Pre-budget Submission 2011 Launch in Mansion House, 14th October 2010

Issued on September 30 2010

Pre-budget Submission 2011 Launch in Mansion House, 14th October 2010

The Disability Federation of Ireland Pre-Budget Submission 2011 event will take place in the Mansion House on Thursday 14th October 2010 from 12.30 – 1.30pm.

This event is an opportunity for our Member Organisations to meet with our elected public representatives.

The event is by invitation only so DFI Member Organisations must book through DFI.

Member Organisations can secure their booking by contacting

Places will be limited to two individuals per member organisation and as always on a first come first served bases.

Early booking is recommended as this is always a popular event for our membership.


DFI's Pre-budget submission is available here:

A Research Report Examining the Impact of the Economic Downturn on Voluntary Disability Organisations in Ireland is available here: