Annual Reviews

  1. June 25 2024,

    DFI Annual Report 2023

    Letter from our chairperson Michael Doyle  2023 was a difficult year for DFI member organisations, with staff …

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  2. June 29 2023,

    DFI Annual Report 2022

    A Letter from our Chairperson  2022 was the first year of our new four-year strategic plan with its emphasis on …

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  3. June 9 2022,

    DFI Annual Report 2021

    A Letter from our Chairperson Notwithstanding the ongoing Covid pandemic, DFI achieved a great deal in 2021. One …

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  4. July 15 2021,

    DFI Annual Report 2020

    A Letter from our Chairperson 2020 was the year of Covid for DFI and its organisations. It also brought a new …

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  5. September 11 2020,

    DFI Annual Report 2019

    Letter from our Chairperson   Writing this address in May I cannot ignore the COVID-19 emergency that we find …

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  6. July 11 2019,

    Annual Report 2018

    Download our Report here. 

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  7. June 5 2018,

    Disability Federation of Ireland Annual Review 2017

    Take a look at our new interactive annual review here.

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  8. July 20 2017,

    DFI Annual Review 2016

    It was a year like no other for DFI – a ground breaking general election campaign ‘Disable Inequality’ then …

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  9. September 28 2016, 10:45am

    2015 Annual Review

    The Annual Review is an important opportunity to reflect on the progress of the Strategic Plan 2011 – 2016 and …

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  10. September 28 2014, 10:46am

    2014 Annual Review

    This Annual Review 2014 provides us with an opportunity to reflect on where people with disabilities and their families …

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  11. May 1 2014, 10:35am

    Disability Federation of Ireland 2013 Annual Review

    In the last year our company members received regular updates from the Board on the progress of the implementation of …

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  12. June 19 2013, 02:40pm

    Disability Federation of Ireland Annual Review 2012

    As Chairperson I am pleased to be presenting another Annual Review to you the members of DFI. You receive quarterly …

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  13. February 21 2013, 01:38pm

    2008 Annual Review

    The year under review has seen DFI move from dealing with changes and developments in an environment which we …

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  14. July 1 2012, 10:39am

    Disability Federation of Ireland Annual Review 2011

    During 2011 the Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) worked in a highly charged environment, where three sets of …

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  15. June 1 2011, 06:42pm

    2010 Annual Review

    DFI’s Annual Plan for 2010 stated that ‘The year ahead will be challenging for our member organisations. Our …

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  16. December 31 2009, 11:31am

    2009 Annual Review

    The Board emphasised that the implementation of the 2009 Plan would reference the hugely changed environment. In this …

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  17. June 1 2008, 12:00am

    2007 Annual Review

    Some years are easier to categorise than others. 2005 marked the commencement of the Disability Act. The following year …

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  18. June 1 2007, 12:00am

    2006 Annual Review

    The preceding year, 2005, was groundbreaking, with the enactment of the Disability Act 2005. However, the year under …

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  19. June 1 2006, 12:00am

    2005 Annual Review

    The year under review will be remembered for the enactment of the Disability Act 2005. The Act, as part of the wider …

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  20. June 1 2005, 12:00am

    2004 Annual Review

    The Annual Review of the Disability Federation of Ireland provides an opportunity to highlight the activities of the …

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  21. June 1 2004, 12:00am

    2003 Annual Review

    The Annual Report and Accounts of the Disability Federation of Ireland for 2003 presents an opportunity to highlight …

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