NDS Implementation Plan Needs To Be In Place by End May 2011

Issued on May 1 2011

We are coming into May, and we are now one third of the way through the year, and the new Government has been in place since early March.

The Government has made a number of specific and very welcome commitments to people with disabilities across a wide range of areas from legislation in relation to mental capacity and universal design, introducing standards and personal budgets, a commitment to achieving greater participation in employment, training, education and other areas.

To achieve these and the other commitments the Government states that, “we will reform the delivery of public services to bring about back office savings that will protect front line services……We will publish, following wide consultation, a realistic implementation plan for the National Disability Strategy.”

We all know of, and have agreed to, the outcomes to be delivered by the NDS: sufficient income to live on, access to the full range of public and social services, etc. But right now we need the “implementation plan”, along with the mechanisms to support it.

Much work was done over the winter by DFI and the Disability Stakeholders Group (DSG) working with senior officials from a number of Government Departments, including the Taoiseach’s Department, to fashion that implementation plan. That plan can be, and needs to be, completed and signed off urgently otherwise those worthy and necessary commitments will go the way of many before them for want of an effective whole of Government implementation plan.

This plan should be completed and in operation by the end of May. It is possible to do this, given the considerable work undertaken to date.

John Dolan CEO


DFI Announces New Exclusive Board Effectiveness Review Service for Member Organisations

DFI is pleased to announce that it has partnered with Ray Nulty & Company to offer DFI member organisations an exciting opportunity to avail of an exclusive new Board Effectiveness Review service.

Charities are coming under increasing pressure from grant aiding organisations, sponsors and other major supporters, to ensure their corporate governance meets best practice for the not-for-profit sector. Charities are potentially facing major funding cuts unless they get their house in order.

The Boards of charitable organisations are also facing other critical issues, which are increasingly challenging and require them to achieve new standards of excellence. For example

  • Directors’ / trustees’ legal and regulatory duties are onerous,
  • Competition for funding and volunteers are intense,
  • The diversity and depth of skills required to provide effective leadership and direction is significant
  • There is an increasing need to better manage external stakeholder relations.

The Board Effectiveness Review is a comprehensive service that will assist the Board to better respond to the critical challenges it faces, identifying areas for improvement, development priorities and benefits.

With the difficulties of the current climate in mind, the Board Effectiveness Review is being offered at a significantly discounted DFI member rate of €1,200 (+VAT and outlays).

Further information, including a detailed flyer, is available on the DFI website at http://disability-federation.ie/index.php?uniqueID=221 .

Please feel free to contact Dr. Ray Nulty on 087 054 1416, raynulty@raynulty.com or Gréag Purcell on 087 858 0060, gpurcell@raynulty.com .

You can also contact your DFI Support Officer in the usual way or at (01) 454 7978

Do You Have an Effective Board?

Dr. Ray Nulty

From many quarters, there is a growing cry for more accountability and better performance from charitable Boards. This is not only due to the inherent importance of Boards’ fiduciary and moral responsibilities but, also, to the visible consequences of inadequate governance, closer scrutiny by stakeholders and growing evidence that effective governance contributes positively to good organisational performance.

There are, of course, many factors beyond quality of governance that affect the performance of charities. These include the calibre of staff and the CEO, the effectiveness of member services, funding, and so on. However, governmental agencies, donors, sponsors and other stakeholders are recognising that the quality of governance is important, and they are pressing for higher standards and better board performance.

The characteristics of an effective Board include:

  • A philosophy and set of policies that support the governance structure and functions within the organisation.
  • A clear, consistent understanding by the Board and CEO of the Board’s role, responsibilities, authority and organisational relationships.
  • Sustained organisational commitment to a solid board development program.
  • The support and leadership of a Chair who is committed to building a strong governance structure and practices.
  • A sound structure and adequate resources to assist the Board and its committees.
  • On-going access to important information, coupled with well-constructed board and committee agendas that focus the Directors’ time and energy on key governance priorities.
  • Core governance processes that are well-designed and reviewed regularly to identify opportunities for improvement.
  • A Board culture that is characterised by proactive engagement of its Directors, a consistent pattern of constructive dialogue and debate, and enlivened decision-making processes.

