Newsletter October 2011
Issued on December 13 2011
Together, as citizens, we are facing the first of three (or more) austerity budgets from Ireland”s new Government. Budget 2012 will reveal what the fundamental values of this Government really are.
We in the disability sector appreciate that resources are tight, and that we all must work “smarter”, but we cannot accept that social justice priorities fly out the window when times get tough. What we cannot and will not accept is that people with disabilities, and the services on which they so greatly depend, are justified targets for budget cuts. When decision-making is driven by fire fighting alone, it destroys social investment and prospects for people with disabilities, even after Ireland eventually extricates itself from fiscal austerity.
DFI warmly welcomed the naming by this Government of disability, including mental health, as its social justice priority. This commitment was reiterated in statements by the Taoiseach and the Tánaiste during the final debate of the election campaign, and in the comprehensive focus on fairness in the Programme for Government. Some eight months later, we call on Government to demonstrate its commitment to these values, of social justice and fairness for people with disabilities, in Budget 2012.
This commitment was reiterated in statements by the Taoiseach and the Tánaiste during the final debate of the election campaign, and in the comprehensive focus on fairness in the Programme for Government. Some eight months later, we call on Government to demonstrate its commitment to these values, of social justice and fairness for people with disabilities, in Budget 2012.
DFI”s Pre-Budget Submission outlines what action is required, in terms of protecting the income supports and services that people with disabilities need in the Budget, and publishing its Implementation Plan for the National Disability Strategy.
Last month, ten national voluntary organisations, including DFI, representing people across the range of disability and disabling conditions, issues a Joint Statement alerting Government to the issues at stake. The Statement is entitled “Preventing Collapse of Ireland”s Disability Strategy”. This is “crunch” time for the new Government. Budget 2012 will be a test. It will test the commitment of Government to protect people with disabilities and other vulnerable groups from carrying the brunt of challenging budgetary decisions.
But it is not just up to Government. We too must, and will, play our part, in working hard to implement a plan to protect the National Disability Strategy, to ensure that, as we move out of recession, services for people with disabilities will have survived and will be ready to make strong progress in the growing economy.
John Dolan