commitment of Government, and the Irish people, to put to right the past exclusion of people with disabilities and mental health needs and to ensure their full and equal participation in all aspects of life in Ireland. "Towards 2016" acknowledges that the needs of people with disabilities form part of the overall lifecycle framework which commits to advancing social inclusion through the provision of person centred services and supports to all members of the public.

In the context of the current recession voluntary disability organisations, working with and on behalf of disabled people, are gravely concerned to ensure

  • That any cuts in public and social service expenditure do not dilute or eradicate the commitments given in the National Disability Strategy.
  • That developments, and investment, to date be fully protected and built upon
  • That people with disabilities and their families do not bear the brunt of retaining Ireland's standard of living.
  • That when the eventual economic upturn occurs that the NDS is well positioned to significantly advance in tandem with it.

To this end we are strongly committed to

  • Ensuring that the vision and long term goals of the NDS are fully advanced
  • To working in collaboration with each other, with Government, and with the broader public and social service agencies and
  • That value for money and innovation approaches are maximised.

As a matter of urgency we are calling on Government

  • To restate the priority status that it has given to disability,
  • To ensure that the Budget is prepared and delivered within that context and
  • In partnership with the broad voluntary disability sector, including people with disabilities their families and carers, to actively support and promote the NDS during the remainder of the recession by implementing a whole of Government "NDS Recession Implementation Plan"

8th October 2009


CIL Carmichael House
Disability Federation of Ireland
Federation of Voluntary Bodies
Genetic & Rare Disorders Organisation
Inclusion Ireland
Irish Mental Health Coalition
Neurological Alliance of Ireland
People with Disabilities in Ireland
Care Alliance Ireland