Board leaders and CEOs who share a commitment to improving the quality of governance in their organisations may wish to consider the following steps:

  • First, they are encouraged to initiate and complete a serious re-examination of their Board, including how it is organised, what it does and how it does it. To be useful, such a review should be thorough. This requires strong Chair and CEO leadership, the Board’s willingness to look at itself objectively, and readiness to make changes. Without these ingredients, a review process is likely to have minimum benefit.
  • Second, trustees need to reflect on their review findings and decide what kind of board they want to have and what it will take to achieve that vision. If the re-examination has been thoughtful, it is unlikely that the status quo will seem satisfactory.
  • Third, Boards and CEOs should set clear priorities and timetables for strengthening their governance processes. The priorities and timetable for these changes should be pragmatic; revamping governance processes takes time and effort, and everything cannot be done at once. Responsibilities and expectations should be clearly defined, with specific target dates for progress reports and formal recommendations.
  • Fourth, the Chair should assign long-term responsibility for building a Board development program to a standing committee. The overall re-examination outlined above will yield valuable insights and produce some important building blocks that can be acted upon promptly. However, Board development should be viewed as an on-going process.

For all of these steps, strong leadership by Board officers and firm support from the CEO and the management team are essential. Effective governance is rewarding in many ways, but it is hard work and requires sustained leadership and organisational support. Boards that embrace a real commitment to continuous improvement and that invest the necessary effort will increase their ability to provide effective governance for their organisation. Their members and community will receive the benefits.

Dr. Ray Nulty is currently partnering with DFI to provide the Board Effectiveness Review to Boards of DFI member organisations as part of the DFI Membership Development Programme. Ray Nulty is Chair of the Irish Reynaud’s & Scleroderma Society and is currently joint Chair of the Strategy Planning & Governance Committee for the HSE Community Games. He holds a doctorate in strategic planning and a doctorate in scenario planning. For further information, please visit www.raynulty.com

The Importance of the Chair – CEO Relationship

Maeve Halpin, Social and Organisational Psychologist

Profound changes have impacted the Community and Voluntary Sector in recent years, including requirements for greater accountability, transparency and regulatory compliance. The demands on voluntary Board members have greatly increased, with a high degree of expertise in many areas now being required. While numerous guidelines are available on governance practice and procedures, there is a dearth of information and advice on the management of the relationship between the CEO and the Board Chair, arguably the most pivotal relationship in the entire organisation.

Any successful organisation requires both positions to be filled by dynamic, dedicated and competent people who are skilled at strategic planning, people management and communication. Unless the separate roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, there can be an inherent conflict of interest, with two strong people competing for the role of organisational leader. The balance of power between the CEO and the Chair should be not be determined by personality, but should be clearly established and documented, based on objective best practice criteria.

Clarifying Roles

The Chair is responsible for leadership of the Board, ensuring that all Board Directors contribute effectively and appropriately. Any confusion over the roles of individual Board Directors should be clarified by the Chair. Job descriptions for officers and ordinary Board Directors should be agreed at Board level. Board Directors do not, for instance, have any input into staff management or other operational issues. The Board is required to function at a strategic level, including deciding on policy, vision and values, ensuring financial oversight, identifying risks and monitoring progress against agreed targets. It is the Chair''s responsibility to ensure that the Board comprises individuals who, collectively, possess the combined skills sets necessary for good governance in a complex and rapidly-changing environment. The Chair''s role is, often, building a consensus from what can be very different initial points of view, requiring diplomacy, leadership and the ability to keep one''s ego in check.

The job of the CEO is to implement the vision, mission and strategic plan as agreed by the Board. The Chair provides support and advice as required, without assuming a direct management role vis-a-vis the CEO. This is a nuanced and delicate balance, requiring mutual trust and respect. If the CEO''s regular report to the Board is structured in terms of the agreed strategic objectives, this allows for greater clarity in assessing the progress of the organisation. Personality differences will be minimised if objective criteria are used in defining and documenting areas of responsibility.

Team Working

The Chair provides the key link between the Board and management, so the Chair - CEO relationship is crucial. The Chair''s communication to the CEO should reflect the consensus of the board rather than the Chair''s personal views. The Chair should help set a positive tone for Board feedback to the CEO while, at the same time, not avoiding difficult discussions. The Chair should not jeopardize the CEO''s credibility as the leader of the company, or erode the power or authority of the CEO. For example, if the Chair is to speak in public, it should be as part of an agreed communications strategy. The CEO is responsible for staff performance and all other executive functions of the organisation, as well as keeping the Board informed of progress as measured against agreed targets.

