Oireachtas Disability Group pre-budget Submission 2019
Issued on September 5 2018
Oireachtas Disability Group pre-budget Submission 20191
Ireland has ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Now let’s make it a reality in people’s lives. Budget 2019 must:
Commit to a Multi–Annual Investment Programme of €211m each year, for five years 2019-20232 for community services, for people with intellectual, physical, sensory and neurological disabilities. This programme, in keeping with the Articles of the UNCRPD, should include funding for:
• Personal Budgets
• Residential Supports
• Personal Assistant Services
• Home Supports
• Other community services
and supports
• Day services
• Respite Care
• Adult Therapies
Establish the Transport Support Scheme to replace the Mobility Allowance.
As an interim measure, increase the Disability Allowance by €20 per week to combat poverty amongst persons with disabilities.
Commission research at a cost of €500,000 into the extra costs and expenses incurred by persons with disabilities in Ireland.
Commit 7% of all social housing stock in 2019 to the provision of appropriate housing for people with disabilities, provided through both new build and acquisition.
Allocate funding for pay restoration for staff in disability organisations funded under section 39 of the Health Act 2004.
Fund the recruitment of 400 therapy staff for children’s services over the next five years, to alleviate waiting lists for assessments of need.
Fund through Education and Training Boards Disability Expert key contact and support persons for students with disabilities at a cost of €1.5m.
Increase numbers of NEPS psychologists by 20 to progressively achieve target of 238, at cost of €1.6m3.
Introduce an Assistive Technology (AT) Passport at a cost of €1.5m4.
1: The ODG is the Oireachtas Disability Group – a cross party/non-party group of Dáil Deputies and Senators. Chair: Senator John Dolan. Vice-Chair: Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin T.D
2: Based on figures in the HSE Transforming Lives Working Group, ‘Report on Future Needs for Disability Services’. February 2018 As stated in the Programme for a Partnership Government, this also includes the cost of improved administration.
3: As stated in the Programme for a Partnership Government, this also includes the cost of improved administration.
4: The AT Passport can support Assistive Technology users to access the training and supports they need across education, work and independent living.