There can be on-going or periodic difficulties within the Chair - CEO relationship, depending on situations and the individuals involved. External Support provides an opportunity, in a confidential, one-to-one setting, to discuss these issues and to generate productive and effective approaches to relationship development.

Maeve Halpin is a practising counsellor and Social and Organisational Psychologist, with many years’ experience in the Community and Voluntary sector, latterly as Chair of the Carmichael Centre for Voluntary Groups. In conjunction with Maeve, DFI have launched an External Supervision and Support Service for staff and Boards of DFI member groups. More information is available at http://www.disability-federation.ie/index.php?uniqueID=215 .

HR & Employment Law Update

Disability Federation of Ireland, in conjunction with Adare Human Resource Management, has in place a support structure for member organisations to avail of discounted Human Resource and Employment Law Support Services, exclusively for DFI members.

Employment Status

It is important to be able to distinguish an Employee from a self employed contractor. A self employed person is not an Employee and does not, therefore, enjoy many of the rights bestowed upon Employees, e.g. protection from Unfair Dismissal, paid Annual Leave. However, a risk often exists that a self employed contractor may be deemed an Employee due to the relationship they hold with an Organisation. Care should always be taken to ensure that the lines do not become blurred and that an individual’s status is clearly defined.

Some of the important factors which may influence the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) or The Labour Court in making a decision whether an individual is an Employee or not may include the following; whether the person pays their own tax or whether their Employer deducts tax, whether the individual provides their own tools and equipment, the degree of control exercised by the Employer or service user, and other issues related to this such as whether the individual is integrated within the workforce or not. It is important to note that each case will be considered on its own merits, and one single factor rarely has an overriding impact on a case where the employment or self employment status of the individual must be determined. For example, where the Organisation does not make PAYE deductions and PRSI contributions on behalf of an individual, this may not automatically mean that they are not an Employee.

For further information on the HR Support Services provided click on the link below:


Progressing Disability Services for Children and Young People

Many of you will by now be aware of this National Project, which has been approved by HSE senior management, and which will address serious issues with regard to disability services for children and young people. Issues such as inequity of access and a Government policy of mainstreaming are leading to a demand for health services to support inclusion. There is also the rising demand due to population growth and an increase in identification of children with a disability. Current legislation also demands a realignment of education and health service provision.

The Report of the National Reference Group on Multidisciplinary Services for Children aged 5-18 recommended an integrated care model that would allow children, whatever the nature of their disability, to be seen as locally to their home and school as possible; at primary care level when their needs can be met there, and by a network specialist interdisciplinary team if their needs are more complex. The primary and network teams would be supported as appropriate by sub-specialist teams with a high level of expertise in particular fields.


The vision of this project is that every child and their families will have access to required services. There will be equity and consistency across the country. Effective teams will be working in partnership with parents. Resources will be used to the optimum, and the Department of Health and the Department of Education will work jointly to achieve best outcomes for children

This National project is providing a lead and direction to the implementation of the recommendations of the report referred to above.The co-ordinating group comprises key personnel with expertise and direct experience in aspects of Children’s disability services, and works with a project co-ordinator to realise its objectives. The work of the steering group includes

  • Mapping of current services in each Local Health Office/ Integrated Service Areas (LHO/ISA)
  • Communication strategies to ensure all stakeholders are kept informed
  • Detailed planning of necessary structural and operational changes
  • Reconfiguration of existing services

At regional and local level the process is as follows:

  • Lead roles already are, or will shortly be, assigned at regional and locals level with the mandate to direct the process of restructuring services
  • Co-ordinating groups are already or will be set up in each (LHO/ISA) with representatives of all service providers in the area to design and progress local plans

On the 14th April last there was an Information Day and Launch of National Project that took place in the Department of Education and Skills, Marlborough Street, Dublin. The event was chaired by Breda Crehan-Roche Chairperson - National Co-ordinating Group Progressing Disability Services for Children and Young People.

Speakers included: Peter Baldwin Assistant Secretary - Department of Education and Skills, Bairbre Nic Aongusa, Director - Office for Disability and Mental Health Department of Health and Children, Cate Hartigan, Assistant National Director - Disability Services Health Service Executive & Stephen Mulvaney Regional Director of Operations - Health Service Executive Dublin North East. The Co-ordinating group was truly gratified by such strong representation from all leading stakeholders, indicating as it did an unqualified message of support for this project.

There was an overview of background, aims and organisation of the project from Caroline Cantan, who is the Project Co-ordinator, and presentations by Maire O’Leary, CEO, St Gabriel’s Centre together with team members, a parent from Limerick Children’s Disability Services, from Penny O’Connell, Co-ordinator, team members, and a parent from Meath Children’s Disability Service. These were followed by a question and answer session, where delegates displayed an understanding and appreciation of the project. Requests were mostly of a clarification and pragmatic nature. There were, of course, also concerns regarding the retention of services for those children already in receipt of services given the current recession. Parent representatives were assured that children in receipt of services would not be losing any services but that moving forward there would be integration of the planning and delivery of services through the Primary Care Teams initially, through early intervention teams and then on to School Age Teams.

DFI was fortunate to receive several invitations for circulation among members that provide services to children and several of the questions at the event were asked by our member organisations; specifically relating to the involvement and empowerment of parents in the roll out of any services to children in the future.

Presentations and documentation from the event will be circulated in the near future to all members of DFI that provide services to children. If you would like this information and you are not a DFI member or do not currently provide services to children please contact tonigleeson@disabilty-federation.ie for assistance or further information.

Please be aware that regional and local meetings will be organised in the near future. In order to promote your organisation’s work with children and stay in touch with developments, organisations need to ensure that appropriate staff members or volunteers/parents attend. DFI will keep you informed of relevant meetings as they arise.

DFI Workshop ‘How to tender: Detailed Explanations’

The Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) is continuing to develop appropriate training programmes to keep abreast of the latest changes in public sector procurement for our members. We are delighted to offer a half day workshop with our tendering partner, Tender Team, on the important issues of how to compile answers to typical questions asked from the HSE in the provision of disability services.

This workshop is designed to address the current requirements for the completion of tender documents for the HSE. It will assist members in understanding their obligations, and the matters and type of information to be supplied when completing these tenders.

The workshop is based on recent template HSE tenders for the provision of services. Delegates will receive workshop notes as guidance on how to develop responses.

The workshop will take place on the following dates:

  • Wednesday 11th May – NLN Hollyhill, Cork
  • Wednesday 18th May – Clayton Hotel, Galway
  • Thursday 26th May – DFI Offices, Dublin

This event is primarily aimed at Chairpersons, CEO’s, Manager’s and Financial Managers of disability organisations.

The three events are half day seminars commencing at 9am and are offered to organisations from the voluntary disability sector at a greatly discounted fee. The rate for DFI Members is €35.00 /per person whereas the rate for non-members is €50.00/per person.

Places are strictly limited, so early booking is essential. For further information and to request a booking form, please contact; jacquelinegrogan@disability-federation.ie .


Project Team / Workshops on Employment and Income Supports for People with Disabities

It has long been recognised that access to employment is crucial to improving the quality of life and social inclusion of disabled people and to reducing their risk of poverty. People with disabilities are at great risk of further exclusion and poverty where they have extra costs of disability. The challenge of identifying and protecting this cohort within the current welfare system, and growing numbers on disability payments has been recognised.

The establishment of a new Government and the move of certain aspects of FÁS operations to the Department of Social Protection have presented new opportunities to better support disabled people in accessing employment and training services. This was recognised through the on-going engagement between the Department of Social Protection and Disability Stakeholder Group for Social Protection (DSP/DS Group).
Following meetings with Minister Ó Cúiv in November 2010 and January 2011 last there was a resolve to focus our efforts on two areas, namely, protecting income supports, including the issue of the extra costs of disability, and progression/activation to employment. There are many people on the voluntary and statutory side that have expertise and practical knowledge of the barriers and opportunities for people with disabilities and who have a problem solving approach to such matters. It is on that basis that representatives were approached in putting together of a Project Team.

The Project Team has met twice, already and will report on their proposals to the DSG/DS Group so they can be submitted to the Minister for Social Protection well in advance of Budget 2012. This is a new way of working, and we hope that concrete proposals will be made to make real changes to supporting people with disabilities in terms of income support and access to training and employment.

For more information on the Project Team or the work of the DSG/DS Group please contact Louise McCann DFI Support Officer 01 4250126 or louisemccann@disability-federation.ie .

Community Representation Workshops

DFI has been facilitating one-day community representation workshops around the country during March. To date, workshops have taken place in Dublin, Waterford Limerick and Galway, with further workshops planned in Kildare and the midlands in the coming months. Participation is free, and is limited to 30 participants per workshop.

Participants have been drawn from a variety of agencies from the broad community and voluntary sector, as well as the HSE, PWDI and DFI member organisations.

The workshops are facilitated by PJ Cleere DFI Support Officer in the South East, in cooperation with the DFI Support Officers and Support Staff in the regions where the workshops are being held.
Participants are presented with an overview of community representation and how it can be defined, and a presentation on local government structures and how these are linked to the work of the community and voluntary sector at local level. Participants are then engaged in working groups to identify common issues, and to explore how these issues might be tackled cooperatively through the use of existing representation structures at local level.

Key outcomes from each workshop have included the commitment of participants in each of the areas to engage in local follow up meetings with the support of the local DFI Support Officer, to explore how they might work together with local authorities and other agencies to progress the local actions which they had identified. Other outcomes have been the recognition of the need for stronger collaboration between the broader C&V sector and voluntary disability organisations locally in identifying and progressing actions of mutual interest, and an acknowledgement that the C&V sector has a duty to utilise local representation opportunities more constructively. There has also been anecdotal evidence that participating C&V and Disability organisations have already begun to collaborate with each other in sharing resources and skills since the workshops took place.

For further information contact PJ Cleere DFI Support Officer for the South East at pjcleere@disability-federation.ie mobile: 086 3811064

Disability in the New Programme for Government

DFI has written to the TD’s elected to the Dáil on 25th February enclosing a brief on disability policy. Seminars for the political party groupings are being arranged during May to address concerns that TD’s may have, and to establish on-going links with DFI about disability issues.

Letters were also sent to key Ministers, along with DFI’s submission on how the new Government’s commitment to an NDS implementation plan should be approached. In addition we are seeking meetings to progress action as quickly as possible.

DFI’s view is that the management and monitoring structure and processes on which NDS implementation is to rest urgently need to be strengthened. Such reforms should be part of the new Government’s public service reform agenda. When the implementation infrastructure is improved, all stakeholders can focus on the priority measures for achieving better outcomes for people with disabilities.

For further information please contact lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie


New Regulations on Assessing Need for Social Housing

Just as the IWA’s welcome initiative to facilitate people with disabilities (and others) to register on their local authority’s waiting list was launched, a new directive on the assessment process has begun to be applied by the authorities. The IWA’s ‘Operation Sign Up’ can be accessed at http://www.iwa.ie/services/housing/10-steps.aspx

The Government’s regulations can be viewed at www.environ.ie/en/Legislation/DevelopmentandHousing/Housing

DFI is arranging for a round table to take place in May involving Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government (DOECLG) and practitioners in the local authority and voluntary sectors. The session is an opportunity to discuss the interpretation and the implications of the new rules for disabled applicants. The aim is to encourage a disability-aware process across the country that reduces the barriers to registration on housing waiting lists. At the same time DFI continues to advocate measures that increase the supply of housing appropriate for the diverse needs of people, especially for more funding under CAS and the housing adaptation grant schemes.

For further information please contact lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie


Workshop Securing Positive Futures through Social Networks

  • Leading, Educating, Advocating, Planning for People with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism and their families
  • Saturday May 7th 10.00am – 3.30pm
  • Dublin West Education Centre, Old Blessington Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24.
  • Fee 10 Euro per Person Advanced booking is advisable
  • Please contact 087 142 4797 or email leap@ireland.com for further information and pre booking

The Institute of Technology Tralee in Partnership with the CARA Adaptive Physical Activity Centre & Irish Sports Council Present the European Adaptive Physical Activity Conference 6 & 7 May 2012

The Institute of Technology Tralee and the CARA APA Centre are honoured to announce that the European Congress in Adapted Physical Activity (EUCAPA) will take place in Kerry in early May 2012.
This conference would be of special interest to people with disabilities, families and carers, professionals, volunteers or students involved in the area of disability services, sport, recreation or leisure services, physical needs education and health services

For additional information contact Niamh Daffy at the CARA APA Centre on 066 714 5646 or email cara@ittralee.ie . More details about the CARA Centre and the conference brochure can be found on-line at http://www.caraapacentre.ie/4th-national-apa-conference/ .


For information please contact the relevant organisation directly

Support Officers

Disability Federation of Ireland is a national support and representation mechanism for voluntary disability sector organisations, covering all areas of disability and disabling conditions. There are currently over 100 voluntary disability organisations in the DFI Membership.

National Office
Fumbally Court Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8
Tel: 01 454 7978 Fax: 01 494 7981 E: info@disability-federation.ie

Dublin Mid-Leinster
Anthony Carrick
Dun Laoghaire, Dublin South East, Wicklow (Dublin Office),
Mobile: 086 8206736
E: anthonycarrick@disability-federation.ie

Louise McCann
Dublin South City, Dublin South West, Dublin West, Kildare, West Wicklow (Dublin Office)
Mobile: 086 9189750
E: louisemccann@disability-federation.ie

Jacqueline Grogan
Laois, Offaly, Longford, Westmeath (Dublin Office)
Tel: 01 454 7978 Fax: 01 494 7981 E: jacquelinegrogan@disability-federation.ie

Lillian Buchanan
Support Officer – Policy and Research (Dublin Office)
Tel: 01 424 0127
E: lillianbuchanan@disability-federation.ie

Dermot O’Donnell
Support Officer – Support for Organisations (Dublin Office)
Tel: 01-4250125
E: dermotodonnell@disability-federation.ie

Dublin North-East
Joan O’Donnell
Meath, Louth, Cavan, Monaghan (Dublin Office)
Mobile: 086 3834587
E: joanodonnell@disability-federation.ie

Martin Naughton
Dublin North Central, Dublin North West, Dublin North
Mobile: 086 8207196
E: martinnaughton@disability-federation.ie

Michael Corbett,
Galway, Mayo, Roscommon
C/O DFI, Acres, Newport, Co. Mayo,
Tel: 098 41919,
Mobile: 086 3804750,
Fax: 098 41065,
E: michaelcorbett@disability-federation.ie

Marcus Hufsky,
Sligo, Leitrim, Donegal
St. Vincent’s Business Park, Finisklin Road, Sligo
Tel: 071-9150098
Mobile: 086 3811261
E: marcushufsky@disability-federation.ie

Toni Gleeson,
Limerick, North Tipperary, East Limerick, Clare
DFI, The Forge, Croke St. Thurles, Co Tipperary
Mobile: 086 6004526
E: tonigleeson@disability-federation.ie

P.J. Cleere
Carlow, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford, Wexford
DFI, Tinryland, Carlow
Tel: 059 9179431
Mobile: 086 3811064
E: pjcleere@disability-federation.ie

Alison Ryan
Cork, Kerry
101 North Main Street, Cork
Tel: 021 4271752 Mobile 086 3816323
E: a.ryan@disability-federation .


The Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) is the national support organisation for voluntary disability organisations that provide services to people with diverse disabilities and conditions. DFI works to ensure that Irish society is fully inclusive of people with disabilities so that they can exercise fully their civil, social and human rights.

DFI works to ensure that Irish society is fully inclusive of people with disabilities and disabling conditions, hidden, intellectual, neurological, mental health, physical, and sensory, so that they can exercise fully their civil, social and human rights. In pursuit of this vision, DFI

  • Acts as an advocate for the voluntary disability sector
  • Supports organisations to further enable people with disabilities.

There are over 126 organisations within membership or as associates of DFI. DFI also works with a growing number of organisations and groups around the country that have a significant disability interest, mainly from the statutory and voluntary sectors. DFI provides:

  • Information
  • Training and Support
  • Networking
  • Advocacy and Representation
  • Research and Policy Development
  • Organisation and Management Development

DFI also supports the broader voluntary and disability sector through its representation of the disability strand on the Community and Voluntary Pillar of the Social Partnership process and other fora at regional, national and European levels including the Health Service Executive.
For further information go to www.disability-federation.ie

Disability Federation of Ireland, Fumbally Court, Fumbally Lane, Dublin 8
Tel: 01-4547978, Fax: 01-4547981
Email: info@disability-federation.ie Web: www.disability-federation.ie

The Union of Voluntary Organisations of People with Disabilities trading as The Disability Federation of Ireland is a company limited by guarantee not having share capital, registered in Dublin. Registered No 140948, CHY No 6177